Biyi's attack just landed on him, and had no impact on the pangolin at all.

The only thing that made the pangolin feel curious was the energy in Bixi's mouth.

In the past, Bixi was considered a water-attributed mythical beast, so its attack method was mainly based on water.

But maybe it was the reason why it was sealed here for so long.

The power in Bixi's body has gradually changed from water attribute to fire attribute.

It can be said that these two completely different attributes have led to the change in Bixi's power.

Although there have been changes in attributes, Bixi must have suffered a huge loss in his own strength in order to adapt to the environment here over the years.

This power naturally made it difficult for Bixi's cultivation to improve.

On the contrary, although this mountain beast is not a fire-attribute monster, it is not a water-attribute monster either. Even though it is sealed here, it is very uncomfortable.

However, over the years, as a monster, its own cultivation has gradually increased.

In this way, his strength will naturally surpass Bixi.

After some attacks, Bixi obviously discovered the result.

Suddenly, Biyi let out a wild scream, and his limbs filled with explosive power instantly rushed towards the location of the pangolin beast.

This powerful force directly crushed the magma below.

Seeing this, the pangolin beast rushed towards Bixi without showing any weakness.

In an instant, two extremely powerful monsters fought together with the most straightforward strength.

As soon as they got closer, Bixi's huge limbs stepped towards the pangolin, and the tentacles on the pangolin's mouthparts also wrapped around Bixi.


There was a heart-wrenching sound, and Bixi stepped on the pangolin beast. Immediately, one of the scales on the pangolin beast's body collapsed.

At the same time, Bixi was also wrapped by the mouthparts and tentacles of the pangolin.

These tentacles burrowed crazily towards Bixi.

However, Bixi's reputation as a famous mythical beast is by no means unfounded.

Although these mouthparts and tentacles were wrapped around Bixi's body, there was no way to deal with Bixi's huge turtle shell.

After arriving, Bixi bit off the tentacles.

The moment the tentacles were bitten off, the pangolin screamed in pain.

Suddenly, the two sides separated for the first time.

When Du Yu, who was hiding in the Bixi space, saw this scene in front of him, he was already stunned.

He never thought that these two powerful monsters would fight in such a straightforward manner.

Because he can directly see the outside world in the space, Du Yu's feelings are the most profound.

Those tentacles just looked inconspicuous, but Du Yu noticed that there were many sharp blades on these tentacles.

These blades are extremely sharp and even have a hint of poison.

Fortunately, it was Bixi. If it were an ordinary monster, just by being scratched by the sharp blade on this tentacle, it would probably be directly poisoned or injured.

"Although the battle is simple and rough, it is extremely dangerous." Du Yu sighed quietly after reading it.

Although from the perspective of cultivation, Bixi seemed to be at a disadvantage, Du Yu was not sure that Bixi would lose directly. After all, Bixi's huge tortoise shell was not just a decoration.

However, Du Yu didn't have a good enough mentality for the current battle. After all, this mountain beast looked extraordinary, and it was simply not comparable to ordinary monsters.

While Du Yu was meditating, Bixi and the pangolin beast bit each other again.

The simple and crude fighting methods between the two sides made Du Yu's blood boil with excitement.

Only then did he realize that the battle could still be fought like this.

While watching, a world gradually appeared in Du Yu's mind.

In this world, there is a Bixi and a pangolin, and the two sides are engaged in a fierce battle.

"No, if this was the case just now, it might be another result."

In his mind, Du Yu was like a brain, watching the battle between the two sides.

Among them, if there is anything that needs to be changed, Du Yu will also try to change it.

I don't know how much time it took before Du Yu simulated the final result.

"How, how is it possible, Biyi actually lost." Du Yu had a shocked look on his face.

Although the pangolin beast in front of him looked extremely weak, Bixi was defeated after all.

During the deduction process, Du Yu didn't know how many fighting methods he tried, but Bi Xi's outcome was still destined.

This made Du Yu worried.

If the external battle ends and Biyi is truly defeated, it may be difficult for Du Yu to survive.

After thinking about it this way, Du Yu started to deduce it again.

The process of this deduction is very simple, that is, adding Du Yu to the battle between the two.

"No, this won't work."

"There's no way it would be useful at all."

"Damn, the difference in strength is really too big. He was instantly killed in just one face-to-face encounter."

"What other way is there?"

After countless deductions, Du Yu had a look of helplessness on his face.

He never thought that during the deduction process, adding Du Yu himself would not play any role at all.

This made Du Yu a little discouraged.

However, Du Yu still did not give up.

Because giving up now would mean that Du Yu could only die.

After fighting all the way until now, Du Yu is unwilling to accept what he is seeing, so Du Yu wants to survive.

Thinking about it this way, Du Yu's deduction speed accelerated a bit.

Although during the deduction process, Du Yu was in a state of cannon fodder most of the time.

As the deduction progressed, Du Yu gradually became more comfortable in dealing with it.

Although it is still difficult to hold on for too long, Du Yu is now like a sharp knife. Although he has not yet taken action, he can still exert powerful power from the side.

Du Yu believed that if the worst outcome really happened, he would follow the deductive method.

Because in the previous deduction, Du Yu actually became a key point. At the most critical moment, he interrupted the attack of the pangolin beast, allowing Biyi to find the right opportunity to directly kill the pangolin beast.

This was a crazy move, and Du Yu even had a crazy look in his eyes.

Because he had the result in his heart, Du Yu became more serious when he watched.

But now, after the battle between the two sides, both Bixi and the pangolin beast have scars on their bodies.

Generally speaking, because of Bixi's amazing defense, the injuries he suffered were much lighter than those of the Pangolin.

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