"What kind of monster army is this?"

The evil killing king said in horror.

He has never seen such a fierce army. Regardless of its combat power, it is already a miracle that a group of Hunyuan True Gods can be trained to such an orderly level.

Moreover, the strong murderous aura on the opponent's body also showed that they were definitely not just showing off.

This group of troops must be tiger and wolf warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles.


This is what it feels like to kill the evil king at this moment.

When did the human race remain calm, even hiding it from the eyes and ears of the Shura tribe, and cultivate such a huge army?

"Your performance is over, now it's time for mine, Yun Chang, attack with all your strength."

A cold smile appeared on Du Yu's face.

Although the human race has been taking advantage before, they always feel like being suppressed. Facing the incoming army, they can only use one strategy after another to continuously consume them.

Even though he destroyed countless armies of the opponent, he still felt very aggrieved.

A hearty head-on confrontation is what he yearns for, and an evenly matched battle is what he looks forward to.

Rather than like before, he almost needed to support the entire audience by himself.

"Subordinates take orders!"

Guangyu, who had already entered the realm of the God King, waved the long knife in his hand and began to form an army.

He could clearly see the situation here through the powerful powers in the valley. He already had a plan on how to deal with it before he came here.

The army spread out evenly, with an army of more than 200 million covering the sky and the sun. It was much more than the two tribes' armies at their peak.

The dense mass almost completely enveloped the human fortress.

San San arrived, and only Shura God King, who was at the peak of the Three-Star God King, knew the situation was not good. He quickly shouted: "No! Everyone is united in defense, this wave of attacks must be blocked!"

The Shura army, which was still a little at a loss, immediately reacted after hearing the familiar voice, and began to stick together and hug each other.

The Soul Clan also reacted somewhat at this moment. Under Hun Qianjue's order, they all shrank to the rear of the Shura Clan.

However, in order not to cause criticism, they still set up a soul defense barrier in front of the Shura army to ensure that they were not useless.

"Ha, do you think this is enough?" Du Yu sneered.

After being taught by the god kings in the valley, the Qilin Army is definitely different from before!

"Let me see your results!"

Du Yu said proudly with his hands behind his back. Everyone in the human fortress was shocked by his army.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

The Qilin Army shouted in unison, the roaring sound was deafening, the terrifying momentum, and the suppressed momentum of the two tribes continued to decline.

The Killing Evil King seemed to see an ancient ferocious beast above the Qilin Army.

"The momentum is condensed. What kind of monster army is this?"

He said with a serious face.

Only an army that has reached the ultimate level of tacit cooperation can have such momentum. According to legend, it was only possible when the human race was at its peak.

"Defend with all your strength, don't be careless, and must hold on until the clan leader comes over!"

King Duozhixie ordered hurriedly.

The Shura soldiers did not dare to be careless, and the defensive power was directly increased to the strongest. This was the first time they heard that the evil king Duozhi was so nervous.

Hun Qianjue looked at the Qilin Army accumulating power from a distance, and after thinking for a moment, he also issued the same order.

He also didn't dare to be careless. The Qilin Army, which he could surely eat, actually made him feel powerless.


They had just made preparations when the Qilin Army moved, and hundreds of different auras rose among the Qilin Army.

The expressions of the high priest and some god-kings who knew about the Hall of Valor changed. At this moment, they only had one thing to say: "F*ck."

All of these are actually the special skills of the God-Kings in the Hall of Valor.

They even saw dozens of people who looked like generals, exercising the will of the King of Absolute Guns.

On this perverted army, you can actually see the moves of all the god kings in the valley.

Hundreds of attacks flew out, some of which might have been too hasty and not perfect after passing through the conversion formation.

They are actually perfectly integrated together. At this moment, it is undoubtedly equivalent to hundreds of god kings attacking the Soul Clan and Shura Clan armies with all their strength.


A series of explosions sounded, and the coalition forces of the two races swayed crazily like a boat in a tsunami.

"They were completely suppressed"

In the human fortress, everyone looked at the Qilin Army showing its might in horror.

Compared with the Qilin Army, they felt that they could not even be called warriors.

If it had been the Qilin Army guarding the human fortress before, they would have even doubted whether the armies of the two races would be driven back.

The energy of the explosion dissipated, revealing the two-community coalition forces in the center of the package. After being destroyed by the Qilin Army, their shields were already crumbling.

After the previous waves of losses, their numbers were even inferior to that of the Qilin Army, and with low morale, they could not even exert 80% of their combat effectiveness.

Many people ran out of energy and fell dying on the deck.

Just one round of attacks almost drove them to a dead end.

"Don't look at it. Attack together and it will directly turn into a soul storm." Du Yu glanced at the dazed original garrison and said coldly.

This group of people really didn't know how they were able to secure the human fortress. They couldn't seize such a good opportunity to beat up the drowned dog. It was so disappointing to him.

"Oh! Yes!"

Only then did the high priest come to his senses and quickly commanded the army to coordinate the attack. He also blamed himself in his heart for being attracted by this army and forgetting to take action.

If one of his subordinates had made such a mistake, he might have been scolded by him.

But this really can't be blamed on the high priest. The appearance of the Qilin Army was so shocking, and their aura was so strong. He became the master of this place as soon as he appeared on the scene.

Even powerful men like the high priest were affected and thought that they were just spectators.

Otherwise, Du Yu would not have let the high priest off so lightly.

After the original garrison of the human race fortress also took action together, the armies of the two races seemed to be somewhat defeated.

The defense line began to shrink, and even began to suffer a large number of casualties.

The arrival of 200 million Qilin troops directly reversed the entire war situation.

Even though the armies of the two tribes were terrifyingly powerful, after the Qilin Army appeared on the scene, they could only be suppressed and beaten. Even the four-star god king did not dare to show his face at this time.

Behind the intensive attack, Du Yu was still watching with eager eyes. His previous instant kill of God King Shura and his amazing archery skills were still fresh in his mind.

They don't dare to gamble, and they simply can't afford to gamble.

King Duozhixie knew that staying here would only increase casualties. He gritted his teeth unwillingly and ordered loudly.

"The entire army retreats!"

Hun Qianjue's expression changed, he glanced at Du Yu unwillingly, and then ordered: "Retreat!"

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