The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1663 This is a treasure

Seeing Du Yu's affirmative look, Biyi's eyes moved slightly. He knew the difficulties in cultivating to Dzogchen, but he still nodded.

"Yes, as long as your cultivation reaches the Great Perfection, I will definitely recognize your identity, but now, your cultivation is not enough." After Bigui finished speaking, he walked towards the body of the mountain beast.

The moment Bi Xi left, Du Yu also felt the pressure on his body lighten, even though Bi Xi's request was very difficult.

But Du Yu was still full of confidence.

You know, Biyi is a divine beast. As the owner of a divine beast, if you don't have any cultivation, you may not be able to convince Biyi at all.

After taking back his domain, Du Yu also looked at the corpse of the pangolin in front of him.

Even though the pangolin was killed, such a huge corpse was still full of treasures.

After thinking about it, Du Yu approached the mountain beast.

As soon as they got closer, they heard Bixi's voice, "Little guy, although the pangolin in front of you is dead, there are still a lot of good things in it."

Seeing Bi Xi saying this, Du Yu quickly came over and said, "Senior, I'm thinking about how to deal with this huge corpse."

Du Yu chuckled.

Seeing Du Yu's appearance and looking at the pangolin in front of him, the unwillingness in Bi Xi's heart gradually subsided a little.

No matter what, the guy in front of me has been recognized by Wu Wu Root Worm.

Generally speaking, the potential of such a cultivation level should be good.

After thinking this way, Bixi's expression gradually softened.

"Little guy, the scales of the pangolin can be used as armor for you, and the bones can be used as a good weapon." After Bixi finished speaking, a force came from Bixi's body.

Although during the battle, Bixi destroyed a lot of the scales of the pangolin beast.

However, there are still some nice scales on the pangolin's body.

In view of the fact that he had already signed a contract with Du Yu, Bigui took off the two best scales from the pangolin beast.

He handed the two scales into Du Yu's hands.

"The scales of the pangolin can withstand the attack of the mid-level god in the later stage. With the protection of these two scales, you will not be killed so early." After Bixi finished speaking, he ignored Du Yu.

In fact, there was a loophole in what Bi Xi just said.

Although the scales can withstand the attacks of the monks in the later stage of the higher god, Du Yu, who is inside the scales, cannot withstand the penetrating power of this stage.

The most likely scenario is that although Scales attacked his crotch, Du Yu would be directly shocked to death by this attack.

Of course, Bi Xi was not interested in reminding him of such details.

In his opinion, the armor that gave Du Yu the scales of the pangolin was already cheating.

After all, ordinary monks are not in such a state.

After receiving the two scales from Bixi, Du Yu showed a look of joy on his face.

In fact, Du Yu has been coveting these scales for a long time, but Du Yu knows his own cultivation level.

With his current level of cultivation, there was no way he could pull off the scales.

That is, only Bi Xi can do it.

However, although the scales were in his hands, Du Yu still had a somewhat embarrassed look on his face.

Because there was no way he could make these scales into armor.

Seeing this, Du Yu once again set his sights on Bi Xi.

At this moment, Bixi was seen tearing apart the body of the mountain beast.

At this moment, Bigui was looking for the back bone of the pangolin.

In fact, this is the result of Bixi's many considerations.

You know, on the one hand, the pangolin's defense is amazing, but on the other hand, its bones are also very flexible.

The back bone is naturally the most suitable.

This process is much more difficult than pulling off the scales.

Bixi kept tearing at it, and it took half a day to remove the pangolin's back bone.

The entire back bone is seven meters long. In fact, this is the best part.

As for the other parts, Bixi simply and rudely threw them aside.

Seeing this, Du Yu put away the bones and scales thrown by Bi Xi without hesitation.

Are you kidding me, no matter how bad these things are, they are still better than ordinary things.

It was precisely because of this thought that Du Yu collected them one by one.

When Bi Xi on the side saw this, he just snorted coldly and ignored Du Yu.

In fact, Bixi was a little envious when he saw the bones of this pangolin beast.

It's a pity that Bixi was originally a mythical beast, so he had no need for these things at all, and these were naturally of no use to Du Yu.

Looking at the seven-meter-long backbone in front of him, Bi Xi's eyes revealed a look of anticipation.

He believed that after this back bone was made into a weapon, it would be the most powerful weapon.

"Little guy, today is your luck." Bixi shouted.

When Monk Du Yuzhang was scratching his head, Bixi suddenly threw his backbone into the air.

Immediately, these back bones were directly wrapped in magma.

Speaking of which, it was wrapped in magma, but there was no damage to the back bones.

This made Du Yu's eyes shine with a strange light when he saw this scene.

After doing this, a flame spurted out of Bixi's mouth.

This flame looked very powerful, wrapping up the bones of his back in just an instant.

Wrapped in flames, a crackling sound came from the bones on his back.

Below, Du Yu had long been stunned by the sight in front of him.

Because Du Yu discovered that as the flames burned, the length of the back bones was gradually shortening.

This scene looks very magical.

"Little guy, the other parts of the pangolin are not of much use. You can handle the rest yourself. Also, throw the two scales in your hand over." There was a bit of anticipation in Bixi's eyes. .

Seeing Bi Xi say this, Du Yu's face showed joy. He didn't know how to speak to Bi Xi at first, but he didn't expect Bi Xi to propose it himself.

Immediately, Du Yu threw ten scales towards Bi Xi without any hesitation.

There is no other way. If someone is willing to do it, they will naturally not miss this opportunity. Du Yu chuckled.

Although the quality of the other scales is not as good as the two best scales, they are still a rare treasure after all.

If you meet someone important in the future, the armor made of these scales will definitely be of great use.

Du Yu smiled awkwardly when he saw Bigui's evil eyes. The corpses of the pangolins in front of him were all treasures.

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