"Arnold, keep an eye on him. Now his cultivation is imprisoned by his senior brother. If anything goes wrong, you will definitely be allowed to stay here!"

Suddenly a monk shouted, looking at Arnold at the same time.

Facing this monk, Arnold nodded repeatedly and looked at Du Yu with an unkind look.

Arnold was still frightened by the battle just now.

The monk in the lower god realm in front of him didn't need to look at it through common sense at all.

Now that Du Yu is in his hands, Arnold has already had some thoughts in his heart.

Although Du Yu cannot be killed now, there is still no problem in making Du Yu suffer some pain.

After thinking this way, Arnold suddenly had a thought in his heart, and immediately, a powerful force emitted from Arnold's body.

Just as Arnold was about to take action, Quan Wenxing's voice came to his ears.

"It's your business how to deal with it, but if he dies, you don't have to live anymore." After Quan Wenxing finished speaking, he ignored Arnold at all.

For Quanwenxing, bringing a waste like Arnold is simply a waste of resources.

After Arnold responded, the power in his body suddenly weakened a bit.

After all, it would be nice to kill Du Yu, but after the fun was over, he himself had to answer here.

This is not a good deal for Arnold.

Even at this time, Arnold was a little worried about Du Yu's safety.

If Du Yu died here for other reasons, wouldn't he be left alone?

This thought burst into his mind, and Arnold became nervous.

After checking Du Yu's condition, he felt a little relieved after seeing that Du Yu couldn't scratch it off for the time being.

"Let's see how I deal with you after this mission is over." Arnold immediately stopped being careless and led Du Yu quickly towards the front.

At this moment, Quan Wenxing was very fast and appeared directly in front of Shimen with a few people.

When Quan Wenxing saw this stone gate, he also became cautiously alert.

The stone gate in front of him was unusual. Many monks had fallen here before him.

Now, although Quan Wenxing expressed his indifference verbally, at this point, Quan Wenxing also felt a bit of pressure.

In fact, not only Quanwenxing, but also other monks felt inexplicable pressure.

Although the monks who died here were all monks in the middle stage of the middle god realm, but among them all, except for Quanwenxing, they were all in the middle stage of the middle god realm.

Although I don't know what Quanwenxing will do when facing this secret realm, there is still a certain danger for several monks in the middle stage of the middle-level god here.

Among them, the most fearful one is Arnold. Arnold is already in the early stage of the middle god, and with Du Yu in tow, this puts him under tremendous pressure.

However, with Quanwenxing here, Arnold didn't dare to make any mistakes.

Maybe, Arnold didn't die in the secret realm, but died directly in the hands of Quanwenxing.

Perhaps Quan Wenxing would get a bit of reprimand for killing Arnold, but for Ying Tianfu, this was enough.

Although the monks in the middle god realm are more powerful than the monks in the lower god realm, they are just like chickens and dogs in Yingtian Mansion.

"Remember to follow me closely, and don't stay here like the previous monks did."

As soon as he came in, Quan Wenxing spoke.

Immediately, several monks nodded and responded quickly.

As soon as he entered the stone gate, the feeling of emptiness came again.

In an instant, that huge pressure enveloped everyone's hearts, bringing huge pressure to everyone.

Strangely enough, after entering the stone gate, the realm in Du Yu's body actually underwent subtle changes.

This change gave Du Yu the feeling that this field had come alive.

Originally, the realm just appeared, placed in Du Yu's body like an object.

But now, after entering the stone gate, Du Yu felt that the realm in his body seemed to be alive.

These fields gradually integrated into Du Yu's body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

During this process, Du Yu felt that his body and realm were more integrated.

Suddenly, Du Yu was completely immersed in this mysterious state, and even the dangers from the outside world were forgotten by Du Yu.

At this time, although Arnold felt some changes in Du Yu, because it was extremely difficult to protect himself after Shimen, he didn't have much time to pay attention to Du Yu, so he didn't pay much attention to Du Yu.

At this moment Quanwenxing was walking in front, and after walking for a full hour, the entire space behind the stone gate seemed to have not changed at all.

But in this atmosphere, Quanwenxing was under tremendous pressure, and so were the other monks.

Immediately, Quan Wenxing stopped and said, "Let's take a short rest and continue exploring forward."

In fact, according to Quanwenxing's current feeling, he wanted to leave, but when he got here, Quanwenxing didn't find anything at all. Not only that, he also didn't encounter any danger so far.

So it is very difficult for Quan Wenxing to leave.

From Quanwenxing's point of view, only when he reaches the end of the space behind the stone gate can he go back and find out the news.

After hearing Quan Wenxing's words, several monks did not dare to hesitate. They immediately separated two people to be on guard, and the others also began to regain their strength.

In such an environment, everyone feels a huge drain on their body's strength.

However, before everyone could settle down, they suddenly felt a huge force coming from the front.

This force was so powerful that no one needed to be alert, and the six people woke up in an instant. ,

Not only that, even Du Yu, who was immersed in a mysterious state, felt this powerful force.

"What the hell, what's going on?" Du Yu had a puzzled look on his face.

However, before Quan Wenxing and others could escape, this power enveloped them in an instant.

Like a black hole, it directly enveloped Du Yu and the other seven people in a blinding moment.

The powerful force is like the end of the world. This black hole force comes so suddenly that even Quanwenxing has no ability to resist.

The power of the black hole disappeared as quickly as it came. It disappeared from the Shimen space in a short time, as if it had never been there.

However, the seven people in the stone gate completely disappeared, as if they had never appeared here.

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