For a whole day, Du Yu selected twenty-three monks from among the crowd.

These twenty-three monks are all able to perceive spiritual power and can begin to control spiritual power.

It can be said that to a certain extent, these people are suitable to become monks.

Seeing the joy on the faces of the twenty-three young people, Du Yu was also full of smiles.

As for the other people, their faces were filled with annoyance.

Of course, the families related to these twenty-three young people are quite happy.

Although they have no way to become monks, these people are very happy to have children who can become monks.

And Xiao Mo is also one of the twenty-three people.

"Okay, everyone, now that the results are out, these twenty-three people will stay in the palace to practice. The others should go back." Du Yu glanced at everyone after speaking.

"Master, it is difficult for us to repay your great kindness. We hope that Master will not dislike us."

Many villagers spoke up.

Regarding these villagers, Du Yu shook his head, motioned for everyone to leave, and set his sights on the twenty-three young people in front of him.

In fact, when making the selection, Du Yu discovered that these twenty-three young people had a good foundation and usually exercised a lot, so they were naturally better than others in terms of physical fitness.

"Everyone, you are the first batch of monks in this village, so your responsibilities are also very heavy. After this time, my practice methods will not be as gentle as before, so you must be mentally prepared. Because the next process will be very painful for you.”

Du Yu looked at the twenty-three young people and said.

After Du Yu finished speaking, twenty-three people shouted in unison, "We are not afraid of hardship, we just want to become monks."

Seeing this, Du Yu chuckled, "In that case, let's run ten times around the mountain peak and come back here after finishing."

After Du Yu finished speaking, the twenty-three young people were stunned.

It took only a moment for everyone to react, and immediately, twenty-three people ran towards the mountain peak like a long queue.

These young people were very excited because they could become monks.

At the beginning, everyone was very fast, but after a while, everyone was already tired and panting.

In the palace, Du Yu noticed this and said with a smile, "A group of little guys, cultivation is not that easy. How can you grow without going through all kinds of hardships? I could have been gentler to you, but it's a pity. We won’t stay long, so we can only use this method.”

After Du Yu finished speaking, he ignored these young people.

He believed that these young people would fight tooth and nail for their own cultivation.

After all, in the entire village, no one else could become a monk, but twenty-three of them could become monks. This was the motivation for everyone.

Thinking about being able to fly into the sky, escape from the earth, and move mountains and seas in the future, the twenty-three people gritted their teeth and completed the task assigned by Du Yu.

When the young man came back after running, he saw Du Yu's face looking very ugly.

"It's only ten laps. It took you a full day. Starting from tomorrow, you must be an hour early today. If you are late, you don't need to stay here."

As soon as Du Yu finished speaking, the expressions of the twenty-three young people changed one after another, but no one objected.

Before coming, Du Yu told everyone that the path of cultivation is not as glamorous as it seems on the surface, so hardship is expected by these young people.

"Okay, you have worked hard all day. Now go and soak in the hot springs. Remember to soak your own blood. I will return to the palace in an hour to teach you the knowledge of cultivation."

After Du Yu finished speaking, he turned around and went to work.

Although there were only twenty-three monks, Du Yu found that he was still worrying about these twenty-three monks.

If Du Yu's resources were not destroyed before, Du Yu would have had a lot of resources, but now he has to rely on himself for everything.

Therefore, in the first month, Du Yu's progress was not fast because he asked Kentero to search for spiritual fruits.

Although these spiritual fruits are nothing in Du Yu's eyes, they are still very important to these young people who are practicing.

It takes almost a month to collect, which is enough for the monks of these little guys.

After hearing Du Yu's words, twenty-three young people came to the hot spring carrying their tired bodies.

They are very familiar with this place.

In the past, I used to wash off impurities from my body in hot springs.

Speaking of which, after everyone soaked in the hot spring, they felt that their whole bodies were very relaxed and the fatigue from running was completely gone.

"Master is really strict, but speaking of it, I feel that my cultivation has improved a lot."

While soaking in the hot spring, several young people started talking.

"Xiao Mo, you have the best relationship with the master. Is there any news that we don't know about?"

"That's right, Xiao Mo, seeing how hard you work, you must know something."

For a time, the twenty-three young people were talking to each other like ordinary people.

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on him, Xiao Mo shook his head, "I just want to become a monk. Now I finally encounter such an opportunity. If I don't work hard, I will definitely miss it. In this case, what else can I do?" It’s better to fight now.”

After Xiao Mo finished speaking, he remained silent and began to sense the spiritual power in the air.

When other young people saw Xiao Mo practicing again, they immediately understood what Xiao Mo meant.

Yes, the master will always leave, and those who are lucky enough to become monks should not waste this opportunity.

For a time, everyone also allowed themselves to enter a state of cultivation.

Speaking of which, even though it was only one day, everyone also made a new discovery about power.

Everyone gradually discovered that compared to before, their control over spiritual power seemed to be a bit stronger now.

Although this growth still seems a bit fragile, everyone's cultivation is growing little by little.

In the palace, Du Yu was very satisfied with these twenty-three young people, especially the one named Xiao Mo, who did not disappoint Du Yu at all.

What is the difference between Xiao Mo's current cultivation motivation and his own at the beginning?

But Du Yu also knew that Xiao Mo's cultivation state had also entered a bottleneck state.

In many cases, combining work and rest is the best way to practice.

Noticing this, Du Yu decided to find an opportunity to talk to Xiao Mo about this issue.

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