The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1378 Cangshan Research Institute

"I wonder where did you know this name?"

Huang Wentian's tone became extremely heavy, and he seemed to have deep taboos about this place.

"A friend of mine got caught, so I came over to check."

Du Yu didn't hide anything, and he didn't need to. This country posed no threat to him.

With all his strength, he should be able to compete with the top five-star players in this world.


Huang Wentian's heart suddenly shook, as if he thought of something, this abnormality was caught by Du Yu.

"It seems you have some information, please tell me."

Du Yu said with his arms crossed.

Huang Wentian smiled bitterly and shook his head: "If those bastards knew that they would provoke a monster like you, they would definitely regret it."

"How to say."

Du Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The Cangshan Research Institute is the highest scientific research institute in the Canglan Kingdom. It is mainly dedicated to the development of biological weapons. As expected, your friend was arrested by them."

"According to my information, they recently obtained a powerful individual human being. As you can see, the boy in your hands is their result."

Huang Wentian pointed at the young man next to Du Yu and said.

"It's interesting. Tell me their location."

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Du Yu's mouth. It seemed that Pangu's condition was not only bad, but he was probably about to die.

I just hope that Pangu has not been sliced ​​up and studied by them.

Huang Wentian's body trembled slightly, and he looked at Du Yu with some horror. Could this man be a Shura who came out of hell? This kind of murderous aura can only be obtained after killing many living beings!

He couldn't help but feel a little sad for the fate of the Canglan Kingdom. If he provoked this existence, his vitality would be severely damaged at least.

"Sir, these are their coordinates. Please be careful. A five-star super weapon from the Blue Country is right there with them."

Huang Wentian passed on a set of information and said truly that he sincerely hoped that this damn Cangshan Research Institute would perish.

Because his son also died during the transformation, the boy in Du Yu's hands was nothing more than the Cangshan Research Institute's compensation for him.

Du Yu accepted the information, and a map of Canglan Country appeared in his mind, with one coordinate shining brightly.

"very good."

Du Yu nodded, let go of the young man, and disappeared into Lingfeng City.

Huang Wentian and the secretary-looking man rushed over to check on the young man. After confirming that the young man was fine, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Mayor, do we want it?"

The man who looked like a secretary asked in a low voice.

Huang Wentian waved his hand, with a sharp look in his eyes: "No, Canglan Country doesn't take us seriously at all, why should we let them do it? Send my order to block all news and do our best to repair Lingfeng City. .”

"Just pretend what happened today never happened."

The man who looked like a secretary was stunned for a moment, then nodded heavily: "Yes, Mr. Mayor!"

Three days later, Du Yu, who flew according to the base map, arrived less than a hundred miles away from Cangshan Research Institute.

Looking at the map in his mind, Du Yu took a deep breath: "Are we coming soon? The so-called Cangshan Research Institute, I want to see what kind of dragon pond and tiger den it is."

Du Yu didn't have the slightest scruple or cover up, and just flew straight towards Cangshan Research Institute.

As the highest research institute in Canglan Country, Cangshan Research Institute’s defense strength is self-evident.

In addition, they have recently developed a method to cultivate super soldiers, and the president of the Blue Country has mobilized the only five-star super weapons here.

One can imagine how terrifying the defense here is at this moment, even if it takes five steps and one post and ten steps and one sentry, it is not an exaggeration.

Du Yu was directly captured by their surveillance radar after flying into Baili airspace.

The entire monitoring room suddenly sounded an alarm.

Major General Panda, who was the commander-in-chief of the Cangshan Research Institute's defense, immediately cheered up and sat up straight.

"Guard, what is it? Zoom into the screen and see!"

He said with some excitement.

Cangshan Research Institute is located in the hinterland of Canglan Country, and Pan Da was almost free to move here.

The slightest disturbance at this moment can make him excited.

"Major General, the system detects that the object seems to be a person. Now I will transfer it to the screen for you!"

said a soldier sitting in front of the instrument.

"He's just a guy, boring."

Major General Panda immediately shrank back in his seat. He was just alone. He didn't think there was any threat. He probably broke in here by mistake.

"Wait a minute, Major General, this man can actually fly out of thin air without relying on anything!"

"And this speed is a bit unscientific!"

The soldier screamed in horror.

"Fart, how can someone fly without relying on a flying device? Just kidding and understand the situation. Now, am I really a bitch???"

Major General Panda was just about to teach the soldier a lesson when he saw a young man wearing a black and gold dragon robe on the screen, speeding towards this side.

"Quickly, send someone to capture him for me. Damn it, I must dissect him!"

Major General Panda shouted excitedly.

He didn't take Du Yu seriously at all, he only thought that Du Yu had some other means to fly without relying on the physical body.

In his eyes, Du Yu has become an active military hero.

"Yes! Major General!"

The soldiers also became excited. If they could capture Du Yu alive, they would definitely have done a great job. Not to mention being directly promoted, a first-class meritorious person would not be able to escape!

Suddenly, hundreds of warships took off from the camp next to Cangshan Research Institute and rushed towards Du Yu.

If Huang Wentian knew about this scene, he would definitely laugh to death. Facing Du Yu, instead of choosing a positional battle and choosing to rush forward in a swarm, he was simply looking for death.

Facing Du Yu's huge destructive power, with tens of thousands of people, the human sea tactic had no effect at all.

It's just that Major General Panda didn't know this at all. He only knew that his opportunity for promotion had arrived.

Looking at the group of fighters rushing forward, Du Yu's eyes flashed with coldness, and the Supreme Divine Sword appeared in his palm.

This batch of fighter planes is indeed much more powerful than the Self-Defense Forces of Lingfeng City. They are at least three-star pilots. With their fighter planes, they can even threaten the five-star god king.

It's just a pity that when they meet him, they are destined to end.

"Destroy it!"

Du Yu shouted loudly and slashed out with his sword.

The huge sword light crazily absorbed the surrounding energy after leaving the blade, and the attack by just approaching the fighter group had expanded to a thousand feet.

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