As soon as the aggressive Arnold approached, he was immediately blasted away by Quanwen Xing.

"He's just a loser. He's embarrassing us." After saying that, Quan Wenxing stopped talking to Arnold and looked at Du Yu with interest.

For such a low-level god, Quan Wenxing was full of interest in his heart.

I don’t know what kind of power this monk possesses, but he actually used the lower god’s realm to crush the middle god’s monks.

Although this monk in the middle god realm is a waste, he is still in the middle god realm after all.

This is simply not the same level of strength gap as the lower gods.

Not only that, during this process, because of the battle between Arnold and Du Yu, everyone understood that lower gods also have such powerful existences.

Previously, everyone had the impression that the middle god should directly crush the lower gods, but today, this concept has been directly shattered.

In fact, in the mysterious world, it's not like there aren't powerful lower gods emerging.

However, these lower gods are all the proud sons of a big force. These people have countless cultivation resources and various cultivation conditions.

This is how such a powerful monk can be forged.

However, such conditions were not consistent with the monk in front of him.

I don't dare to say anything, Du Yu seems to be just an ordinary monk, perhaps his power is a bit weird.

When Quan Wenxing saw four monks bringing Du Yu in front of him, there was no expression on Quan Wenxing's face.

The moment he saw Du Yu approaching, Quanwenxing immediately activated his power, and then, a force enveloped Du Yu.

After this force enveloped Du Yu, Du Yu felt as if his whole body was going to explode.

At this moment, Du Yu had no extra strength at all.

The whole person was wrapped in Quanwenxing's power, as if he was imprisoned. Not only could his body not move, but even the power within his body could not move.

This feeling was very uncomfortable, and Du Yu felt that he was on the edge of life and death.

If an ordinary monk faced this situation, he would definitely give up resistance. After all, being caught by the five median gods, there was no way at all.

Moreover, among the five median gods in front of us, in addition to the four intermediate gods, there is also one who is in the late stage of the median gods.

Such a powerful force, let alone a low-level god, even if it is encountered by a monk in the late middle-level god, there is only a way to escape.

However, Du Yu was different. Along the way, Du Yu faced various powerful monks, and he gained powerful power through fighting.

It was because of these battles that Du Yu was able to cultivate his cultivation to this level in a short period of time.

Not only that, but on the other hand, Du Yu has already experienced various crises.

It can be said that in terms of danger, Du Yu has been in contact with death countless times, but Du Yu has resisted them all.

Even at this point, Du Yu did not give up.

The spiritual power in his body was difficult to move, but Du Yu did not give up. At this moment, the spiritual buds in his body were swinging continuously.

Every time the spirit bud swings, a trace of power is emitted from it.

With this little bit of power, the saint's power in Du Yu's body became a little stronger.

However, facing the current situation, even though the saint's power in Du Yu's body was a little full, he still couldn't move.

This feeling made Du Yu very uncomfortable, but Du Yu did not dare to waste any time.

In the current state, Du Yu's life may be in danger at any time.

Fortunately, these monks seemed to be very interested in Du Yu's cultivation, so they did not take action directly.

This is Du Yu's only chance at the moment.

After taking a look at the spiritual bud in his body, Du Yu started to use the power in his body again, completely immersed in this state.

Under Du Yu's control, Lingya kept swinging. With each swing, Du Yu felt that the power in his body gradually relaxed a little.

Not long after, the power of the domain was formed again in Du Yu's body.

This domain power is very fragile in Du Yu's body, but it becomes stronger little by little as the spirit bud swings.

This feeling is very mysterious. Just in the blink of an eye, a stable field has been formed in Du Yu's body.

This field has a completely different feeling from the field Du Yu usually uses.

The moment the realm inside the body appeared, Du Yu discovered the difference between the two.

The realm inside the body is extremely delicate and very stable.

Although it does not seem to have a large scope of ordinary use, there is a huge difference in power between the two.

After this field appeared, Du Yu gradually breathed a sigh of relief.

Speaking of which, now, Du Yu is full of curiosity about the spiritual buds appearing in his body.

Originally, Du Yu thought that this would happen to everyone after becoming a saint.

But now, Du Yu discovered that not all monks had this spiritual bud. Du Yu even read many ancient books and found no relevant records.

Of course, this may also be because Du Yu's own cultivation status is not enough, so he has not consulted enough classics.

However, just these records made Du Yu know that he was extraordinary.

Since the spiritual buds in his body were so different, Du Yu was naturally unwilling to die here.

Following Du Yu's control, Quan Wenxing and others on the side also sensed the changes in Du Yu.

At this moment, Quan Wenxing frowned slightly.

"Huh? This guy seems a little unusual!"

Sensing the change in Du Yu's power, Quan Wenxing immediately controlled his power and pressed towards Du Yu.

At this moment, Quan Wenxing was full of curiosity about Du Yu's limits.

The lower god in front of him brought him quite a surprise.

Even Quan Wenxing knew that if he brought Du Yu back and gave it to Elder Qinglong, Elder Qinglong would probably reward him with some good things.

Thinking of this, Quan Wenxing immediately took back his power.

"Imprison him and hand him over to Elder Qinglong after this mission is over." After Quan Wenxing finished speaking, he set several layers of imprisonment on Du Yu and immediately ignored Du Yu.

After all, for Quanwenxing, the mission is the most important. As for Du Yu, a weird monk, it is just an embellishment in this mission.

As long as the task is completed, Quan Wenxing will have plenty of time to deal with Du Yu, and there is no need to waste time here.

Everyone glanced at Du Yu and immediately threw Du Yu directly to Arnold.

Now this waste is only suitable to take care of Du Yu. Besides, Du Yu made Arnold so embarrassed. Arnold must be full of anger. In this case, it is just right for Arnold to watch over Du Yu.

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