The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1686 Asking for information

"You three adults, you need something to eat. The quality of the spirit fruit and spirit beast meat in our store is of the highest quality. Would you like to have a try, sir?" As soon as they sat down, a monk dressed as a waiter left. come over.

After taking a look, Du Yu discovered that this monk was just in the realm of a saint.

If it were in the material space, the realm of saints would still be very powerful. However, in a place like this, the realm of saints would not even be a lower god, so their status would be very low.

Although many monks disdain to talk to these saints, they also know that being able to open a restaurant in such a place means that there is powerful support behind it.

After all, there is no way for ordinary monks to open a restaurant in such a town.

All in all, although this saint is insignificant, if he offends the forces behind him, he will be in trouble.

Therefore, after this, these monks did not embarrass these humble saints.

"Just use all the good stuff you have here."

After Du Yu finished speaking, the waiter left.

This waiter also has some eyesight.

Although the cultivation of the three monks in front of me seems to be average, judging from the temperament of these three people, they are definitely not ordinary monks.

This was especially true for the monk who spoke.

Xiao Er felt a sense of oppression on Du Yu's body.

This feeling of oppression is indescribable, just like the feeling you get when you meet a big shot.

All in all, ordinary monks would not have this kind of temperament.

After seeing the waiter leave, Du Yu and the others did not talk to each other. Instead, they listened to the conversation of the monks around them.

After listening to it, Du Yu and the others sighed helplessly, because the news these people told them had nothing to do with the news they wanted, which made Pangu and Pangu a little frustrated.

But Du Yu didn't care.

After all, it is a place like a restaurant, so it is quite normal to get such a result.

The waiting time was not long, and not long after, all the spiritual wine, spiritual fruits, and spiritual beast meat were served in the restaurant.

Seeing these dishes, Du Yu was also very curious.

Speaking of which, Du Yu was also eating the meat of the pangolin during this time.

Because of the ancient mythical beast, Du Yu felt that it would take a long time to digest even if he didn't eat a piece of meat.

And the power in these pieces of meat gradually integrated into Du Yu's body.

So now, although Du Yu has been eating it for several years, he still has a lot of pangolin meat.

Now, the spirit beast meat in front of me is obviously not as good as the pangolin meat, but it also has a different taste.

Immediately, Du Yu started to taste it.

Originally, Pangu and the two were a little worried because they entered the territory of Watch Island, so it took a long time to adjust their mentality.

But when I saw Du Yu eating with gusto, my mood gradually relaxed.

Anyway, with Du Yu here, the two of them don't have anything to worry about. Not to mention anything else, the scales Du Yu gave them can withstand powerful attacks, so the three of them will naturally have no problem in terms of saving their lives.

For a while, the three of them started eating directly.

At this moment, more than ten monks suddenly walked in.

"Mr. Zhao, why do you have a company to come to the store? It really makes the store shine."

When more than a dozen monks came over, the store manager immediately greeted them with a smile on his face.

You must know that Mr. Zhao in front of you is Slater's direct disciple. It can be said that his status in this place is very high.

After all, who on Watch Island dares not to give Slater face, and as Slater's personal disciple, Mr. Zhao is just like Slater himself.

With a cold snort, Mr. Zhao immediately shouted, "Bring up all the good wine and food."

After responding, the store manager quickly got busy.

When Mr. Zhao appeared, the expressions of Pangu and Liuli changed slightly.

Seeing this, Du Yu immediately asked, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with this person?"

After hearing Du Yu's inquiry, Pangu whispered, "Du Yu, this person's name is Zhao Yihuan. He is Slater's direct disciple. He has a high prestige on this Watch Island, and he is the one who mainly hunts down me and Master Liuli." .”

Pangu's voice was very quiet and could not be heard by others.

Seeing Pangu say this, Du Yu also became somewhat interested in Zhao Yihuan.

Just by taking a glance, Du Yu discovered that this Zhao Yihuan was only in the early stage of the middle god.

This level of cultivation may be very powerful in the eyes of ordinary monks, but it was not taken seriously by Du Yu at all.

To be blunt, Du Yu could easily kill this monk with just one thought.

"So that's it. You two don't have to worry, but does he know your breath?" After thinking about it, Du Yu asked.

Hearing Du Yu's inquiry, Pangu both nodded, "We had direct contact that day, so he should know our auras."

After hearing what Pangu said, Du Yu released the domain without leaving any trace.

Then, under Du Yu's control, the power of the domain just wrapped up Pangu and Liuli.

In this case, Zhao Yihuan in front of him would not be able to feel the aura of Pangu and the two.

"Now that you two are in my domain, there is no need to worry." Du Yu glanced at the nervous two and said.

In any case, Pangu and Liuli Zhenren, one was in the early stage of cultivation of a lower god, and the other was in the middle stage of a lower god. When facing the middle god, they were naturally extremely nervous.

But maybe Du Yu's words had an effect, and the two of them immediately felt calm, and they were not very afraid.

Just when Pangu and the two were relieved, Zhao Yihuan said, "I just felt the suspect's aura. He is in this restaurant. Search the suspect carefully."

As soon as Zhao Yihuan finished speaking, several monks behind him began to investigate.

This made the two Pangu people, who had just felt relieved, feel excited again.

"Don't worry, they can't find your breath."

Du Yu's face showed a confident look.

It is very easy to deal with a monk who is in the early stage of the middle god.

Seeing Du Yu's affirmation, the two Pangu people gradually calmed down.

But now, there is no other way.

If he escapes now, he may be even more suspicious.

In this case, it is better to just stay here. After all, it is enough to just believe in Du Yu.

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