The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1348 Swallowing the Vortex


The high priest looked at the backs of the two tribes' armies escaping hastily, his face full of disbelief.

He did not expect that facing the aggressive coalition forces, the human race would not only be able to fight back, but also be able to repel them.

What kind of ability this is, it is simply shocking.

"Clean up the battlefield."

Du Yu said calmly.

The result of this battle did not surprise him at all. Everything was under control, which was what he felt now.

Although in terms of strength, they are far superior to the Three Kingdoms, it is precisely because of this that they are so lacking strategically.

In fact, the human race does not have much fighting power now. If the opponent insists on fighting, he has nothing to do.

But in terms of psychological warfare, the other party had completely fallen into his trap, so the four of them did not dare to fight against the Evil Killing King.

Even if God King Shura comes, they still dare not fight, because from the surface, even if they can win, they will definitely pay a huge price.

"Yes Yes!"

The high priest looked at Du Yu with admiration. The Son of Destiny had risen, and all they had to do was shout 666.

The other God-Kings also looked at Du Yu with the eyes of idols, and even if they were assigned to do things, they would still be reluctant to leave.

The popularity of Du Yu, the clan leader, has reached its peak because of this battle.

In the future, if they hear someone saying something bad about Du Yu, they will definitely rush forward with a machete and fight to the death.

"Kong Ming, Yun Chang, you two come down with me."

Du Yu casually blasted the Heavenly Punishment in the sky, waved to the two of them, and then walked towards a remote place.

The two of them did not dare to delay. After explaining the matter at hand, they chased after Du Yu's back.

The three of them came to a conference hall. Du Yu casually walked down the first floor, poured himself a cup of tea and found a seat to sit down before asking: "How did you master the will of the God Kings in such a short period of time? "

He knew how talented Qilin Jun was. Although it was enough to compare with a genius, it would never reach this level.

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly and said: "Sure enough, I still can't hide it from my lord. We were still a little behind, but at the last moment, the four-star god kings in the Hall of Heroes came out. With their help in changing time, our comprehension speed can be improved by leaps and bounds."

"Those guys?"

Du Yu suddenly realized that if that was the case, it would make sense.

The Four-Star God King's methods are unbelievable and he can only reverse time, which is not a problem at all.

Moreover, there are still four people taking action. Even the Shura clan cannot come up with such a lineup.

"What is the approximate level of the Qilin Army now?"

The battle was so fierce before that Du Yu really didn't have time to pay attention, but judging from their energy, the result would definitely surprise him.

Guan Yu and Zhuge Liang looked at each other and smiled, then Guan Yu cupped his hands and stood up and said: "Your Majesty, all members of the Qilin Army have entered the Hunyuan True God, including 135.26 million at the initial level, 54.25 million at the intermediate level, and 997 at the high level. Ten thousand people, 530,000 people at the peak, 735 half-step god kings, and 37 one-star god kings!"

Even Du Yu couldn't help but be shocked by this number. In addition to the lack of a god king, the number of the army has exceeded that of the human race by more than three times.

Even if the Qilin Empire is taken alone, it is enough to be rated as a one-star ethnic group.

It's simply outrageously powerful.

Du Yu took a breath and said slowly.

“You guys did a great job”

No matter how picky you are, you can't find any fault with the Qilin Army's achievements.

However, a few decades is more than the entire human race has accumulated over tens of millions or even billions of years. If it were told, no one would believe it.

"In the recent period, you should stay in the human fortress to guard it for a while. I don't really believe in the original garrison."

Du Yu said.

The performance of the human race's original garrison had completely disappointed him. In terms of fighting alone, even the high priest looked down upon him.

They are just a group of reckless men with extremely high personal strength. Fortunately, the opponent is not an enemy like the Qilin Army.

If Zhuge Liang and the others were allowed to lead the Shura and Soul Clan armies, they would have at least hundreds of ways to break through the human fortress.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The two of them responded respectfully. They preferred the feeling of guarding the border to the dull practice of seclusion.

Fighting is the fate of warriors. They are the most elite warriors, born for war.

"Take good care of yourself during this period, and wait until I come back this time."

After saying this, Du Yu paused, his eyes looking a little cold and not knowing where to look.

"There's a big battle coming!"

The eyes of the two men suddenly shone. They had already guessed what Du Yu meant, and they all said excitedly: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Du Yu left the human fortress directly without notifying anyone, and even left the human territory directly.

He needs to go to some dangerous places for some experience.

Although his combat power may be the best among all races now, it is not enough.

He is not truly invincible, or even truly in perfect control of his current state. He needs some truly dangerous places to temper himself.

It is impossible for the human race to have a new four-star god king appear in a short time, so he must have the means to kill multiple four-star god kings at the same time.

Only in this way can other races be unified as quickly as possible.

In the dark void, a huge vortex slowly rotated. There was no life for hundreds of millions of miles around, and there was not even a trace of energy.

This is a place known as the forbidden land of death by all races. Even the top one-star race with the four-star god-king is taboo about this place.

Because even the four-star god king is in danger of falling here.

In the silent void, the space suddenly fluctuated, and a crack suddenly appeared.

A pair of large, jade-like hands suddenly stretched out from the crack, grabbed both ends of the crack, and tore it apart.

Du Yu walked out of it.

After Du Yu walked out, the crack slowly disappeared. Looking at the dead silent world around him, Du Yu looked a little solemn.

"Is this the Tao-swallowing vortex that Pangu said? Sure enough, there is some way. The vortex can actually pull my consciousness."

You must know that the intensity of his consciousness is even comparable to that of the Three-Star God King.

But there is still a feeling of being dragged away, which is a bit scary.

I don’t know what the vortex is made of.

"That's all, just go and have a look. With my strength, it's no problem to return the whole body."

Du Yu put his hands on his back and ran straight towards the whirlpool, confidence slowly growing in his eyes.

His current strength is already among the four-star god kings, and he is considered invincible.

If he could not come out alive, Pangu would have died here long ago when he had just touched the strength of the Four-Star God King.

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