Hiding this secret in his heart, Du Yu heard the cry of Doba Oak not long after.

When he opened his eyes, Du Yu realized that everyone was looking at Doba Oak.

"Okay, now it's time to carry out the mission. You know, Yingtian Mansion is a powerful state in the Xuan Realm, and now we are just the outer disciples of Yingtian Mansion, not even Yingtian Mansion's, so in just three years You must seize it, if you have the opportunity to stay in Yingtian Mansion, you can get a position and a half in Yingtian Mansion."

When Doba Oak talked about Yingtian Mansion, his eyes were already in the shape of stars.

Du Yu could tell that Ying Tianfu was still very important in Doba Oak's heart.

Du Yu did not express his position on what Doba Oak said.

For Du Yu, although joining a force is an option if he wants to improve his cultivation, it is not the best choice.

Du Yu prefers the thrilling fighting method. Only by immersing himself in this fighting method can Du Yu feel the growth of his cultivation.

Although he lacks the protection of the forces, Du Yu is the kind of person who is not restrained by nature.

The reason why I stayed in this outer sect for three years was to integrate myself into the mysterious world.

Although Du Yu is full of confidence in his own strength, Du Yu is no different and will not let himself fall into passivity.

But now, after spending more than three months in the outer gate of Yingtian Mansion, Du Yu has developed a sense of awe towards the Xuanjie.

Although his understanding of the mysterious world is still limited to Doba Oak's explanation, Du Yu finally has a little understanding of the mysterious world.

Thinking of the powerful men in the Xuan Realm, Du Yu had a curious look on his face.

What Du Yu is most curious about now is the Saint of Soul Palace and Saint of Minghua.

I don’t know what will happen to these two in this mysterious world?

After just thinking for a moment, Du Yu shook his head.

Although these two people had been in the Xuan Realm longer than him, Du Yu didn't take it to heart.

They are all the cultivation of lower gods, so Du Yu can still be afraid of them.

Shaking his head and throwing away these messy thoughts, Du Yu immediately followed Doba Oak and began to patrol the Nanshan Mountain.

According to Toba Oak, this southern mountain is nothing more than an ordinary area.

In fact, there is usually no problem.

After all, after so many years, any problems have been discovered long ago.

With this relaxed mood, Doba Oak was extremely fast, flying forward quickly with Du Yu and others.

"Captain, what should we do after we finish patrolling Nanshan?" Immediately, a monk asked.

Hearing what the monk said, Toba Oak smiled and said, "Of course I went back to practice."

After being stunned for a moment, Doba Oak continued, "This mountain peak is full of strong power. This power is of great benefit to our practice. In fact, the only time left for you to truly practice is In two years, in the last half year, we will enter the competition stage."

"In the competition stage, if you win, you can stay!"

Doba Oak nodded, "Yes, Yingtian Mansion is very powerful, so naturally it will not take in those weak monks. It can be said that any weak monk who wants to join Yingtian Mansion must have his own strength. .”

After finishing speaking, Doba Oak stopped everyone from continuing to ask questions and immediately said, "We are currently on a mission, so if you have any questions, you should go back and ask again. Although Nanshan has been inspected countless times, if you encounter If something unexpected happens, we’ll be in trouble.”

After Doba Oak finished speaking, he looked at the eight people.

For a moment, the nine members of the Tigers fell silent, and they could only fly forward quickly.

During this process, Du Yu has been immersed in the spiritual buds in his body.

At this moment, Du Yu already had a practice plan, which was to practice in this magnetic field.

Du Yu believed that as long as he controlled his condition well, there would be no unexpected situation like the first time.

While Du Yu was thinking about his practice plan, a weak change in power caught Du Yu's attention.

Immediately, Du Yu looked curiously at the source of this power.

"What seems to be happening ahead?" Du Yu had a puzzled look on his face.

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at Du Yu curiously.

"Du Yu, what do you feel?" Doba Oak asked, while also looking forward.

However, Toba Oak felt nothing at all.

Several other people also sensed it one after another, but the result was the same as Doba Oak, and they didn't sense anything at all.

"It's just ahead. Be careful. Let's go and take a look." After Du Yu finished speaking, he led the way.

In fact, if it weren't for the previous provocation by the Divine Wolves, no one would have recognized Du Yu's strength at all.

After all, Du Yu has been too low-key during this period of time.

He is so low-key that people can ignore his cultivation.

But after that shot, everyone knew about Du Yu's cultivation. So now, when Du Yu said that there was something going on ahead, no one doubted it. Instead, they flew forward curiously.

Du Yu's flying speed was not very fast. Not long after, Doba Oak, who was behind Du Yu, also shouted, "I feel it. There seems to be a weak force, as if some spiritual treasure is about to appear!"

After Doba Oak finished speaking, the faces of several monks from the Tigers showed expressions of surprise.

"Could it be that a spiritual treasure really appeared and we encountered it like this?"

Many monks started looking forward to it.

Immediately, everyone accelerated their speed and flew forward.

During this process, Doba Oak's face also showed a look of shock.

Originally, he thought that his cultivation level should be similar to that of Du Yu.

But it can be seen from this incident that Du Yu's cultivation level is higher than his.

For a moment, Doba Oak felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

But thinking that Du Yu was a member of his Tigers, Doba Oak's face also showed a look of joy.

With players like this, Doba-Oke believes the Tigers will become a formidable team.

Everyone was flying very fast, and as they approached the location where the Lingbao appeared, other monks also sensed it one after another.

At this moment, a group of nine people seemed to be on stimulants, flying forward at extremely fast speeds.

Of course, during this process, Du Yu also became cautious.

After all, this is the mysterious world. If something unexpected happens, a careless move could kill you.

This was an impossible mistake for Du Yu who came up from the battle.

Not long after, a group of nine people also appeared at the sensing location.

As they approached this place, Du Yu and others were immediately shocked by the scene in front of them.

In front of the nine people was a dense forest.

This dense forest was originally very ordinary, but in the middle of the dense forest, a pool of water actually appeared.

The pool didn't look big, but the weak power came from the pool.

These powers merged into the void in an instant, giving people a mysterious feeling.

"Is this the place where the spirit treasure appears?" Doba Oak had a curious look on his face.

Speaking of which, after coming to the Xuan Realm for so long, I have seen some spiritual treasures, but they are all inferior spiritual treasures.

Such a naturally occurring spiritual treasure has never been seen before.

Therefore, there is some expectation in Doba Oak's heart, but every time the spirit treasure appears, it is accompanied by huge danger, so Doba Oak hesitates again whether to enter the water pool.

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