The scene in front of him looked extremely ethereal. When Du Yu's blood merged into the body of the Rootless Worm, Du Yu immediately felt that there was a vague connection between himself and the Rootless Worm.

This connection is very weak, but it is real.

Not long after, Du Yu felt emotions coming from the rootless insect.

This emotion made Du Yu very curious.

Du Yu actually felt a sense of hatred from the rootless insect.

This hatred is hard to describe, but it is real.

"Master, how are you? Isn't this rootless insect magical?"

, just as Du Yu's face was filled with curiosity, Kentero on the side turned around and started talking to Du Yu.

Seeing this, Du Yu couldn't help but sigh slightly, shook his head, immediately looked at Kentero, and said, "The rootless insect seems to be somewhat magical, but I feel a sense of hatred in it. meaning!"

After saying this, Du Yu felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, in Du Yu's senses, this rootless insect was as cute as a newborn baby. However, in order to get this rootless insect, he directly trapped it in the field.

Afterwards, the process of signing the contract was a direct and forcible contract. Du Yu could understand the hatred emanating from Wugen.

However, now that the contract has been signed, Du Yu naturally doesn't care about this.

On the contrary, after signing the contract, the rootless insect belongs to Du Yu, and no other changes will occur at all.

As for the rootless insect's hatred for Du Yu, Du Yu didn't have much to do. After all, everyone had a grudge, and it would be useless to think about it now.

Because there is a contractual relationship, Du Yu does not worry about rootless insects deliberately disobeying him. This is the benefit of the contract.

In the contract, there is a special agreement, that is, the relationship between master and servant. There is no doubt that whether Du Yu signs a contract with Kentero or with the rootless insect in front of him, Du Yu is The master level.

Shaking his head and throwing these distracting thoughts away, Du Yu once again focused his attention on the world in front of him.

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar world around him, Du Yu was filled with emotions.

Uncle Da and others, after staying in the Lost Forbidden Land for so long, still have not left the Lost Forbidden Land.

But now, Du Yu has successfully escaped from the lost forbidden land. The gap between the two makes everyone envious.

"Okay, Kentero, we'll talk about the rootless insect later. Now let's take a look at the situation in front of us. I always feel that the place in front of me is somewhat different from the place before." Du Yu said After that, he jumped directly to Kentero.

Seeing that Du Yu had also lost interest in the rootless insect, Kentero couldn't say anything.

Immediately, in front of Du Yu's eyes, Kentero turned into a giant snake. Immediately, Du Yu jumped directly on Kentero's head.

After Du Yu came up, Kentero felt excited in his heart. He always felt that following Du Yu would give him a different experience.

Although most of these experiences were extremely dangerous, Du Yu didn't care at all.

Du Yu had an aura of driving into a dash, and this aura deeply infected Kentero.

Kentero's speed was very fast. After the giant snake form occupied the line, Kentero quickly flew forward while paying attention to the surrounding situation.

If they encounter a monster, the two of them will naturally have no interest in paying attention.

But if they meet a monk, the two will stay.

After all, neither Du Yu nor Kentero knew what the current situation was.

"Kentero, please find a place to stay. I feel that my cultivation has reached a bottleneck and I will break through at any time."

A slight smile appeared on Du Yu's face, and the cultivation in his body that had not moved for a long time began to move at this moment.

Du Yu was originally in the late stage of a lower god. Now with this breakthrough, Du Yu's cultivation will be able to reach the state of a mid-level god.

Although it may only be a small realm difference, the strength gap between the two sides is huge.

It was under this kind of situation that Du Yu began to look forward to it in his heart.

Although he still doesn't know where he is now, Du Yu believes that as long as his cultivation level can break through, all this will be worth it.

"Yes, Master."

Hearing that Du Yu had made a breakthrough in his cultivation, Kentero also showed excitement on his face. Because he signed a contract with Du Yu, Du Yu's breakthrough in cultivation also has a huge impact on Kentero. Benefits.

This benefit can quickly improve Kentero's cultivation, and even has huge benefits for Kentero's potential.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many monsters that would transform into human monks.

Although the power of human monks is not the greatest, the potential of the human form is the greatest.

All in all, Du Yu's improvement in cultivation will be of endless benefit to Kentero.

Feeling that Du Yu had integrated into the state of cultivation, Kentero did not stop at all. At this moment, Kentero accelerated his flying speed.

He knows that any bottleneck in practice is inevitable.

If you seize the opportunity, you will be able to break through quickly. If you cannot seize the opportunity, you will miss this opportunity and wait for the next breakthrough opportunity.

The journey of spiritual practice is originally a struggle with heaven, and the difficulties involved are difficult to express in words.

After flying for about a stick of incense, Kentero also appeared in front of a mountain peak.

The mountain looked very primitive, and immediately, Kentero flew directly into the mountain.

Not long after, Kentero found a cave within the mountain peak.

After putting Du Yu down, Kentero concentrated on guarding him in front of the cave.

This is something that a contracted beast should do. After all, Du Yu cannot be disturbed in any way when he breaks through.

After settling all this, Kentero also began to investigate the surrounding situation.

Of course, Kentero also left enough precautions in front of the cave. As long as there was any disturbance, he would be able to rush back as soon as possible.

On the other side, after Du Yu entered the cave, he felt that the sharpness in his body was running rapidly.

These spiritual powers look very mysterious, and are very different from their usual operation.

In this state, Du Yu was completely immersed in the state of cultivation.

Du Yu believes that when he wakes up, his cultivation will reach the realm of a middle god.

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