After Du Yu finished his instructions, Kentero also went to look for these villagers.

Over the past month, many villagers have gradually become familiar with Kentero's existence.

Although Kentero has never taken action, according to the master's instructions, the snake-like monster in front of him is also a very powerful existence.

Therefore, many villagers still have some respect for Kentero.

Especially Kentero exuded an icy aura.

This aura made many villagers feel worried.

"Master asked you to prepare. Tomorrow will be the time to teach you how to practice."

After meeting the three villagers, Kentero turned around and left after telling the news.

Of course, before leaving, Kentero also told them to inform other villagers.

For a time, under the relay of these three villagers, the whole village was boiling.

In the past month, everyone has received the most profound benefits.

But now, the master in Kentero's words, that is, the master, is about to teach the method of cultivation. Many of these people are trembling slightly with excitement.

Many villagers have been waiting for this day. However, when this day actually arrived, it made these villagers nervous.

After all, this is about whether you can practice or not.

Thinking of this, many villagers immediately planned to look for Du Yu.

After all, in the eyes of these villagers, it is Du Yu's decision whether they can become a monk, so at this moment, many villagers are planning to ask Du Yu for help to see if they can become a monk with Du Yu's help.

However, everyone was confused when they arrived at the palace.

Near the palace, numerous villagers discovered a field.

Under this realm, villagers have no way to enter the palace.

Upon seeing this, many villagers immediately left one after another.

Although they felt a little uneasy in their hearts, everyone still tried their best to control their emotions.

In any case, it is quite amazing that the body can change like this today. As for whether you can become a monk or not, it depends on your fate.

Of course, Du Yu also said before that he bluntly said that many people have missed the time to practice, so the participants this time are mainly young people, including many middle-aged people.

As for the elderly, there are a few, but not many.

After all, everyone is well aware of their situation.

Many people fell into insomnia overnight, but considering how important the next day was, they still tried their best to fall asleep.

As for other villagers, they even gave up their farm work.

Although there is no way to become a monk yourself, it is very strange to see others become monks.

Rarely, in the early morning, countless villagers gathered in front of Du Yu's palace.

These villagers all looked forward curiously.

Seeing these villagers coming, Du Yu was also full of smiles, and he immediately said with a smile, "Everyone, it has been a month of marrow cleansing process, and now we have reached the starting point. As long as we embark on the path of cultivation, we will definitely have a good relationship with you in the future. a very wide distance."

After Du Yu finished speaking, the villagers below started talking and looked at Du Yu with expectant faces, hoping that Du Yu could turn himself into a monk.

Seeing the eager eyes of the villagers in front of him, Du Yu was filled with emotion deep in his heart.

Normally, if a person wants to embark on the path of spiritual practice, it is easy to do so as long as someone gives guidance.

Even some forces will spend a lot of resources to forcibly improve a person's cultivation level.

Regarding this situation, Du Yu knew very well in his heart that although he could do this, Du Yu did not intend to do so.

Cultivation requires letting nature take its course. If a person does not have the talent for cultivation, forcing him to improve will not be of any benefit to the monk himself.

After getting everything ready, Du Yu immediately asked ten villagers to gather together.

Then, under Du Yu's instructions, ten people entered the palace.

These ten people entered the palace and were immediately stunned by the sight in front of them.

In front of the ten people, there was a huge ball of light. This ball of light was colorful. It was like a movie showing how a person controls power.

Upon seeing this, the ten people remembered it firmly in their hearts, and then began to perceive the spiritual power in the air based on the impression just now.

This process is not fast, and everyone is trying hard to understand it.

However, except for one young man, everyone else found nothing.

The nine people walked outside under the guidance of Kentero.

The remaining young man's forehead was already covered with sweat drops.

At this moment, in his senses, a lot of power in the air began to beat.

Under the control of young people, these forces began to operate according to specific requirements.

Although this process was very slow and laborious, the young man finally controlled this spiritual power.

Outside the palace, Du Yu had a smile on his face.

Unexpectedly, the first monk has appeared among the ten people. This ratio is still very good.

After transferring the young man to another side hall of the palace, Du Yu once again let ten people enter the palace.

This process is very boring.

Du Yu, the monk who had gained insights from the inside, did not let them come into contact with people outside because this would affect people outside.

"Master, thank you for taking care of me during this time."

When he got close to Du Yu, Xiao Mo said.

Touching Xiao Mo's head, Du Yu had a smile on his face. The little guy in front of him had quite good talent.

In fact, Xiao Mo sensed the spiritual power between heaven and earth during the marrow cleansing process.

However, Du Yu was not in a hurry to let him control his power. Today, Du Yu believed that Xiao Mo could do better.

"Come on, little guy, you will have to protect this village from now on."

Du Yu smiled.

Seeing Xiao Mo and ten other people walking into the palace, Du Yu also started planning.

According to Du Yu's plan, he can stay here for at most ten years.

After ten years, the first batch of monks have grown up, and Du Yu can leave here with peace of mind.

Of course, Du Yu did not tell anyone in the village about this plan, because at present, Du Yu is no less than the pillar of the village.

Ten years is a long time, but it is also very short. Du Yu felt a sense of urgency.

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