When coming down, Du Yu gathered up the power in his body.

At this moment, Du Yu looked like an ordinary person from the outside, but Du Yu exuded an unusual aura.

This aura gave Du Yu the feeling that he was no ordinary person.

"Master, it seems that this village is not big. Why do you want to stay here? Why don't we leave here and go to other places where there are monks." A curious look appeared on Kentero's face.

Among the key points of Kentero, there are no monks among the people in front of them at all. Without Du Yu's action, Kentero can kill all the monks here in less than a minute.

However, Du Yu wanted to stay here, which made Kentero a little curious in his heart.

Glancing at Kentero, Du Yu smiled and said, "In the past, I was just like them."

After finishing speaking, Du Yu didn't say much, just touching on some things was enough.

After listening to Du Yu's words, Kentero looked at the human in front of him curiously.

"Master said he was as weak as them before?" Kentero still had a confused look on his face.

Du Yu was very fast and soon appeared on a dirt road.

When he arrived here, Du Yu saw many people farming.

And because of Du Yu's arrival, these people's curiosity was immediately aroused.

Seeing this, Du Yu smiled bitterly.

The scene in front of me is very similar to the lost forbidden land.

The difference is that in the lost forbidden land, those monks have no way to leave.

But these ordinary people in front of me are different.

Although it was difficult to leave here due to his own cultivation, Du Yu could see that the humans in front of him were much happier than the monks in the lost forbidden land.

"I didn't expect a stranger to come here. Is she the legendary monk?"

"It feels like the only ones who can come here are monks. It's a pity for ordinary people like us. For some reason, we can't practice at all."

"Speaking of which, how much I want to be as powerful as them, so that I can leave here."

"Your imagination is really too big. You can't tell whether the person in front of you is a monk. Maybe he is from a nearby village?"

"That's right. You know, monks are all aloof. How could they come here? It's really just wild imagination."

Immediately, many villagers began to discuss.

These villagers even laughed when they said they were happy.

Du Yu, who was not far away, felt emotional in his heart when he saw the familiar scene in front of him.

I think it was the same when I was on the earth.

But now, hundreds of years have passed, and everything has changed.

Smiling, Du Yu suddenly shouted, "Fellow, I found this place accidentally. Can you tell me what this place is called?"

Du Yu shouted, while also walking towards this group of ordinary people.

Hearing Du Yu's cry, three people immediately put down their farm tools and walked towards Du Yu.

"Are you a monk from outside?"

Suddenly, someone asked cautiously.

After all, monks are high above others and can decide the lives of everyone in an instant.

So asking like this is actually quite rude.

Hearing this person's question, Du Yu also had a smile on his face and immediately said with a smile, "Fellow, I don't know what kind of monk you are talking about, but I do know some power."

As soon as he finished speaking, Du Yu activated his power, and immediately, the farm tools in the man's hands flew up.

This scene completely shocked everyone in front of them.

Immediately, everyone looked at Du Yu curiously.

"No, I didn't expect it to be a monk..."

Everyone was immediately shocked.

For a moment, everyone watching the excitement quickly put down the farm tools in their hands.

He looked at Du Yu expectantly.

Although the power Du Yu showed just now is somewhat different from the one he imagined to be able to move mountains and seas, he is still a monk after all.

If you can learn one and a half moves from the monk in front of you, you will definitely embark on the journey of becoming a monk.

Immediately, the villagers were extremely enthusiastic and asked questions quickly.

Especially after seeing how easy-going Du Yu was, everyone started talking to Du Yu with curiosity on their faces.

"Brother Du Yu, what is the world of monks like? For so long, I have only seen records of monks in ancient books, but I have never seen a monk with my own eyes?"

"Can you teach me how to practice? I, I also want to be a great hero like you."

"Xiao Mo, are you kidding? How can such an important person teach others casually? Apologize quickly."

As soon as the child named Xiao Mo finished speaking, he was scolded by a middle-aged woman.

Although she was scolding Xiao Mo, the middle-aged woman also had a look of expectation in her eyes.

If Xiao Mo could learn one and a half moves from Du Yu, wouldn't Xiao Mo be a monk too?

Of course, the reason why she reprimanded Xiao Mo was because, according to ordinary people's understanding, how could such high-end things as spiritual practice be told to others casually, and reprimanding Xiao Mo at this moment might save Xiao Mo's life.

Seeing the middle-aged woman's reprimand, Xiao Mo's eyes gradually became aggrieved. Du Yu smiled and said, "You don't have to reprimand him. There is no problem if you want to learn the method of cultivation. If you want to learn, I’ll teach you everything.”

Du Yu's face was full of smiles.

Here, Du Yu feels a sense of kinship.

Although the people are not those people and the scenery is not those scenery, everything in front of me is so familiar.

Du Yu felt a surge of heat gushing out of his heart, and at the same time, his whole heart was filled with hope.

I hope I can fit in here.

Although Du Yu knew that he would definitely live in this place for a short time, if he got tired from wandering outside, he could come back here to rest.

This idea just came up in an instant, and Du Yu was completely determined at the same time.

"Really, really, we can learn too?"

Everyone's faces showed a look of anticipation.

This is an opportunity to become a monk, and no one wants to miss it.

Looking at the people in front of him, Du Yu nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, everyone can do it. As long as you are willing to learn, I will naturally teach it to you. However, I will not stay here for too long. So how much you can learn is entirely up to you.”

After Du Yu finished speaking, he looked at everyone.

At the same time, Du Yu's body gradually floated in the air, attracting everyone's attention.

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