The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1658 Deduction Successful

At this moment, the pangolin beast also looked extremely embarrassed.

Many of the scales on his body had been torn into pieces, and the whole body was dripping with blood, which looked very oozing.

"Pangolith, I was able to seal you back then, and I can still seal you now." Bixi felt that his voice was a bit weak, but the majesty in his words could not be ignored.

After the voice fell, Bixi walked towards the pangolin beast again. This time, as soon as Bixi got close, he bit the pangolin beast's neck. The huge force immediately bit the scales on the pangolin beast's body into pieces.


Blood immediately flew out, and the pangolin made a sound of pain.

Although it seems that Biyi has the upper hand at the moment, Du Yu feels a little uneasy after the deduction.

Because Du Yu had deduced this scene during the deduction, the pangolin beast looked very dangerous even though it was bitten by Bixi.

However, the scales on the pangolin are not only for protection, they even have a special change.

Bixi may not be aware of this change.

"Be careful."

When he saw Bi Xi's bite, Du Yu quickly reminded him.

Although Du Yu's current cultivation base is not very strong, Bixi still has great trust in Du Yu.

Because there is no way for an ordinary monk to learn how to control rootless insects.

But huge but learned.

Although he didn't know where the danger Du Yu warned was, Biyi still instinctively became cautious.

In order to prevent the pangolin beast from using tricks, Bixi increased the force in his mouth.

According to Biyi's conjecture, under normal circumstances, the pangolin's neck would be bitten off by it, and in this way, the pangolin can naturally be killed.

What Biyi didn't expect was that when the power in her mouth strengthened, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her mouth.

This sharp pain made Bixi immediately let go of his mouth.

"How, how is that possible!" Biyi's eyes showed a look of shock.

He never expected that such a scene would happen. At this moment, Bixi's huge mouth was dripping with blood.

You can even see the scales on the pangolin in Bixi's mouth.

Just now, after Du Yu reminded him, Bi Xi discovered for the first time that the scales on the pangolin beast could rotate.

Originally, the scales on the pangolin's body covered its body.

In this way, the pangolin beast can withstand countless attacks.

However, just now, the scales on the pangolin's body actually reversed like a hedgehog.

The hard scales immediately pierced Bixi's mouth.

"Hmph, I was accidentally sealed by you last time, but today, you still fell directly here." The pangolin beast looked very tragic, but its cold eyes looked extremely violent.

Here, Bi Xi couldn't speak at all. The power just caused Bi Xi to suffer huge damage.

Not only that, Biyi also discovered that there was actually venom in these scales.

This made Bi Xi poisoned instantly.

In fact, under normal circumstances, these poisons would not be noticed by Bixi at all.

However, the situation in front of him was completely unexpected.

Bixi and the pangolin are engaged in a life-or-death battle, and this little bit of poison can affect Bixi's strength.

If this happens, the next battle will naturally be at a disadvantage.

"Ho ho ho..."

Because Jukou was injured, Bixi could not speak, and could only make a cry of reluctance.

Here, the Pangolin saw that Bigui was in a bad state, and immediately rushed towards Bigui. Facing the Pangolin's attack, Bigui swung his body and hit the Pangolin.

The moment he got close to the pangolin, the tentacles on the pangolin's mouth wrapped Bixi again.

This time, these tentacles frantically drilled towards Bixi's wound.

Although Bi Xi wanted to stop it, there was no way at all.

In just an instant, a look of horror appeared on Du Yu's face.

"No, if this continues, Biyi will die." Although Du Yu had deduced this scene during the deduction, when it actually happened, Du Yu was still very worried in his heart.

He called Bixi several times, but Bixi was unable to respond. Seeing this, Du Yu knew that it was time for him to take action.

Although during the deduction process, Du Yu finally survived.

However, this action is still very risky.

If there was any accident, Du Yu would have no way to survive.

However, it can't be controlled so much.

Immediately, Du Yu came out of Bixi's space without any hesitation.

As soon as he came out, Du Yu felt the violent power.

These powers seemed to devour Du Yu.

With a thought in his heart, the powerful force in Du Yu's body started to move.

The moment this powerful power appeared, Du Yu's domain was also released.

When the domain was released, Du Yu felt that the whole world had become quiet.

At the same time, an absolute control appeared in Du Yu's hands.

However, this state of affairs did not last long.

The moment Du Yu came out of the domain, the tentacles wrapped him up.

Facing this tentacle for the first time, Du Yu felt tremendous pressure.

Although this tentacle was not worth mentioning in front of Biyi, when Du Yu actually faced it, he realized the huge pressure involved.

Just one tentacle made Du Yu's domain unbearable.

"Humph, everything is in my deduction."

Du Yu's face showed a somewhat ferocious look.

At the same time, countless powers emitted from Du Yu's body.

These powers were like running water. With the help of the domain's power, Du Yu directly cut the tentacle in half.

Immediately, Du Yu continued to fly forward.

Although this scene looked very terrifying, there was no fear on Du Yu's face.

Everything has been deduced, and as long as Du Yu follows the fighting methods in the deduction, he will definitely be able to turn defeat into victory.

Du Yu's face showed a solemn look. In the short distance, due to the huge strength gap between the two sides, the power in Du Yu's body quickly dried up.

However, because of his desperate actions just now, Du Yu also appeared on the pangolin beast.

As soon as he stood on the mountain beast, Du Yu summoned the rootless insect.

"Little guy, it's up to you whether you can kill this big guy." Du Yu had a look of expectation on his face.

At the same time, he began to control the rootless insects to eat the body of the pangolin beast.

This is the only effective way Du Yu can think of so far.

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