The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1346 The Qilin Army Arrives

Naturally, the actions of Hun Qianjue and the others could not escape Du Yu's perception. He knew everything in the formation clearly.

He did not interfere with their plans, but sat down cross-legged and tried his best to recover from his injuries.

The Shura God King is very powerful. If he were to hit a set of combos, an ordinary four-star God King would have been turned into a pulp.

In other words, he only suffered some minor injuries that were not serious.

After receiving the order, the armies of the two tribes all retreated to the front of the formation, guarding their own four-star god king to break the formation.

Everything is just waiting for the four-star god king to come out, and then the decisive battle will surely come.

A depressing atmosphere enveloped the entire battlefield. The Shura and Soul tribes were afraid that Du Yu would suddenly rush over and start a killing spree.

The human race is nervous about when the opponent's four-star god king will escape from trouble.

That was a four-star god king, and there were four of them. If they were to attack at the same time, my lord might not be able to withstand it.

Almost everyone's eyes were fixed on Du Yu, who was adjusting his breath.

The direction of this battle depends entirely on this super master who can kill the Shura God King.

However, Du Yu had no intention of taking action until the formation was broken.

"Jie Jie, it seems you were seriously injured before. I thought you were really invincible."

Hun Qianjue licked his lips, looked at Du Yu cruelly and said.

"You can come and try it."

Du Yu also opened his eyes at this time and said with a smile.

His state has been adjusted to its peak, and even if he kills God King Shura once, there will be no problem.

Hun Qianjue's expression changed slightly. He couldn't be sure whether Du Yu was injured or not. If he went up rashly, who knew whether he would end up with the same fate as God King Shura.

"Hey, no matter how strong you are, there are four of us, how can you be stronger than the four of us? The strongest body and the strongest soul, how can you fight with us!"

The Evil Killing King said disdainfully, and a dagger glowing with blood appeared in his palm, staring at Du Yu with eager eyes.

"I will be responsible for calculating his movements. You just need to do as I say."

The Evil King Duozhi also unveiled his robe. Under his clothes, there were actually countless writhing brains, eight in number, so ferocious that even Du Yu looked at them slightly.

It seems that due to the rapid operation of his brain, the temperature around him has increased slightly, and steam is rising from his body.

Not to be outdone, the two soul clan members directly released their own skeletons. At the cost of a few drops of blood essence, the skeletons ignited with light blue soul fire.

Even the three-star god king, just looking at it, feels like his soul is being pulled away. None of the four-star god kings who burst out with all their strength are simple things.

Especially races like the Shura Clan and the Soul Clan, which have strong foundations.

Du Yu felt tremendous pressure in an instant, and the pressure was even greater than facing Shura God King who had activated Fudo Myoyo.

This is the only time in tens of millions of years that four four-star god kings have practiced against one person.

Because no one can be so powerful.

"It is your honor to die under our union!"

The evil king of wisdom sneered.

There was no trace of panic on Du Yu's face. He already had a way to deal with their so-called alliance from the very beginning.

"Oh? Is that so? Do you really believe each other? You know, I can even kill the Shura God King."

Du Yu sneered.

It is a simple and crude way to sow discord and an upright conspiracy, but the four other people will definitely be affected.

He has such confidence.

However, it is still not easy to do it. If he hadn't instantly killed King Shura, the effect would never have been obvious.

This is a method that only the strong can use.

Sure enough, after Du Yu said these words, the people of the Shura clan were fine, but the expressions of the two soul clan members changed immediately, and they glanced at Duozhixie King calmly.

The suspicion in his eyes could not be hidden.

They didn't dare to listen to King Duozhixie's plan, who knew whether the other party would let them hit the muzzle of a gun.

As soon as the Duo Zhixie King heard what Du Yu said, he knew it was not good. He glanced at the two soul clan members and did not miss the fear in their eyes.

After he secretly said something bad in his heart, he quickly said coldly: "You can't be incited to rebel so easily. He is just bluffing. There is no way he can hurt you!"

After being reminded, the two soul clan members immediately discovered that the transformation formation had disappeared above the human clan.

The eyes of the two suddenly lit up. Without the means to convert into soul attacks, they were basically invincible against the human race!

Hun Qianjue looked at Du Yu with a sneer: "You almost deceived me. Without the means of soul attack, what are you going to do to us?"

Murderous aura spread throughout his body, and the previous fear of Du Yu disappeared.

Without the means to attack them, Du Yu was no more afraid than a toothless tiger, even if he was against the sky.

"Oh? Are you so sure that the previous formation cannot be used?"

Du Yu had a playful smile on his face.

He snapped his fingers, and the formation appeared. Along with the formation, there was the same billowing calamity cloud as before.

Although the power is much stronger than the last time, it can almost be ignored.

When the formation appears again, how will they deal with the human race?

The face of Duozhixiewang became very ugly.

Du Yu's move directly killed them.

"What to do now?"

Hun Qianjue's face was very ugly, and the mouth of the Duozhixie King seemed to be open, and he appeared whenever he said anything.

Now that Du Yu has the ability to hurt him again, is it possible to let him go up and die?

King Duozhixie was also questioned.

He didn't know what to do now. The five people were beaten like that before, and they were not of the same mind. It was almost impossible to break through the human defense line.

"Hey, don't think I'm dead. Now that your methods are over, isn't it time to take a look at mine?"

Du Yu smiled dangerously, and for some reason the four four-star god kings had a bad premonition.

Immediately they knew where this bad premonition came from.

I saw Du Yu snap his fingers, and a huge space passage suddenly opened above the human fortress. In the passage leading to an unknown place, ferocious auras emanated from it, as if there was a peerless beast hidden behind it.

Under everyone's gaze, a neat army like puppets flew out.

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