In the past three months, Du Yu has spent most of his time practicing. In addition to practicing, he will also participate in some chores in the outer sect of Yingtian Mansion.

These chores are nothing more than patrolling the mountains.

Although it was a very troublesome matter in Du Yu's eyes, Du Yu still carried it out patiently.

"Everyone, our Tigers are patrolling the mountains this time. We are patrolling the Nanshan Mountains. When you enter the mountain peaks, be careful not to go too far away. There is a special magnetic field in this mountain peak. This magnetic field is People will have hallucinations within a certain range, so don’t underestimate this mountain patrol mission.”

After glancing at the eight monks, Doba Oak spoke, and after speaking, he looked over at everyone.

"Will it cause hallucinations?" A monk suddenly asked.

Doba Oak noticed the confused looks on everyone's faces, but he didn't explain it. He immediately smiled and said, "Okay, everyone, please be careful. I will explain the details to everyone on the road. Now follow me."

After Doba Oak finished speaking, he quickly flew forward.

When the eight Du Yu people behind Doba Oak saw this, they also moved their cultivation levels and immediately followed behind Doba Oak.

The Tigers' nine-man team is very fast, and Doba Oak has been in this outer gate for a long time, so he is naturally familiar with this outer gate.

After seeing everyone following up, Doba Oak said, "Everyone, you will know after you try it in this place."

After speaking with a smile, Doba Oak stopped interfering too much on this issue.

Only by letting these rookies experience this kind of thing can they understand the danger.

Of course, as to why this happened, Doba Oak himself had no way of knowing.

After all, this situation is like an agreement.

However, according to Doba Oak's many years of experience, this is probably a matter of force selection.

Only with great strength can you go further, and in this case you can leave the range of the mountain.

To a certain extent, this mountain peak is like a cage, restricting the freedom of these outer monks.

But on the other hand, this mountain peak is also a protective umbrella.

After all, there are many powerful monks in the Xuan Realm. If there is no protection, many monks may fall into a passive state. If a few monks with good cultivation level randomly come, then Du Yu and others will not be able to burp.

All in all, the stronger you are, the further you can go.

In less than half a day, Doba Oak also stopped, glanced at everyone, and immediately said, "From here onwards, it belongs to the scope of Nanshan. You can try this magnetic field first."

After Doba Oak finished speaking, he stood there and was not in a hurry to urge everyone.

After hearing what Doba Oak said, everyone could no longer contain their curiosity, and immediately headed towards the area of ​​Nanshan one by one.

"I really want to see what's different about this magnetic field!" A slight smile appeared on Du Yu's face.

Immediately, with a thought in his heart, the power in his body began to move, and then, Du Yu flew into the range of Nanshan.

As soon as he came in, Du Yu felt a sense of oppression.

This sense of pressure is not strong, or even very slight. Under normal circumstances, if you don't pay attention to the sensation, you won't notice it at all.

But this time, because of Doba Oak's reminder, Du Yu entered the magnetic field, and Du Yu sensed the pressure.

"It's really a bit different."

Du Yu secretly thought in his heart, and immediately used his power to fly forward.

Because he was worried about the magnetic field getting lost, Du Yu didn't fly very fast. As Du Yu flew, Du Yu gradually felt that the power of this magnetic field was getting stronger and stronger.

In the end, even Du Yu felt tremendous pressure.

Turning his head and looking behind him, Du Yu had a sigh in his mouth.

At this moment, he finally understood what Doba Oak meant.

Emotions are such a magnetic field, and you will lose your way if you are careless.

After that, it will continue to bear the pressure of the magnetic field. Over time, it will naturally become completely lost in it.

Bearing the pressure bit by bit, Du Yu faintly felt the changes in the spiritual buds in his body.

Although the pressure made Du Yu feel a little uncomfortable, Du Yu was shocked to find that under this pressure, the growth rate of the spiritual buds actually accelerated.

This acceleration is not felt, but can be seen directly.

Seeing this, Du Yu was completely shocked.

Nowadays, Du Yu's cultivation is related to the spiritual buds. The stronger the spiritual buds, the stronger Du Yu's strength will naturally be.

"It seems that this pressure is not all bad."

Du Yu smiled, immediately immersed in this oppressive force.

However, not long after, when the pressure became stronger again, Du Yu's face turned pale.

At this moment, Du Yu faintly felt something was wrong.

Although the spiritual buds were still growing, Du Yu felt that his power was getting weaker and weaker.

Immediately, Du Yu didn't hesitate at all.

With a thought in his heart, he immediately flew towards the outside world.

At this moment, Du Yu felt the danger involved. Fortunately, he discovered it in time, otherwise, he would probably be lost in this oppressive force.

The time he stayed in the magnetic field was not long, but Du Yu felt that he had lost almost 80% of his combat effectiveness.

When Du Yu came over, he discovered that the other seven monks also came here with pale faces.

Seeing Du Yu come back, Doba Oak's face showed a bit of surprise, "Du Yu, you are finally back. We are still worried and are preparing to go find you."

Seeing Doba Oak's concern, Du Yu glanced gratefully. If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, he might have really needed to find Doba Oak.

"Okay, everyone, hurry up and restore your cultivation. When you patrol the mountain later, remember not to fall behind." After Doba Oak finished speaking, he began to practice.

Du Yu and others listened to the pretense and began to regain their strength.

During the recovery process, Du Yu also began to explore the spiritual buds in his body.

At this moment, this spiritual bud seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before.

As his strength recovered, Du Yu faintly felt that his cultivation had once again crossed a level.

But now, Du Yu's cultivation has gradually reached the realm of the late gods.

Although he has not yet reached the lower god stage, Du Yu believes that it won't be long before his cultivation level will be truly reached.

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