The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1329 Array Master Team

"Let's set up the formation first. With your level, you shouldn't make any mistakes." Du Yu said.

The lightning formation required by the seventh-level formation masters is only the formation of the early seventh-level formations. According to the level of these experienced formation masters, it is impossible to make mistakes.

The greatest use of the Lightning Formation is to attract the surrounding thunder elements. Although it is a seventh-level elementary formation, it is impossible to activate the remaining power of the Divine Weapon Tribulation.

But it can be used as an introduction to activate those forces. What really works is the thunder gathering array arranged by the eighth-level array master.

Having several or even dozens of lightning arrays as inducers can greatly improve their efficiency, thus truly mobilizing this power.

Of course, this is only the second step. If you really want to unleash this power, you have to look at the last step between him and King Ye Yu.

He and Ye Yu Shenwang, two eighth-grade peak formation mages, jointly deployed the eighth-grade peak formation Nine Heavens Thunder Formation to cover all the thunder gathering formations. This was truly completed.

This is already the category of combined formations. Even when the Formation Heart God King was still there, this was just a theory. This was Du Yu's first attempt for the human race.

However, Du Yu was fully confident that he would succeed. After all, he had already known it in his heart. If nothing went wrong, the success rate would be absolutely 100%.

The first to act were the seventh-level formation masters. Under the supervision of the eighth-level formation masters, they worked very quickly. Each formation pattern was carved on the bottom of the abyss, and then formed a circuit.

The amount of this project is not small, because his blueprint is to cover the entire abyss and control all the scattered power of the Divine Weapon Tribulation.

Only in this way can we intercept the armies of the three tribes as much as possible and gain enough time.

As far as the formation is concerned, at least nearly 10,000 lightning formations are needed, but fortunately there are many of them, and with the help of the eighth-level formation master, the layout speed is still very fast.

After arranging all the formation masters, Wan He walked to Du Yu and asked: "President, if all the lightning formations are arranged, it will take at least three days at the current speed. The main trouble is It’s the minefield formation at the back, can we complete it in time before the opponent’s army arrives?”

He was also a little worried that the enemy would be one step ahead of them, and then all these days of hard work would be in vain.

Du Yu put his hands on his hands, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "It is conservatively estimated that we still have more than five days. Five days is enough to complete the task."

Wan He is a little unconvinced. Although he admits that Du Yu is very strong, the number of seventh-level formation mages they have is there. However, with only 3,000 people, it is still very difficult to complete tens of thousands of lightning formations.

The most important thing is the subsequent eighth-level formation, the Thunder Gathering Formation.

If you want to include tens of thousands of thunder gathering arrays, you need at least a hundred or more, and their eighth-level formation mages only have less than 50 people, which means that one person must complete at least two thunder gathering arrays.

This is no small project. No matter how fast it is, it will only take two days.

Judging from the time alone, in five days they could only complete two steps of Du Yu's plan at most.

"President," Wan He wanted to explain the time issue to Du Yu, but Du Yu interrupted him directly and said, "Okay, let's do this now. You will know everything tomorrow. I If you say it can be done, it will be done.”

Seeing Du Yu's attitude, Wan He could only sigh helplessly and said, "Okay."

Time passed quickly, and one day passed quickly. King Yeyu brought Yi Fanxing and others to the abyss.

After seeing Du Yu, Yi Fanxing and others hurriedly said respectfully: "See you, Your Majesty!"

"No gift." Du Yu said with one hand, he looked at God King Ye Yu, and said jokingly: "I originally wanted you to be a free teacher, but who knew that something like this happened suddenly? It seems that I wanted you to be a free teacher." It’s not easy for you to do things.”

God King Ye Yu nodded silently: "Well, now we can teach students according to their aptitude, but there are basically few seventh-level formation mages among them. Is there any point in bringing them here?"

Du Yu smiled mysteriously: "If it's not happening now, it doesn't mean it won't happen in the future. Just keep an eye on it!"

Originally, he wanted them to go there and recruit them into the Qilin Empire through his clone who stayed in Aoyun Kingdom. However, they only came back halfway, so there was nothing they could do.

But now, there is no difference. The top 1,000 talents in this Formation Conference are all pretty good, basically above the sixth-grade mid-level, and there is still a lot of room for growth.

Du Yu walked up to them and said in a deep voice: "You are willing to join our Qilin Empire and never betray!"

The solemn voice made the atmosphere extremely solemn. Even the gods and kings watching from the side subconsciously breathed a little lighter.

Although Yi Fanxing and others didn't know what Du Yu wanted to do, they still put their legs together and said seriously: "We are willing to go through fire and water for His Majesty and the Qilin Empire!"

Following a flash of golden light, Yi Fanxing and others were suddenly enveloped in a golden beam of light, and their aura began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The God King Ye Yu and all the God Kings on the side were dumbfounded. They had never seen such a magical method. After swearing allegiance, the momentum of the thousand people climbed straight up as if they were on an airplane.

This was too terrifying. This promotion lasted for half an hour. During this half hour, except for the occasional sound of the completion of the formation coming from the abyss below, everyone stared in shock. A magical scene in front of me.

After being promoted, Yi Fanxing and others knelt down on their knees with excitement on their faces, almost bowing to the ground, and saluted Du Yu: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty!"

Du Yu nodded. The talents of Yi Fanxing and others in the formation were completely different from before. He deserved this tribute.

"Okay, Ye Yu, I'll leave them to you. Let them learn the Lightning Formation as soon as possible and then join in." Du Yu pointed his chin at God King Ye Yu.

"Huh? Most of them are only sixth-grade formation mages. Is it okay to learn seventh-grade formations?" God King Ye Yu said in surprise.

"Can you tell me if you just look at it?" Du Yu said confidently with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

After being strengthened by the Zhenguo Imperial Seal, their talents have changed tremendously from before. Even compared with God King Ye Yu, they are not much worse. Yi Fanxing and several others are seventh-level array mages. He even has the talent to surpass Ye Yu God King, and is even qualified to enter the ninth level.

Learning a seventh-grade formation is not that difficult for them now, not to mention that the lightning formation is not a complicated formation.

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