The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1656 The power of the seal

This powerful volcano appeared without any warning, and because of the existence of Bixi, the volcano erupted very fiercely, wrapping up the entire Baifeng Mountain in just an instant.

For a time, countless trees were burned to ashes.

Not only that, there were even many creatures that had no time to escape and were directly swallowed by the magma.

The entire Baifeng Mountain looks like hell on earth.

But Du Yu and others at the bottom of the magma could not sense changes in the outside world.

In Du Yu's view, it was just Bixi's strength that had been leaked out.

Taking back the rootless insect, Du Yu had a strange look in his eyes.

In the process of just breaking the chain, Du Yu discovered that the rootless insects were not just eating things other than chaos. Here, Du Yu had a new way to use it, but this method is still just a Whether the idea can be truly implemented, Du Yu still has to see the specific effect.

After these thoughts ran away from the bottom of his heart, Du Yu also came to his senses. He believed that the functions of rootless insects were definitely not only these, but there must be many other functions.

He glanced at Bi Xi in front of him. At this moment, Bi Xi stood up with his body like a hill.

At this moment, Du Yu finally saw the complete Bixi.

Originally, part of Bixi's body was embedded in the magma, but now, after standing up, Du Yu realized how small he was.

"Little guy, this place is extremely dangerous now, you'd better hide in first." Bi Xi glanced at Du Yu, and suddenly his front paws moved in the void, and a small black light spot suddenly appeared in Bi Xi. In front of him.

The moment the black spot appeared, Du Yu sensed the power of space.

Immediately, Du Yu dived directly into this black spot without any hesitation.

As soon as he flew in, the space in the black dot flew towards Bixi's forehead, and then merged into Bixi's body.

Even though he was inside Bixi's body, Du Yu could still clearly see everything in the outside world.

When Du Yu woke up from his enlightened state, he discovered huge power fluctuations coming from around him.

This fluctuation in power made Du Yu palpitate.

He knew very well in his heart that this power was simply not something he could handle.

It is precisely because of this that when Bi Xi released the space, Du Yu got into it without hesitation.

After seeing Du Yu enter the space, Bi Xi turned around and looked forward.

At this moment, the cracks on the rocks that Bixi had moved away were getting bigger and bigger.

This huge crack looks like it comes from hell, capable of swallowing up everything in sight at any time.


There were several more sounds, and the crack in front of Du Yu became a little larger again.

After a while, a black tentacle stretched out from it.

The moment he saw this tentacle, Du Yu had a look of shock on his face.

Because it was like I had seen this monster before somewhere, but I didn’t think of it for a long time.

Holding his breath, Du Yu quietly looked at everything in front of him.

Obviously, Bixi will probably have an earth-shattering battle with this monster next.

This kind of battle is generally rare. Many monks whose cultivation is difficult to break through have no way of watching this level of battle.

Originally, even if Du Yu saw the battle between the two sides, he would not be able to apply it to his own cultivation.

Because the strength gap between the two sides is too large, there is no way to clearly see the fighting style between the two sides.

But things are different now. When Du Yu learned the method of controlling rootless insects in the perception space, his control over his own power reached an extremely astonishing level.

With the power of the field, Du Yudao was also able to capture the battle in front of him.

"After all these years, I finally came out.\

,"Following a strange sound, Du Yu discovered that a monster beast that had always looked like a pangolin appeared in the crack. ,

There are countless tentacles just at the mouth of this pangolin.

The tentacles Du Yu first saw spread from here.

The monster's body shape was similar to that of Bixi, and its huge body put tremendous pressure on Du Yu the moment it appeared.

Under this pressure, Du Yu's body could not move at all.

"This is still in the Bixi space. If it were in the outside world, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to survive just with this aura." Under the huge pressure, Du Yu's eyes showed a look of shock.

Du Yu has always believed that his cultivation level has improved rapidly, which ordinary monks simply cannot achieve.

However, after this period of time, Du Yu discovered that the entire continent was extremely huge, and there were many more powerful beings than himself.

This made Du Yu, who had just mastered the control of the Rootless Insect, feel a bit of pressure.

Perhaps because of the battle, Du Yu was never satisfied with his own strength.

Ordinary monks may encounter strong people, but it is impossible to meet so many strong people.

However, Du Yu was different.

Along the way, the monks and monsters Du Yu encountered were all extremely powerful. Without Du Yu's strong willpower, there would have been no way he could have survived.

Although the experience along the way was extremely dangerous, the speed at which Du Yu's cultivation level improved was unique.

After taking a look at the monster in front of him, Bi Xi's eyes revealed a hint of fear.

The pangolin in front of him is his mortal enemy. The two sides have been fighting for tens of thousands of years, but there has never been a winner.

The closest thing was the last time, with the help of a powerful hand, the pangolin beast was sealed.

But now, the power of the seal has dissipated, and there is no doubt that Bixi and the pangolin beast will meet.

"Bi Xi, today I will let you experience the pain of being sealed for thousands of years." The pangolin beast shouted as soon as it came out.

Seeing this, Bi Xi walked forward.

"Boom Kaka..."

With just one random step, countless cracks appeared in the magma underground.

This gave Du Yu a sense of crisis.

Before the two sides could fight, this powerful force almost completely tore the entire underground world apart.

The moment he approached the pangolin, a stream of crimson lava spurted out from Bixi's mouth.

This force was extremely powerful, but it hit the Pangolin Beast and was blocked by the scales on the Pangolin Beast.

The cold scales reflect the dark light, giving people the illusion of being very cold-blooded.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, your cultivation level has not improved at all. It seems that the grudge between you and me can be settled today." There was a look of disdain on the face of the mountain beast.

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