"Sir, that's a six-star super martial arts. Is it really okay?"

The adjutant who was promoted to the commander-in-chief asked somewhat sarcastically.

A six-star super weapon is enough to destroy a country in an instant, which is destruction in the true sense.

Everything on the surface will be destroyed in an instant.

It is the strongest attack known to the continent of Arthur. Even if it is not the six-star super weapon with the strongest firepower, it is definitely enough to completely level the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles.

With such a huge fleet, there is no way they can avoid it.

It is estimated that within the empire, preparations have begun to launch the six-star super weapon.

"It doesn't matter. It's just a six-star weapon. It can no longer threaten my brother."

Pangu said confidently.

Even after he raised his realm to the peak of five stars, he already had the strength of half a six-star. How could Du Yu, a pervert with a more terrifying background than him, still be able to compete with a six-star?

He doesn't even know which level Du Yu is dealing with now, but he has a hunch that if Du Yu wants to kill him now, he probably only needs one finger.

Du Yu smiled and said nothing. He glanced at the pop-up interface of Zhen Guo Imperial Seal.

Name: Du Yu

Physical realm: Five-star peak energy: 30 million/1 billion)

Spiritual realm: Four-star peak spirit: 200,000/100 million)

Combat power: six-star peak

Growth talent: SSS level

At this moment, his strength has reached the terrifying six-star peak.

It was just an initial six-star attack, and it was nothing to his eyesight.

Even if he attacks with all his strength, it is no different to him than scratching an itch.

After receiving Pangu's affirmative answer, everyone in the command room felt a little more at ease, as long as Du Yu could deal with the threat of six-star super martial arts.

Then they really have nothing to be afraid of. As one of the three strongest legions in the West Empire, they dare to say that they are not afraid of anything except six-star super martial arts.

"Then sir, what are we going to do now?"

The adjutant walked up to Du Yu and asked respectfully.

"Do you have any way to directly descend into the empire? I don't have time to fight back slowly. Let's solve it at once. It will be a benefit to you, right?"

Du Yu looked at the adjutant with a confident smile on his lips.

The adjutant was slightly stunned, with a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

"Thank you, sir, for considering us. We will start calculating the wormhole transportation now. If we don't care about energy issues, we can go to the Imperial Capital in an instant."

He said respectfully.

With Du Yu in charge, they don't need to worry too much. After all, they are not facing the entire empire, but just politicians who are playing tricks on power.

"Go ahead."

Du Yu waved his hand, lying on the chair and quietly comprehending the terrifying power in his body.

Pangu couldn't take any time off, and looked around curiously in the cabin. He had never seen such high-tech things before, and he was acting like a bumpkin at the moment.

About three minutes later, the adjutant's expression suddenly changed, and he ran to Du Yu's side and said, "Sir, the attack is coming, and it has already locked onto us. It should be A-level powerful, enough to destroy a range of three thousand miles. "

Du Yu nodded, but still looked indifferent.

Naturally, this attack could not escape his perception. He had already sensed an attack targeting them in the Site Empire earlier.

But this attack didn't even have the qualifications to make him feel dangerous, so naturally he wouldn't take it seriously.

"grown ups"

The adjutant also wanted to persuade me.

But he was stopped by Du Yu. Seeing Du Yu's behavior, the adjutant did not dare to say anything more and just stood aside with a worried look on his face.

Pangu looked at the scared expressions on him and the group of people in the command room, and couldn't help but laugh: "Don't worry, you adults are here, it's hard for you to die, don't you have no fear if you don't look at me?"

Du Yu glanced at him, why are these words so gay?

However, his words did calm down the atmosphere, and everyone began to do their own things again, starting to calculate the wormhole leading to the imperial capital.

Suddenly, a red light flashed in the command room, sirens flashed, and the six-star super weapon's attack had arrived.

From a distance, you can even see a blue light curtain coming towards this side.

"grown ups!"

The adjutant's heart tightened and he turned to look at Du Yu. However, the seat was empty and Du Yu had no idea where he was.

"Quick, zoom in, damn, let me see how strong my brother is!"

Pangu ordered a soldier excitedly.

The soldier quickly started operating, and soon Du Yu's figure was captured and projected on the screen.

Although his back was not that big, he was extremely tall at the moment, giving everyone a sense of stability. It seemed that as long as he was behind this person, all problems could be solved.

Inexplicably, the adjutant's nervousness calmed down and he carefully watched Du Yu's every move.

"Look carefully, the attack is coming."

Pangu's expression became a little more solemn. Although this attack was not the strongest attack of the Six-Star Super Martial Arts, he was still not sure that he could follow it.

Although the half-step six-star is very close to the six-star, the gap is still huge.

The most he can say is that it is much more powerful than the five-star peak, but compared to the six-star, it is far behind.

The blue light curtain was soon in front of us. The six-star super weapon's attack blocked the sky and the sun. A super weapon that could destroy a country would naturally not be a beam of light.

"Such scattered attacks have no effect on the strong. Sure enough, technology can only play a role in large-scale combat."

Du Yu sighed and slowly raised his right hand.


A small black dot flew out of his palm and flew towards the front of the battleship group.

When the blue light screen came in front of him, a terrible suction force suddenly erupted from the black dot.

The blue light curtain was like water in a bathtub that had been unplugged, being sucked into the black dots crazily, without even a trace leaking out.

"Damn it, what the hell kind of operation is this!"

Pangu felt like he had received a million-pound critical blow. With this terrifying devouring force, he seemed to see the swallowing vortex of the once chaotic world.

No, this is even more terrifying than the swallowing vortex at that time. At least the swallowing vortex cannot swallow such a huge energy.

"So strong, sir, you really caught it."

"Is this your true power? It's a defense that even six-star super martial arts can't break through!"

"I doubt that your lord can swallow up the entire continent!"

The expressions of other people in the command room had turned to embarrassment. They simply could not imagine that this god-like man had been in the same room with them before.

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