The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1661 The vicissitudes of life

In the White Peak Mountain, Kentero stayed for a long time, but in the end no trace of Du Yu was found.

Apart from the vague connection within his body, Kentero was really not sure that Du Yu was still alive in this world.

In fact, Kentero collected the entire White Peak Mountain, including the area near White Peak Mountain.

However, the result was still the same, there was no trace of Du Yu at all.

Even in other places, Kentero couldn't even sense Du Yu's breath.

After decades of searching, Kentero finally returned to the crater. ,

Now, after decades, some plants have gradually grown in Baifeng Mountain, which was originally covered by magma.

At least now it won't look like the bare, all-magma scene it looked like before.

However, because it was only a few decades ago, the growth of these trees was not large, and they were even a little fragile in Kentero's eyes.

Because of the growth of trees, some small lives gradually gathered around Baifeng Mountain.

Kentero didn't have any ill intentions towards these monsters.

This is true even for human monks.

As long as these monks do not actively provoke Kentero and do not approach the volcano, Kentero will not embarrass these monks.

Over time, many monks gradually gathered here. These monks are all in the realm of lower gods, and they are all expelled monks.

"Master, do you know that I have been looking for you for fifty years, but there is still no result. Are you really under the magma?" Kentero looked deeply into the sky.

At this moment, under the magma, Du Yu's aura gradually stabilized.

That day, when Du Yu was controlling the rootless worm to devour the mountain beast, Du Yu's spirit was under tremendous pressure.

Although he killed the pangolin beast, Du Yu's situation was still very dangerous.

Thanks to that trace of essence blood, Du Yu's life was saved.

With the help of the blood of essence, Du Yu's original strength gradually recovered.

If you check Du Yu's condition at this moment, you will find that Du Yu's body is extremely powerful and there are no signs of injury at all.

But Du Yu's coma has not improved.

In Du Yu's sea of ​​consciousness, the spiritual bud has grown an emerald green leaf.

This leaf looks vibrant and very pleasant.

At the same time, the power of the saint in Du Yu's body became more abundant.

In the middle of the sea of ​​consciousness, there is still a drop of essence blood floating in the air.

After fifty years of consumption, this drop of essence blood has only one percent left.

But now, this last trace of essence blood is like nutrients, gradually integrated into the spiritual buds in Du Yu's body.

Before a trace of essence blood was integrated into the spirit bud, the spirit bud trembled a little, and along with it, a ray of light shuttled through the spirit bud.

As Ling Ya grew, Du Yu's consciousness gradually recovered.

At this moment, Du Yu appeared in a world of white.

Nothing can be seen clearly in this vast white world, it is like a chaotic space.

Standing here, Du Yu felt endless confusion.


Not long after, a clear voice came. Hearing this voice, Du Yu had a curious look on his face.

He knew that this was the sound of collapsing magma bubbles.

However, although the sound was extremely clear, Du Yu could not see it. There was only a vast expanse of white in front of him.

"Is this the consciousness space?" Du Yu gradually calmed down, and at the same time, he tried his best to use the power in his body to get out of this white space.

In such a space, Du Yu felt very uncomfortable.

It's like a person who is suddenly woken up by a ghost pressing on his bed after falling asleep.

The process of being pressed on the bed by a ghost is still very weird. Even if Du Yu's cultivation has reached the current level, Du Yu doesn't want to bear this feeling, because it is too weird.

After struggling for a while, Du Yu found that except for his consciousness, his body could not move at all.

Seeing this, Du Yu moved towards the white space.

He didn't know how long he had been walking in this state, but Du Yu suddenly noticed a subtle change.

In this vast white world, Du Yu actually discovered a rootless insect.


Without any hesitation, after sensing the rootless insect, Du Yu immediately used the power in his body to control the rootless insect.

The moment Du Yu's power controlled the rootless insect, Du Yu suddenly felt the connection between himself and the rootless insect.

During this period of time, Du Yu discovered that the rootless insect had grown significantly.

Maybe it's because it swallowed the pangolin beast.

Controlling the rootless insect, Du Yu was completely immersed in his own world.

Under Du Yu's control, rootless insects began to eat away at the vast white world.

As the rootless insects gnawed away, Du Yu found that the white world in front of him gradually dispersed.

At this moment, what appeared in front of Du Yu was a complete world.

Here, Du Yu's world gradually brightened up.

In front of him was a hazy world.

After a while, the hazy world in front of me gradually became clear.

The whole world seemed to become clearer.

At this moment, Du Yu also stopped controlling the Rootless Insect, and only then could he truly see clearly what the Rootless Insect looked like.

Originally, he thought that the rootless insect had grown a lot, but now that he saw it, Du Yu was shocked to find that the rootless insect in front of him was not the rootless insect he had seen before.

The body, which is as big as a small mountain, looks amazing.


As soon as he woke up, Du Yu discovered that Bi Xi was still unconscious.

The huge body completely blocked Du Yu's face.

Only at this moment did Du Yu remember that before he passed out that day, Bixi seemed to have absorbed the blood of Jingyuan into his mouth.

It is precisely because of the existence of this drop of essence blood that Du Yu is alive until now.


Du Yu felt a warmth in his heart.

With a thought in his heart, the power in his body suddenly merged into Biyi's body under Du Yu's control.

While Du Yu was checking, Bi Xi also opened his eyes.

"Little guy, I didn't expect you to wake up before me." Bixi's voice sounded very weak.

Hearing this voice, Du Yu's face suddenly showed a bit of joy, "Senior, you are awake."

After saying that, Du Yu also took back his power. At the same time, Du Yu integrated the remaining essence blood into Bixi's body.

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