While Du Yu was practicing, no one disturbed him.

In fact, if it weren't for Du Yu this time, the Tigers would still be in huge trouble.

After all, this team has just been established, so it is naturally weaker than the Divine Wolves in all aspects.

While Du Yu was practicing, Doba Oak also became busy.

First of all, the team members encountered such humiliation after they had just met.

In addition, many monks also suffered minor injuries due to Team Shen Lang's provocation.

What Doba Oak has to do now is naturally to appease his team members.

You must know that these people have all ascended from their respective material planes. In this case, the original mentality will still be retained.

In the eyes of many monks, this is a great shame and humiliation.

It's a pity that this place is Xuanjie, and it still belongs to the scope of Yingtian Mansion.

In the mysterious world, a saint is just a cannon fodder for those who have just started.

Above the saints, there are even more powerful monks.

These monks can wipe out countless saints with just a few clicks of their fingers. This is the strength gap between the two sides.

In fact, in the mysterious world, saints are not called saints, but called gods.

This god is also distinguished by power gaps.

People of Du Yu's level can only be called lower gods.

And it's still the early stage of a lower god.

In the entire Xuanjie, the number of lower gods is naturally the largest, and above the lower gods is the middle god.

The mid-level god can generally be regarded as the captain of a team, leading some lower-level gods with good strength.

As for the upper god above the middle god.

Generally speaking, if one's own cultivation can reach the realm of a high-level god, they are those who have the hope of becoming the palace lord, or if they are unable to become the palace lord, they are also important roles in every state palace in the Xuan Realm.

In the mysterious world, upper gods are the real powerful level.

After comforting several team members, Doba Oak also saw that Du Yu woke up.

Although Du Yu did not emit any power fluctuations at this moment, this momentum made Doba Oak feel incredible.

Just a newcomer, with such a powerful cultivation level, this is almost unimaginable in the eyes of Doba Oak.

However, this is what happened before his eyes.

"Du Yu, how are you?" Doba Oak asked quickly as soon as he saw Du Yu.

He had also seen the previous battles. Although it was easier for Du Yu to deal with the monks, from the situation at the end of Du Yu's battle, he felt that the battle was not as easy as he imagined.

It was for this reason that he quickly asked.

After glancing at Doba Oak, Du Yu smiled and said, "I'm fine. Why don't you check how everyone is doing first?"

After Du Yu finished speaking, he also looked at his friends.

Now that he is a member of the Tigers, Du Yu will naturally not ignore these teammates because of his own strength.

This kind of behavior is a very stupid performance in Du Yu's eyes.

Du Yu, who has experienced so many things since his cultivation, will naturally not tolerate himself doing such a stupid thing.

"It's okay, I just can't accept it for the time being." Doba Oak smiled bitterly. In fact, he could understand this feeling.

In fact, when Toba Oak first came to Xuanjie, he was in the same mood as these monks.

Hearing what Doba Oak said, Du Yu nodded. He could understand this feeling.

However, Du Yu knew very well in his heart that the place he came to now was the mysterious world, not the physical space, so if he could not adjust this state in time, he might encounter huge trouble.

Although Du Yu already had this plan in his heart, he still needed time to adapt.

After all, when a person goes from a peak position to being as weak as he is now, his level of psychological adaptation must slowly change.

"Natural selection, survival of the fittest."

Du Yu softly said eight words, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

At this moment, Du Yu's state had adjusted.

Perhaps there is no way to achieve a perfect state, but Du Yu knows that he has begun to adapt to the mysterious world.

The changes in Du Yu happened in an instant.

Although it was a subtle change, Doba Oak still sensed it. Immediately, Doba Oak's face showed a look of shock.

"This Du Yu's future achievements will definitely be high."

After taking a look at Du Yu, Doba Oak was convinced in his heart.

"Du Yu, come, let's get to know each other." Doba Oak said with a smile, and immediately led Du Yu towards the crowd.

This time, when Du Yu came over, the looks in everyone's eyes obviously changed dramatically.

Some were envious, some were puzzled, and some were doubtful, but no matter what kind of look he looked at, it did not affect Du Yu's strength in the hearts of everyone.

Although Du Yu had competed with Doba Oak, everyone present had a faint feeling that Du Yu's strength should be stronger than that of Doba Oak.

After greeting everyone, the relationship between them became obviously closer, which made Du Yu feel a sense of comfort.

However, perhaps because they came from different material planes, although the monks were somewhat familiar with each other, they still had a sense of defensiveness towards each other.

Du Yu knew very well in his heart that it was still very difficult to achieve the kind of relationship he had with Pangu.

The relationship between Du Yu and Pangu is based on various experiences.

But now, the relationship between everyone is just that of a team, and perhaps the other one has just arrived in the Xuan Realm.

That's all.

Du Yu didn't care about this, but it was Liuli who made Du Yu feel pity.

Shaking his head and erasing the shadow of Master Liuli, Du Yu also planned his next move.

Although Xuan Jie is very powerful, cultivation still has to be done step by step.

Now, Du Yu calculated his own cultivation level in his heart, and found that he was probably in the middle stage of a lower god.

This realm is still like cannon fodder in the mysterious world, but it is much stronger than the few monks in the team. After learning some basic knowledge from Doba Oak, Du Yu also immersed himself in practice.

The peaks at the outer gate of Yingtian Mansion were filled with abundant spiritual energy. As soon as he integrated into the state of cultivation, Du Yu felt the seeds in his body spinning rapidly.

Under this rapid rotation, the spiritual bud of the seed seemed to have grown a bit.

Watching Lingya grow up little by little, Du Yu also felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

For three full months, Du Yu has gradually adapted to life in the Xuan Realm.

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