Du Yu appeared directly behind the palace.

As soon as he got close to this place, Du Yu used his power to create a huge pit.

Then, living water was drawn around the mountain peak.

After pouring water into the pit, Du Yu became busy again.

Previously, Du Yu also discovered the presence of some sulfur under the volcano.

Although the sulfur was not in Du Yu's eyes, the quality was still pretty good.

After adding sulfur to the spring water, Du Yu began to control it.

First, what Du Yu had to do was to blend the sulfur into the bottom of the spring water.

Only when you reach the bottom can more sulfur be released.

The second is the problem of sulfur regeneration. If this problem is not solved, the hot spring in front of you will not be able to achieve Du Yu's overdue effect.

But this is too difficult for Du Yu.

Du Yu had already been prepared.

The spiritual power was integrated into the sulfur, and a miniature formation was integrated into the sulfur.

This formation is used only to recycle sulfur.

Although there was not much sulfur in the place in front of him, with Du Yu's preparation, it was enough for these villagers.

Du Yu believes that if this continues, within half a year, the changes in the villagers before him will become huge.

Even if some villagers are not suitable for practice by then, their physical condition can be greatly improved.

Du Yu was very satisfied with this result.

After doing this, Du Yu returned to the palace again.

At this moment, Du Yu discovered that many villagers had woken up.

Because this was the first time I had received the baptism of spiritual power, it was still a bit overwhelming physically.

At this moment, these villagers who woke up immediately discovered the mucus on their bodies.

This mucus is sticky to the touch and looks very disgusting.

"What, what is this?" Many villagers immediately asked.

"Could this be the impurities in the body? I didn't expect there to be so many, and it's still so smelly."

"The master is indeed a master. In just half a day, I feel completely refreshed. This place is really magical."

Many villagers started talking about it.

After looking at this, Du Yu smiled and said, "Everyone, now that some of the impurities in your body have been discharged, there is a huge hot spring outside the palace. You can enter the hot spring and soak in it to remove the impurities from your body. "

After finishing speaking, Du Yu saw a bunch of big men rushing out.

However, there were still some female villagers left in the palace, and these villagers looked embarrassed.

"Master, let's wait until they finish soaking before going."

Suddenly, Xiao Mo's mother spoke.

Seeing this, Du Yu shook his head, "Go now. If these impurities are not removed in time, they will be re-integrated into the body, and it will be even more difficult to practice by then. Maybe because of your delay now, you have directly missed it." A chance to become a monk.”

After Du Yu finished speaking, he said no more.

In fact, what Du Yu said was true, and he did not exaggerate the facts at all. If the impurities were re-integrated into the body, I am afraid it would affect the effect of marrow washing.

This is also the reason why Du Yu hurriedly created the hot spring.

Hearing what Du Yu said, the villagers present didn't care much.

Are you kidding me? There is nothing more important than becoming a monk.

Immediately, they all ran out one by one.

Seeing the empty palace, Du Yu also showed a bit of a smile on his face.

Du Yu has always spent his time fighting, rarely doing anything for himself.

But now, Du Yu feels that he is doing all this calmly and has a very peaceful feeling.

This feeling made Du Yu know that what he did was right.

After the villagers left, Kentero also approached.

"Master, is it worth doing so much for these weak creatures?" Kentero had a confused look on his face.

Although Kentero didn't interfere in the whole process, he saw Du Yu's dedication.

Even though Du Yu looks very simple when he makes it, in fact, Du Yu consumes a lot of money.

If it weren't for Du Yu's current state of mind, it would still be impossible to achieve everything in front of him.

Looking at Kentero, Du Yu smiled and said, "Kentero, slowly you will know that all this is worth it. Maybe you don't seem to be of any use for the time being. Of course, I don't do this kind of thing. There is no way to explain it clearly to you. All in all, you should blend in with others."

After finishing speaking, Du Yu waved his right hand, and a hurricane suddenly blew through the palace.

This hurricane appeared and disappeared quickly. In just a moment, it blew the smell out of the palace.

But now, the palace has once again returned to its original appearance.

After listening to Du Yu's words, Kentero sat quietly next to Du Yu.

Speaking of which, my experience now feels completely peaceful compared to before.

To say that this state is useless, Kentero himself denied it.

After all, seeing these villagers getting stronger little by little, Kentero also felt a strange feeling in his heart.

For a month, Du Yu washed the marrow of these villagers. After Du Yu completely removed the impurities from their bodies, Du Yu began to prepare for the next step of work.

Among the villagers in front of me, except for some who missed their practice time, there are still a small number of people who have a good foundation.

Especially after a month of baptism, these people's bodies have obviously undergone earth-shaking changes.

Among them, those who have changed the most are the elderly.

These elderly people usually walk with great difficulty, but today, these elderly people walk very quickly, even more than many ordinary young people.

As for the young people in the village, they are all full of energy.

Farm work that used to take a day to complete can now be done in less than two hours, without even taking a breath.

This change is seen in the eyes of many villagers.

While everyone respects Du Yu even more from the bottom of their hearts, they are also curious about when they can officially enter the state of cultivation.

With this look of joy, many villagers had already marked the palace as a holy place.

"Kentero, please tell the villagers that starting from tomorrow, they will teach you how to practice. Whether you can embark on the path of a monk depends on tomorrow."

After giving Kentero instructions, Du Yu also started to prepare.

As for why Du Yu asked Kentero to tell many villagers that they also had Du Yu's plan.

Because he wanted Kentero to have more contact with these villagers, so that the integration would be faster.

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