The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1393 Coming to the Imperial Capital

Everyone was still immersed in the shock Du Yu had given them, when a voice suddenly reached their ears.

"How's it going? Has it been locked?"

Du Yu returned to his position at some point, without any difficulty in breathing, as if he just went out to take a breath.

Everyone immediately looked at him with admiration, as if they were seeing fans of their idol, their eyes were shining.

"Yes, sir, we have locked it and can jump at any time!"

The adjutant said in an excited tone.

The reason why they didn't jump before was because the attack had already locked onto them, and even if they jumped, the attack would still chase them.

If they were jumping at that time, problems could easily occur, causing the entire fleet to be destroyed in the void.

There was absolutely no chance of survival, so I kept waiting until now.

"Okay, let's go straight there. They are probably waiting impatiently."

Du Yu said with a smile.

They have indeed delayed for a long time. When Arthur's continent is defeated, he still needs to see if there are other continents in this world.

After all, this world is divided into levels, which means there are stronger beings.

Seven-star, eight-star, and nine-star powerhouses are definitely not comparable to technological civilizations such as Arthur's continent. He will not arrange for the Kirin Empire to come and take risks before he has a clear understanding of the world.

"Yes, prepare for the wormhole jump, target the capital of the Site Empire!"

"Enter the first level of combat readiness, and the energy barrier is activated to its strongest state!"

"All small battleships are hidden in the center of the battleship group."

The adjutant issued a series of instructions. As an adjutant of an elite legion, he was naturally capable and not some useless person who was just trying to achieve military prowess.

Soon, under his arrangement, the battleship group began to move.

After all the warships entered their designated positions, a flash of light flashed in the adjutant's eyes: "The wormhole jump has begun, and we will descend directly to the imperial capital!"


The central flagship suddenly shot out a blue light, and then the surrounding battleships also projected white light beams into it.

Layers of ripples slowly spread out, and then a dark hole was opened.

The space that even Du Yu could not tear apart easily was opened in a special way.

This is the scary thing about technology. You don’t need to understand the rules of space, you can directly find the loopholes in space and exploit them.

After being fully prepared, the battleship suddenly accelerated and flew into the countless blue ripples.

The Site Empire Palace was now in a state of chaos.

Emperor Site sat in the command room with a group of ministers, looking at the image projected by the previous radar with a shocked expression.

They were all trembled by Du Yu's ghostly power, which was simply beyond their imagination.

The six-star super martial arts' A-level strike was actually swallowed up by a black dot.

It was enough energy to be used by the entire empire for a year, and it was swallowed up by nothing left. This made them all feel like they had not woken up.

No, they wouldn't even dare to dream like this!

"Is that human being!"

The emperor of the West Empire had a look of panic on his face. How could they fight? If the enemy attacked them, they would not even have the means to resist.

"Your Majesty, why don't we ask for help? Ask the other two empires to jointly defend against the enemy, otherwise they will definitely affect our rule!"

A minister stood up and said loudly.

If it were normal times, he would definitely be scolded by everyone and ask for help from the other two major competitors. Isn't this a naked slap in their face?

But at this moment, they acquiesced to the minister's statement. It was not that they were too cowardly, but that the enemy was too powerful.

"Yes, please ask for help now."

"Since you proposed it, it's up to you to do it."

After saying these words, the Emperor of the Site Empire looked much older, but he did not hesitate at all. He really had no choice.

After receiving the order, the minister bowed and prepared to leave the hall to make contact.

However, at this moment, a soldier rushed in with a look of horror on his face: "Your Majesty, what's wrong, Your Majesty, there are unknown space fluctuations in the sky above the imperial capital. It is suspected that a large number of fleets have arrived here through wormhole jumps!"

"Huh? What did you say?"

A look of shock suddenly appeared on the face of the Emperor of the West Empire, and other ministers also panicked.

"How is it possible, how is it possible that a fleet dares to come directly to the Imperial Capital? Don't they know that Six-Star Super Martial Arts is in the Imperial Capital!"

"Speak carefully, if you dare to scare me at this time, I will kill you now!"

"Impossible, not even the other two empires dare to come directly to our imperial capital!"

The soldier was trembling with fear at the words of the big shots. He was just here to deliver a message. Why should he bear so much pressure?

"Shut up! Regardless of whether it's true or not, the Imperial Capital has entered top-level combat readiness, and the six-star super weapon has entered charging. As long as he dares to come, I will blast him with the maximum power!"

The Emperor of the Site Empire was still an emperor after all. After a brief shock, he immediately recovered and issued the order decisively.

Activating the strongest state of the six-star super martial arts at such a close range will inevitably cause indelible trauma to the imperial capital, but he can't control that much.

Being able to master the wormhole jump technology requires at least a five-star peak level battleship to do it.

It is impossible for the other two empires to come over with such fanfare. The other legions of the empire with this ability have no orders to mobilize.

Then there is only one possibility, the battleship group that surrendered before.

Under his command, a blue light curtain suddenly appeared over the entire imperial capital. Under the light curtain, countless weapons stretched out from various places and aimed at the sky above the imperial capital.

At the core, a chimney-like barrel began to accumulate blue energy.

The six-star super weapon entered the charging state, and the energy within the temporary imperial capital was shut down to fully supply the operation of the six-star super weapon.

The West Empire is fully prepared. Even if the legions of the other two empires attack outside the imperial capital, they can easily deal with them.

This is the terrifying deterrent power of the six-star super weapon, a super weapon that is more terrifying than a nuclear bomb.

A layer of water-like ripples suddenly appeared in the sky above the imperial capital, and a huge fleet slowly flew out from it.

When the military flags on this fleet were clearly seen, a gasp suddenly came from the palace.

It’s really the Spear of Set, and that monster came through the Spear of Set!

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