
Bi Xi rushed over immediately after seeing Du Yu unconscious.

He knew the risks of this fight.

When he received Du Yu, he directly integrated the power in his body into Du Yu's body.

Du Yu's condition is very bad now.

After taking a look at Du Yu, Bi Xi didn't hesitate and directly took out the essence blood from his body. After taking out this drop of essence blood, Bi Xi's whole person's aura was obviously weakened.

Even after Biyi took out this drop of essence blood, his body began to shake.

However, at this moment, Bixi still carefully integrated the Jingyuan blood into Du Yu's body.

In an instant, huge power filled Du Yu's body.

Seeing that Du Yu's condition improved a little, Biyi also felt a huge feeling of weakness.

Immediately, Biyi used his last bit of strength to pull Du Yu into the space, and then his huge body fell directly to the ground, falling into a coma.

He didn't even have time to see the body of the pangolin in the distance.

The entire magma world was silent without any sound, and the still erupting volcano also became quiet at this moment.

The world in front of me is like a silent world, except for the occasional sound of lava bubbling, there are no other sounds.

This battle was extremely dangerous, because the sudden eruption of the volcano naturally attracted the attention of many forces.

At this moment, dozens of monks gathered around the volcano.

These monks were all full of curiosity.

On that day, they could sense the powerful power coming from the volcano, but looking at the endless magma, these monks didn't know what to do.

After all, if your own cultivation has not reached a certain level, entering the magma rashly will only lead to death.

Furthermore, the power in this magma is so surging that it is impossible for any monsters to appear.

After some inquiring, these monks gradually left.

On the other side, when these monks were about to leave, a monk rushed over anxiously.

"Elder, a nine-headed monster appeared in front. This monster looks very violent and has injured many fellow disciples." The monk who spoke had a look of anxiety on his face.

Originally, due to the volcanic eruption, magma was everywhere, so everyone's search was much easier.

After all, ordinary monks would have been killed by this magma long ago.

Even those monster beasts with stronger cultivation base may leave this place.

However, this monk never expected that he would discover a nine-headed monster just by accidentally searching.

"What, there is such a thing! Let's go and take a look."

Immediately, the monk known as the elder led many monks towards the direction of the nine-headed monster.

Here, Kentero had a blank look in his eyes.

He felt that the contractual relationship between him and Du Yu had become very weak.

It feels like the contract is about to expire.

However, the two sides can sense the vague power between them.

This is a very strange situation, and Kentero can't figure out the reason for it at all.

Just when Kentero was planning to look for Du Yu, he discovered more than a dozen monks.

Most of these more than ten monks are in the late-stage realm of low-level gods, and one is in the early-stage realm of mid-level gods.

Now, after the breakthrough, Kentero didn't look down on the monks in front of him at all.

"Hmph, you took the initiative to provoke me today, but don't blame me for being rude." Kentero looked at the monks in front of him with an unkind look.

Powerful power is released in an instant.

For a moment, Kentero's aura was astonishing, and he attacked these monks with powerful force.

Nine heads, except for one head, the other eight heads all fought with the monks.

The powerful force swallowed up many monks in an instant.

These monks simply cannot resist for long.

As for the remaining monks, they were already frightened when faced with such a ferocious Kentero, and they fled towards the rear.

Seeing this, Kentero did not pursue him.

"Master, where are you now, and why do I feel that the aura on your body is so weak." A confused look appeared on Kentero's face.

Although he didn't know what happened, when Kentero saw the magma in front of him, he already guessed in his heart that it was probably related to Du Yu.

After all, ordinary monks simply cannot do this.

He was curious at the bottom of his heart, but Kentero still flew towards the top of Baifeng Mountain.

Last time, Kentero suffered huge injuries due to the appearance of the city lord at the end of the season.

But now, Kentero has been transformed.

Along the way, Kentero's speed became faster and faster. After a while, he followed the position of the magma and appeared in front of the volcano of Baifeng Mountain.

Looking at the hot magma in front of him, Kentero instinctively took two steps back.

However, after Kentero came closer, the curious look in his eyes became more intense.

"Why do I sense the master's aura under this magma? Is the master in danger?" Kentero was puzzled.

However, because this feeling was vague and vague, Kentero was not completely sure that Du Yu was below.

In addition, the magma in front of him looked very dangerous, and Kentero hesitated for a moment.

After thinking about it, Kentero left a clone here and then started looking for it elsewhere.

After Kentero's body left, there was a small snake next to the crater of Baifeng Mountain.

This little snake is a clone of Kentero, which is also a head of Kentero.

After finding a place to hide, the clone got up here carefully observing the situation.

As long as there is any discovery, Kentero can rush over as soon as possible.

Watching Taylor was very fast. After leaving the crater, he also started looking for other places.

What makes Kentero helpless is that because of these thoughts, he doesn't have much time with Du Yu.

Either Du Yu is practicing, or Kentero is in a state of healing.

Now, Kentero's cultivation level has improved, but Du Yu's figure disappeared again.

This led Kentero to discover that he had signed a contract with a false owner.

Although he felt a little confused in his heart, Kentero still searched the entire Baifeng Mountain.

He believed that he would not stray too far from here. The entire Baifeng Mountain was not big, but it would take a lot of experience to complete the search.

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