When the king insect came out of the space channel, Du Yu also got out immediately.

At this moment, Du Yu felt a sense of weakness.

Along the way, Du Yu has maintained the power of the domain, which has taken a huge toll on Du Yu.

Fortunately, Du Yu has not given up on practicing during this period. In addition, in such a special place, Du Yu only has one thing left to do: practicing. Therefore, Du Yu's power is stronger than before. A bit more powerful.

After Du Yu escaped, the king insect also went underground.

Seeing this, Du Yu naturally wouldn't let the king insect go.

In any case, Uncle Da and others were harmed because of this king insect.

But now, Du Yu has escaped from the lost forbidden land, so naturally he will not let this king insect go easily.

With a thought in his heart, a burst of power suddenly flowed out of Du Yu's body and directly wrapped up the king insect.

Under this powerful force, the King Insect could not move at all and could only keep struggling.

Du Yu also knew deep down in his heart that the king insect had no power. The real danger was the ghost insects summoned by the king insect.

Although Du Yu didn't know why the king insect didn't summon the ghost insect out, Du Yu had a look of surprise on his face when he saw the struggling king insect.

Du Yu discovered that there was a slight crack in the carapace of the king insect.

This crack was originally inconspicuous, but after a while, the crack became bigger and bigger.

"Choo Choo Choo……"

As the crack grew larger, the king insect struggled more fiercely.

However, Du Yu naturally would not let go of the king insect. He put the king insect into the field and looked at it with curiosity on his face.

Du Yu was sure that this might be a process of transformation for the king insect.

Although he didn't know what would happen, Du Yu always felt that there was a reason why the king insect went to the lost forbidden land.

At this moment, I simply don’t want to let go of any opportunity.

After Du Yu hid his figure, he began to study the king insect.

In less than a stick of incense, the cracks on the body of the king insect became larger and larger, and a tender red flesh ball appeared under the cracks.

This meat ball is like a chrysalis emerging from a cocoon.


After struggling for a long time but unable to break away, the king insect seemed to have given up resistance.

After a moment, with a crisp sound, the king insect's shell fell directly.

"Looks like it has completed the process!"

Du Yu had a curious look on his face.

At this moment, a small dark green insect crawled out of the shell.

This little bug looked very magical, and Du Yu even discovered that this little bug was not affected by Du Yu's domain power.

"Master, I didn't expect this to be the legendary rootless insect. Make a contract with it quickly." Just when Du Yu was curious, Kentero's voice came out.

When Kentero rose into the sky, Du Yu noticed a look of envy in Kentero's eyes.

"Rootless insect? What kind of monster is this?"

Du Yu looked at Kentero with curiosity on his face.

Seeing Du Yu's appearance, Kentero finally understood in his heart that if he didn't explain this rootless insect clearly, Du Yu would not conclude a contract with this treasure.

After thinking about it, Kentero suddenly said, "Master, as the so-called rootless worm is born outside of chaos, it is also the only existence that is above the rules. Hurry up and conclude a relationship with the rootless worm while it is still there. The contract can integrate the power of the rootless insect."

Kentero quickly explained.

Seeing Kentero's appearance, Du Yu still had a bit of curiosity on his face.

Not much. Thinking of the contract he signed with Kentero, Du Yu immediately had nothing to hesitate.

Although this is the first time I have seen this rootless insect, it is true that my own domain cannot contain the rootless insect.

Immediately, Du Yu no longer hesitated. After biting his right thumb, he integrated his power into his blood. He immediately followed Kentero's instructions and wiped this drop of blood on the rootless insect.

It's strange to say that when Du Yu's cultivation reached this level, ordinary monsters couldn't directly remove Du Yu's blood.

But this was not the case for the rootless worm. Du Yu's blood dripped onto the rootless worm, just like falling on a smooth mirror, and it immediately fell down.

Seeing this, Du Yu dropped blood on the rootless insect again, but the result was no different from before.

"what 's wrong?"

Du Yu couldn't help but ask.

After all, he didn't understand the rootless insects at all. On the contrary, Kentero was full of fear of the rootless insects.

Seeing Du Yu's appearance, Kentero felt like he hated iron.

"The rootless worm was originally a creature outside of chaos. Master, your blood was rejected by the rootless worm. It is probably because you captured the rootless worm and made it reject you. " said Kentero.

Hearing this, Du Yu felt a little speechless. The seemingly inconspicuous little bug like emotion still had such characteristics. Immediately, Du Yu asked directly, "In this case, how to conquer this rootless bug?"

After Du Yu finished speaking, he continued to drip blood on the rootless insect without giving up.

After all, this was the first time he saw the rootless worm. Kentero didn't know how to answer. After thinking about it, Kentero said, "Master, this rootless worm will lose your blood even if it resists you." , why don’t you try a few more times.”

After Kentero finished speaking, he realized that Du Yu was looking at him with a speechless face. However, this rootless insect was extremely precious. It was an existence that could only be encountered but could not be found. There was no way to see it in ordinary times. Kentero naturally had no better one. Method.

"Grandma, you're a bitch, this is the rhythm of bloodletting." Du Yu couldn't help complaining, but he still dripped blood on the rootless insect bit by bit.

Strangely enough, this rootless insect could easily resist Du Yu's blood.

But now, Du Yu faintly discovered that the rootless insect could resist his blood for longer.

With this discovery, Du Yu suddenly became energetic, and the blood in his body was like running water, dripping towards the rootless insect.

Sure enough, with Du Yu's crazy move, the resistance of the rootless insect gradually weakened.

Not long after, when Du Yu felt dizzy due to excessive blood loss, a drop of blood actually merged into the rootless insect's body.

"Successful." Kentero on the side shouted excitedly when he saw this scene.

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