Du Yu didn't stop when Bigui was forging the body of the pangolin beast.

During this period of time, Du Yu's entire spirit was in a tense state for safety.

But things are different now. After experiencing these things, Du Yu has also entered that mysterious state.

During this process, Du Yu was able to clearly understand his own cultivation.

Especially after signing a contract with Biyi, Du Yu's internal strength was even more affected by Biyi.

Although this impact is not obvious, Du Yu can still notice the benefits.

Just like this, Du Yu felt as if his whole person had been reborn.

The power within the body seems to be operating according to specific rules.

After feeling it carefully, Du Yu found that his field had become more powerful.

Although there are not many changes in scope, the quality of Du Yu's field is completely different from before.

This change was so amazing that Du Yu was completely immersed in this state.

At the same time, the rootless insect also appeared in front of Du Yu.

Suddenly, Du Yu thought of the manipulation technique of the rootless insect.

Although this is used to control rootless insects, what if this power is used to control the power of a saint?

This crazy idea just came out of Du Yu's heart, and Du Yu started to try it.

The whole control process seemed unusual, but as Du Yu tried it, he found that the power of the saint gradually gave a feeling of control.

Above, Bi Xi felt the change in Du Yu's aura, and a curious look appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect this little guy to wake up so quickly?"

Biyi's eyes were filled with shock.

As a divine beast, only Bixi knows how rare a process awakening is.

Ordinary monk monsters can spend their entire lives unable to awaken.

But now, Du Yu is just a middle-level god and has awakened.

It can be said that the benefits to Du Yu this time are huge.

Of course, the danger Du Yu encountered in this battle was also indescribable.

The battle with the pangolin beast was extremely dangerous. If he had been careless, he would have fallen here long ago, and it would be impossible to break through.

Calculating it this way, Du Yu's current cultivation level is worthy of his cultivation.

After all, Du Yu's path of cultivation is different from that of ordinary monks.

Along the way, Du Yu didn't know how many battles he had gone through.

Each of these battles was extremely dangerous.

Although Du Yu's cultivation level has improved, if he looks back, he can still find how dangerous the previous battle was.

As the saying goes, returns are directly proportional to risks, which is exactly Du Yu's current state.

Although this awakening state is difficult to encounter, it is expected that Du Yu can enter the awakening state given so many opportunities.

It started in the lost forbidden land, then went to the battle with ghost insects, and then conquered the rootless insects, and then it was about practicing the method of controlling the rootless insects, and then there was a life-and-death battle with the pangolin beast, before falling into coma. It is a drop of the essence blood that has been blended into Bixi.

It can be said that the mere separation of these opportunities would make ordinary monks extremely happy. However, these opportunities fell entirely on Du Yu alone.

If there is still no way to enter the awakened state, it must be because Du Yu's potential is not enough.

What can be expected is that when Du Yu wakes up from his awakening state, his cultivation will reach a higher level.

Nowadays, Du Yu's strength is astonishing.

First of all, let’s not mention the worms, nor the rootless insects.

Du Yu's own cultivation level alone could vaguely compete with the higher gods.

Of course, this kind of confrontation is only for a short period of time. If it is a war of attrition, Du Yu still cannot defeat the higher gods.

As a rare existence, a superior god's own strength is naturally a symbol. It can be said that a superior god can feed a huge ethnic group.

Many ethnic groups thrive because of the existence of a superior god.

As for those ethnic groups without superior gods, they are just cannon fodder.

This is the power of the higher gods.

Immersed in the awakening state, Du Yu seemed to be unable to feel the passage of time.

Unknowingly, the Lingya in Du Yu's body gave birth to a leaf again.

After this leaf appeared, the power in Du Yu's body became even stronger.

Moreover, after this period of practice, Du Yu gradually discovered that the power of a saint can also be controlled.

Although the power of controlling the power of a saint is not as powerful as that of controlling a rootless insect, Du Yu believes that it is still enough in ordinary battles.

Coupled with the weapons Biyi made for him, Du Yu believed that at his current level, he would not be afraid at all even if he encountered monks who were in the early stages of cultivating higher gods.

For a moment, the aura on Du Yu's body changed drastically.

At this moment, Du Yu seemed to have changed.

"I didn't expect that the method of controlling this rootless insect would be so magical." After opening his eyes, Du Yu exhaled a breath of turbid air. At the same time, Du Yu's face was filled with a smile.

He raised his head and looked at Bi Xi above.

I saw that the backbone in the flames gradually became smaller, and if you look closely, you will find that the backbone is crystal clear, and it looks like a stream of light is swimming.

"Senior, I have a friend who is still outside, please leave here for a moment." Du Yu said after glancing at Bi Xi above him and seeing that there was no way to complete it in a short time.

Seeing Du Yu like this, Bi Xi couldn't help but shake his head.

In fact, Bixi also wanted to leave here, but now it was a critical moment for forging weapons, so Bixi had no choice but to stay here.

After all, after staying for so many years, there is no shortage of this time.

After saying hello to Biyi, Du Yu flew upwind of the magma.

Just now, Du Yu sensed the connection between himself and Kentero.

Thinking of being separated for so long, Du Yu flew outside very quickly.

After parting ways that day, Kentero was in a state of recuperation, and what happened next was something Du Yu could not have expected.

Du Yu was very fast and appeared on the crater in a short time.

As Du Yu gradually approached the crater, the connection between him and Kentero gradually became clear.

At this moment, even Kentero outside the crater discovered Du Yu's aura.

"Master, I, I've finally waited for you." Kentero had already shouted excitedly when he felt this breath.

At the same time, Kentero flew towards the crater very quickly, hoping to see his master as soon as possible.

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