The spiritual power in the body is like a program controlled by the system. Countless spiritual powers move according to specific trajectories. At the same time, there is a powerful force running in Du Yu's mind.

At this moment, Du Yu felt that his body was like the universe. In the universe, countless creatures were flowing in Du Yu's mind from birth to death.

At this moment, Du Yu was like a third-party spectator. Watching the birth, old age, illness and death of these creatures, Du Yu had no way of starting.

Originally, Du Yu felt a little uneasy in his heart, but as time passed, Du Yu gradually became normal.

Being used to seeing all kinds of birth, old age, illness and death, Du Yu's whole character has completely changed.

This change was so intense that even Kantaro, who was guarding Du Yu outside, could feel it.

Birth, old age, illness and death were originally a very ordinary thing. However, because life has various emotions and various legal restrictions, this extremely ordinary thing seems to be extraordinary.

Du Yu even had a mysterious feeling that his soul was like traveling through countless universes in Moon Bay, directly integrated into this universe and became a part of it.

After integrating into the universe, Du Yu also began to experience a new life, and even experienced different births, old age, illness and death.

In these lives, Du Yu was extremely ordinary. There were even several times when he encountered a battle right after he was born, which directly shattered his soul.

This scene blended into Du Yu's mind like a movie.

In the outside world, Kentero looked at the cave in front of him with a blank expression on his face.

Du Yu spent a full three hundred years sitting here quietly practicing.

In these three hundred years, Du Yu has not even moved.

This filled Kentero's heart with curiosity.

Although three hundred years of practice is nothing to those powerful monks, Du Yu's practice time is really too weird.

However, Kentero did not dare to disturb Du Yu. It could clearly feel that Du Yu's power was increasing.

It's just that this increase method is very mysterious, and even Kentero himself can't see it clearly.

"Master, do you know that in the past three hundred years, I have arrested a number of monks, but you are still practicing."

Kentero's face was full of helplessness.

After placing Du Yu into the cave, Kentero began to investigate the surrounding situation.

Initially, Kentero was worried about any danger. However, after the real investigation was completed, Kentero discovered that the mountain peak in front of him was not as dangerous as he thought.

Of course, there are still some monks.

Originally, Kentero captured a lot of monks. This was because these monks were not skilled enough, and they died in less than three hundred years.

After that, after Kentero had collected the information he wanted, he lost other interests.

Immediately, he stayed by Du Yu's side all day long.

Moreover, because Kentero is in this mountain peak, the mountain peak in front of him directly becomes a forbidden land around it.

Because the nearby monks all knew that there was an extremely violent monster in this mountain peak.

This monster seemed to appear suddenly, and its cultivation was extremely powerful.

The lack of any interest in these monks Kentero does not mean that the surrounding monks are not interested in Kentero.

At this moment, dozens of monks gathered together in a city thousands of miles away from the mountain peak. ;

The cultivation of these monks is extremely powerful, and they are all the masters of one side in the city.

"Fellow Taoists, I heard that there is a demon beast appearing on Baifeng Mountain, and this demon beast seems to be guarding some spiritual treasure. Why don't you all send people together to eliminate the demon beast. As for obtaining the spiritual treasure, we will follow certain rules. How about dividing it into proportions?"

The monk who spoke had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and looked very majestic.

And he is also the largest force in the city, belonging to the city lord's palace.

"City Lord Ji Mo, as the City Lord of this city, you just have to decide this matter."

"That's right, City Lord Ji Mo, all of us have followed you to achieve the power we have today. Now as long as the City Lord says a word, we will naturally act according to the City Lord's instructions."

Countless monks agreed.

There was a look of anticipation on the faces of these monks.

Originally there was no city here, and it was even extremely dangerous.

But later it was revealed that more monks came here, and the Lord of the City at the end of the season appeared. It can be said that if it were not for the punishment at the end of the season, all the surrounding monks would have been killed or injured.

Because this place is really too dangerous.

After glancing at the monk below, City Lord Ji Mo also showed a somewhat majestic look on his face.

"Okay, everyone, if that's the case, let's gather people now and set off for Baifeng Mountain in ten days."

After City Lord Ji Mo finished speaking, the monks around him immediately responded and immediately turned around and left.

Ten days is a very short time for a monk.

You know, in many cases, many monks spend more than ten days just traveling.

In just the blink of an eye, ten days passed. During these ten days, under the summons of these forces, there were five middle gods and a hundred monks in the late stage of lower gods.

These monks can be said to be the most powerful force currently.

Looking at the monk in front of him, City Lord Ji Mo showed excitement on his face.

It is unprecedented to lead so many monks at one time.

Following the command from City Lord Ji Mo, many monks immediately flew forward.

At this moment, Du Yu, Kentero and others on the top of Baifeng Mountain did not know the arrangements of Jimo City Lord and others.

Now, Kentero just felt that the aura on Du Yu's body had undergone subtle changes.

This change is very mysterious. Kentero's practice and Du Yu's practice have reached a very critical period.

As long as he passed this critical period, Du Yu would be able to wake up from his state of practice.

Under this belief, Kentero still stood by Du Yu's side, waiting for Du Yu quietly.

Of course, because Du Yu's cultivation has reached a critical stage, Kentero's vigilance has become more cautious.

After all, there are still monks appearing around this place. Who can guarantee that there will be monks here?

No one can guarantee it.

But for the sake of Du Yu's practice, Kentero will never relax.

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