Looking up at himself and then at Kentero, Du Yu smiled bitterly.

I didn't expect that the volcano on Baifeng Mountain would be so dangerous.

Originally, Du Yu couldn't feel it because of Bixi's presence, but it was different now. Du Yu truly felt the strength gap between the two sides.

Because of Bixi's existence, the magma had no way to come out, but as soon as Bixi left, the magma spurted out.

This magma can even take Du Yu away.

If Du Yu hadn't been protected by armor, it would have been impossible to survive.

"Kentero, are you okay?" Seeing Kentero's injuries, Du Yu couldn't help but ask.

Seeing Du Yu caring about him so much, Kentero's heart moved slightly, and he quickly replied, "Master, it's just a minor injury. After some treatment, there won't be any problems."

As soon as Kentero finished speaking, Du Yu discovered that he might have pulled the wound just now, so Kentero suddenly grinned in pain.

Seeing this scene, Du Yu chuckled and said no more.

After taking a look at the numbers around him, Du Yu immediately found a few leaves. With the blessing of spiritual power, a primitive piece of clothing appeared on Du Yu's body.

Looking at himself like this, Du Yu smiled bitterly.

This time, in addition to losing a lot of spiritual treasures, Du Yu also absorbed too much magma power in the magma, so the veins in his body became somewhat mottled. Now Du Yu has to do what is natural It’s also time to recuperate.

"After you recover from your injuries this time, I will take you out of here." Du Yu looked at Kentero and said with a smile.

Hearing what Du Yu said, Kentero's face had already shown an excited look.

Immediately, he quickly healed his wounds.

First, Kentero forced the power from his body out of his body. Then, he began to absorb the blood of essence left by Bixi to Kentero.

Kentero absorbs the essence blood very slowly, but every time he absorbs a bit of power from the essence blood, Kentero's strength changes a little bit.

Seeing that Kentero was also in a state of cultivation, Du Yu also started to get busy.

After integrating into the body, Du Yu immediately began to check his muscles and veins.

Because it was wrapped in magma, the tendons in Du Yu's body also seemed to be somewhat damaged.

Immediately, Du Yu circulated the power in his body, controlled these powers, and began to repair his muscles and veins.

This is a very slow process.

In this state, Du Yu also completely integrated into the state of practice.

Outside, time flies by.

Because of the eruption of the Baifeng Mountain volcano, no other monks would come at all.

In just a hundred years, this volcano has erupted twice, and many monks have no idea when it will erupt next.

Moreover, because the eruption of the volcano has long destroyed some natural and earthly treasures, there will be no benefit.

In this case, no one will disturb Du Yu and the others.

The two were immersed in the state of cultivation, and time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

In the past ten years, Du Yu has already repaired his tendons, and even Kentero has done the same.

In fact, in the past ten years, Kentero has absorbed one thousandth of the power of the essence blood.

After completing the repair of the tendons in his body, Du Yu also woke up from his practice state.

Seeing that Kentero was still in a state of cultivation, Du Yu began to check his own strength.

When Du Yu entered here, he was only in the early stage of the middle god.

But now, Du Yu discovered that his cultivation had reached the middle stage of the middle god level.

Although it seems that it only adds a small level, Du Yu's own cultivation level cannot be calculated this way.

Let’s not talk about Du Yu’s two most powerful spiritual treasures.

Du Yu's heaven-defying cultivation alone was able to crush ordinary monks.

Du Yu believes that now, even monks who meet the upper-level gods can have the strength to fight against them.

If two spiritual treasures are included, Du Yu is confident that he can fight even the monks who are in the late stages of the upper gods.

This is Du Yu's confidence.

Thinking that Dzogchen is just a state above the later stage of the upper god, Du Yu suddenly did not find the difficulty of Dzogchen.

Du Yu was full of motivation when he thought about the day he conquered Bixi.

This is a mythical beast.

If he truly conquers the divine beast, Du Yu's cultivation level will rise to another level again.

Thinking of this, Du Yu's whole body became excited.

"These two spiritual treasures are extremely powerful, and they should also need a domineering name. What name should I choose instead?" Du Yu suddenly started thinking in his heart.

The armor is made of two scales, and they are the two best scales on the pangolin. Together with the forging of the divine beast Bixi, it can be said that this condition alone is extremely harsh. Even if an ordinary monk wants to There is no way to refine such a spiritual treasure.

"The defensive power is so amazing, why not call it Absolute Armor."

Du Yu's face showed a bit of joy.

Although the name Absolute Armor sounds bland, Du Yu believes that such a bland name can actually unleash greater abilities.

After confirming the name, Du Yu looked at the back bone in his hand.

This back bone is made from the best back bone of the pangolin beast and is extremely powerful.

After thinking about it, a name suddenly popped into Du Yu's mind.

"Zero degrees."

Two simple words, extremely domineering.

Holding the back bone in his hand, the temperature of the surrounding air dropped a few points, as if it were zero degrees.

Thinking of this name, Du Yu's face showed a bit of excitement.

An absolute armor and a zero degree, this is definitely Du Yu's most powerful spiritual treasure.

Of course, after careful consideration, Du Yu also discovered that the spiritual treasure in front of him was too powerful, which also placed some restrictions on Du Yu's own cultivation.

Now, Du Yu plans to use ordinary spiritual treasures after becoming familiar with using these two spiritual treasures.

Because in this way, it will be easier to stimulate the potential in Du Yu's body.

And in this case, it will also have huge benefits for the improvement of Du Yu's cultivation.

With these benefits, Du Yu's cultivation level can also be improved to the extreme.

After all, Du Yu's lowest cultivation goal is the state of Dzogchen. If he doesn't go through various life and death battles, how can he improve his cultivation?

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