The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1379 That person is not dead!

This sword light was so shocking that the air even screamed violently.

Major General Panda in the monitoring room was completely dumbfounded. He simply couldn't believe that such a terrifying attack came from a tiny human being.

"What the hell is this! Could it be a biological weapon of the enemy?"

Major General Panda looked horrified, and subconsciously crushed the metal desk in front of him with his fingers.

"Didi, warning, warning, the enemy's attack reaches the peak of four stars, and the defensive barrier will automatically activate."

The control room suddenly turned red and sounded an alarm.

The next moment, a huge barrier enveloped the camp and Cangshan Research Institute.

However, this does not include those fighters that have already rushed out.

They even lost their retreat because of the activation of the defensive barrier, and could only resist the sword energy head-on.

"don't want!"

"Quick, unite for defense!"

"I don't want to die!"

The fighter pilots screamed in horror and despair.

Their fighter systems kept sounding piercing alarms, and the four-star peak level attacks made them desperate.

Even if their hundreds of fighter planes truly join forces for defense, they will never be able to withstand an attack of this level.

Because this level of attack already belongs to the strategic strike force.

To describe it in earth terms, it is a devastating blow at the level of nuclear weapons.

However, their struggles were useless. Under this sword, they were as fragile as a small boat in the huge waves.

The thousand-foot sword light sliced ​​through them easily, leaving a firework-like spark in the air.

The group of fighter planes that could pose a threat to the Five-Star God King were nothing but bright lights at the moment.

"Beast! You actually destroyed my elite unit!"

Major General Panda's eyes were filled with anger, and his heart was bleeding. This was his direct force, the most elite team under his command, just gone!

However, before he had time to issue the order, the sword light passed through the fighter group and landed hard on the energy barrier.

The entire barrier trembled violently, and the energy bar on the screen nearby weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Didi warning, warning, shield energy consumption is 10%, 20% and 30%"

"Didi warning, warning, the shield is damaged by 13%."

Major General Panda's heart suddenly felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him, and his anger completely disappeared.

"What's going on? Our shield can't defend against five-star attacks!"

He shouted in disbelief at the soldiers beside him.

This is a set of defense equipment that was transferred together with the five-star super weapon. Even if it faces the attack of the five-star super weapon, it can withstand the attack for a long time.

But under a mere ray of sword light, a lot of it was destroyed.

"Report to the Major General that there was an incompetent force in the attack just now. It amplified the attack just now!"

A soldier reported tremblingly.

"Special energy?"

Major General Panda frowned slightly and stared at Du Yu's figure on the screen.

Soon his attention was attracted by the Supreme Divine Sword in Du Yu's hand, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind: "I understand, that is an extraterrestrial creature, and it was the sword in his hand that caused the trouble! We must capture it !”

"Report the situation here and prepare to mobilize the death ray cannon!"

Major General Panda's tone was so excited that he was trembling. He seemed to see the hope of their Blue Country to rise and unify the entire Arthur Continent.

If they master the mysterious energy on that sword, they will be able to create a six-star super weapon!

There will definitely be a huge leap in national strength!

"Yes! Major General!"

The soldiers responded quickly.

After some operations, deep in the camp, a huge heavy cannon slowly rose, began to aim at Du Yu outside the shield, and charged it.

Such an obvious energy change naturally could not escape Du Yu's perception, and his brows suddenly wrinkled.

"Is this the five-star super weapon Death Ray Cannon? It's really threatening."

"The energy barrier in the technological world is troublesome and cannot be broken through formations."

Du Yu said with some dissatisfaction.

He raised the Supreme Divine Sword in his hand. Since the opponent was preparing for a big move, he naturally couldn't be careless. He wanted to see how powerful this so-called death ray cannon was.

Within the barrier, the death ray cannon began to charge, and the energy from the back that had been prepared long ago was injected crazily, without affecting the operation of the camp's energy at all.

In just three seconds, the power of the death ray cannon has been increased to the extreme.

"Okay, let me see if you are dead now. After you get this sword, you must move all two death ray cannons here!"

Major General Panda clenched his fists excitedly.

Naturally, he did not mobilize reinforcements to deal with Du Yu. Although Du Yu's previous performance was amazing, he still wanted to put Du Yu in his eyes.

After all, they have a death ray cannon here, and the five-star super weapon can destroy the imperial city with one blow.

What he mainly planned to guard against was the peeps from other countries after getting the sword.

"Major General, you can launch at any time after charging!"

The soldier on the side suddenly shouted.

A sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of Major General Panda's mouth, and he looked unusually ferocious: "Go to hell, I hope you don't destroy that sword."

"Yes! Fire the death ray cannon!"

The soldier pressed the button in his hand, and a dark beam of light suddenly shot out from the huge turret.

At this moment, even Du Yu couldn't help but get some goosebumps. The power of this blow had surpassed that of the Five-Star God King.

"Open it for me!"

Du Yu shouted loudly, aimed at the center of the black beam, and slashed it with his sword.

This sword struck first and struck the center of the beam when it was less than two meters away from him.

Major General Panda and the soldiers in the control room showed victory smiles on their faces. After this blow, everything should be over!


The energy in that area collapsed violently, and all sounds were swallowed up. Then the next moment, a terrifying impact spread out to the surroundings.

It spreads fiercely around, impacting the ground, the sky, and the energy shield.

"Didi's shield energy remains fifty percent, forty percent, thirty percent, twelve percent, ten percent."

"Didi's shield is 47% damaged."

The system warning sound kept sounding. Major General Panda took a deep breath, leaned back comfortably on the soft chair, and said with some sigh: "It is indeed a death ray cannon. This power is really terrifying. Soldier, exclude the fighter plane from recovering that A sword."

However, at this time, a soldier's trembling voice reached his ears: "Master General, that man is not dead!!"

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