The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1671 The outside world

The healing process is always very fast. After Du Yu became familiar with the two spiritual treasures, Kentero gradually came to his senses.

Glancing at Kentero, Du Yu said with a smile on his face, "Kentero, the two of us have stayed here for too long. Now we still leave here to see the outside world. We don't know. , what changes have taken place in these hundreds of years.”

Du Yu's face showed an expectant look.

You should know that Du Yu was not very old when he embarked on the path of spiritual practice.

In the subsequent practice, Du Yu's practice time was longer, even longer than Du Yu's life time.

It is precisely because of this that now that the immediate matter has been dealt with, Du Yu is also looking forward to leaving this place as soon as possible.

Hearing what Du Yu said, Kentero was also extremely excited.

In fact, although this place is a certain distance from Baifeng Mountain, it still looks like it is in the same place.

After so many years, Kentero is also tired of it.

"Master, where should we go next?" Kentero's eyes showed a look of expectation, and at the same time, he became even more excited in his heart.

Now, whether it is Kentero or Du Yu, the cultivation of both parties has been greatly improved.

This increase in power also made Kentero aware of the weakness of his previous cultivation.

But things are different now. With the cultivation levels of Du Yu and Kentero, as long as they don't commit suicide, ordinary monks really can't do anything to them.

Kentero felt extremely envious when he thought of Du Yu's two spiritual treasures.

However, Kentero also achieved a valve in the body of the pangolin.

Although he is not yet proficient in using it, it was Kentero who finally understood it.

After thinking about it, Du Yu shook his head and immediately said with a smile, "Just choose a direction. We won't know where we are when we get there."

Seeing what Du Yu said so casually, Kentero felt very good.

Immediately, the two made simple preparations and flew towards the east.

Although Bixi is a mythical beast, he has been trapped here for too long. As a result, he is also very unfamiliar with the world in front of him. Naturally, he cannot give Du Yu any advice.

Sitting on Kentero's body, Du Yu was filled with emotions in his heart.

Although he was still wearing the most primitive leaves, the practice during this period of time gave Du Yu's figure a sense of strength.

Because of being roasted under the magma, the magazines in Du Yu's body had long been expelled.

It can be said that Du Yu's body is now free of impurities.

This is actually very important for monks.

Countless monks have neglected the magazines accumulated in their bodies during the process of practice, making it difficult to break through in their own realm in the later period.

Although the cultivation level can absorb the spiritual power in the air, these spiritual powers still contain some impurities.

These impurities accumulate over time and become condensed, just like the blood vessels of ordinary people.

When he was born, there were no impurities.

However, as we age, the impurities in our body gradually increase.

And these impurities will eventually build up.

The most obvious thing can be seen in a person's eyes.

Just like a baby's eyes are crystal clear, really beautiful.

But as people age, their eyeballs gradually become cloudy.

The same is true for monks.

Feeling the power running inside his body, Du Yu felt a sense of pleasure.

Having been here for hundreds of years, Du Yu felt a little emotional in his heart.

When I parted ways with Pangu, I didn't know what Pangu was doing now.

Secondly, the whereabouts of Master Liuli who came here together are unknown, although many monks said that Master Liuli had fallen into the space passage.

But Du Yu still had some luck in his heart.

After all, there was still one survivor that day.

What if that survivor is Master Liuli?

This idea appeared in Du Yu's mind.

But then Du Yu shook his head and threw this idea away.

Hundreds of years have passed, and even if Master Liuli is truly alive, the two parties may not be able to meet each other.

Coupled with Pangu, it is still difficult to see him again.

After countless thoughts popped up in his heart, Du Yu also felt confused.

However, this negative emotion only appeared for a moment and was erased by Du Yu.

As a monk who focuses on fighting, Du Yu's emotions are rarely affected by these negative emotions.

It has to be said that the Mysterious Realm is huge. On Kentero's body, the two of them flew towards the east for more than a month before signs of human activity gradually appeared.

The whole place was deserted.

There are even many places that are completely deserted and there are no monks at all.

There are very few monsters living in the wasteland.

"Master, I have a hunch that in less than ten days, we will be able to reach the place where human activities occur."

During this process, Kentero also spoke.

Hearing what Kentero said, Du Yu nodded and agreed with Kentero's statement in his heart.

The time he was sitting on Kentero was exactly the time when Du Yu was concentrating on his cultivation.

Originally, because his cultivation was growing rapidly, Du Yu's heart did not calm down.

And this month, although it seems like a short moment to a monk with a long life.

But for Du Yu, it is still very important.

Within a month, Du Yu had already adjusted his mentality.

Today, Du Yu has an extremely stable mentality and has already adjusted his state to its peak.

Even Kentero is like that.

After a month of flying time, Kentero has adjusted the strength in his body.

Today's Kentero has become even more powerful after absorbing the essence blood of his ancestors.

At the same time, flying is also a true fusion of this power.

Feeling the smooth movement of power in his body, Kentero's speed increased a bit.

In less than ten days, under Kentero's flight, a gathering place of monks similar to a town appeared in front of them.

Just by looking around, Du Yu knew that the place in front of him was just some ordinary human beings. Among these people, they didn't even have any cultivation level.

Seeing this scene, Du Yu was filled with emotion.

Du Yu immediately said to Kentero, "Kentero, let's go down and have a look. Also, if you transform your body, don't scare the humans below."

After Du Yu finished speaking, he walked downwards with curious eyes.

After listening to Du Yu's words, Kentero also transformed himself into a small snake hovering on Du Yu's shoulder.

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