Not long after, several monks came over to check.

When they saw Pangu and Liuli, these monks didn't notice anything unusual. Seeing this scene, Pangu breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time they had a deeper understanding of Du Yu's strength.

"Du Yu, you are too powerful."

After seeing that the danger was avoided, Pangu spoke.

After hearing Pangu's words, Du Yu just laughed and said, "It's just some deception, nothing to make a fuss about."

Seeing that Du Yu said it so easily, Pangu and Liuli didn't delve too deeply into it, because maybe it was as simple as Du Yu said.

In fact, if the two of them knew that Du Yu had used the power of the field, they would find that this matter was not as simple as imagined.

However, the two of them didn't pay attention, and Du Yu naturally didn't mention it. In Du Yu's eyes, this was just a trivial matter.

Not long after, after completing the search, these monks returned to Zhao Yihuan again.

"Mr. Zhao, I haven't found anything yet."

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Zhao Yihuan also had a somewhat puzzled look on his face.

"Did I sense it wrong?" Zhao Yihuan had a curious look on his face, but since the search didn't reveal anything, Zhao Yihuan didn't pay too much attention.

After all, Zhao Yihuan usually followed Slater's instructions and came into contact with many monks.

Nowadays, it is normal to have illusions.

Waving his hands, Zhao Yihuan immediately shouted, "In that case, forget it."

After hearing Zhao Yihuan's words, many monks also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, if Zhao Yihuan really wanted to dig deeper, I'm afraid these people in front of him would be in great trouble.

This kind of trouble is simply indescribable.

Seeing Zhao Yihuan and others sitting nearby, the entire restaurant suddenly became quiet.

Not only that, the monks quickly left the restaurant after eating in a hurry.

Although Zhao Yihuan has a high status on Watch Island, it would be very troublesome to offend him.

For ordinary monks, it is better to stay away from monks of this status.

Although Zhao Yihuan is in the early stage of the middle god, if a monk in the middle stage of the middle god encounters Zhao Yihuan, he will think twice and try not to cause a conflict with Zhao Yihuan.

This is the power that rights bring.

Just like Pangu and others.

If only Zhao Yihuan was chasing the two of them, Pangu and others would still have hope of escaping.

However, the Zhao Yihuan in front of him was different.

Because of the power of Watch Island, there will be countless lower gods coming to hunt down Pangu and others.

If these lower gods discover the traces of Pangu and the others, they will attract Zhao Yihuan and others.

In short, facing Zhao Yihuan was like a hornet's nest.

It would be okay if nothing happened, but if this hornet's nest was stung, ordinary monks would face all kinds of pursuits.

These pursuits can drive a normal monk crazy.

However, it is a pity that Du Yu came here today.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer customers in the restaurant, the store manager also had a somewhat aggrieved look on his face.

But because Zhao Yihuan was here, the restaurant owner didn't dare to say anything.

Not long after, when there were only two tables left in the restaurant, Du Yu and Zhao Yihuan, Du Yu immediately caught Zhao Yihuan's attention.

Randomly, Zhao Yihuan walked towards Du Yu and others with a bottle of wine in his hand.

"I don't know why, but I always feel a little weird about you."

Zhao Yihuan just came over and said to Du Yu.

At the same time, a force radiated from Zhao Yihuan's body.

This force immediately pressed towards Du Yu.

Facing a monk in the early stage of the middle god, Du Yu's face showed no change at all.

Instead, he was eating the dishes peacefully.


There was no change in Du Yu's face when he saw it, but it attracted Zhao Yihuan's attention even more.

Immediately, Zhao Yihuan increased the power in his body.

However, this power fell on Du Yu and disappeared instantly like a stone sinking into the sea.

"I didn't expect that there is an expert hidden in this small restaurant."

Interest suddenly appeared on Zhao Yihuan's face.

You know, on this Watch Island, because of Zhao Yihuan's status, the surrounding monks are all subservient to Zhao Yihuan.

This made Zhao Yihuan a little dissatisfied.

Although he was enjoying such a status, Zhao Yihuan also felt that he had lost something.

But today, the seemingly ordinary monk in front of him had the energy to withstand his own power. This made Zhao Yihuan full of curiosity about Du Yu.

There is no doubt that the monk in front of him is definitely hiding his strength.

If my guess is correct, the monk in front of me is probably in the realm of the middle god.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yihuan's face suddenly showed a curious look.

Logically speaking, if a monk of the middle god came to Watching Island, as long as he informed him, Watching Island would treat him politely, but the monk in front of him did not do so.

Obviously, speaking of this, the monk in front of him has only two possibilities.

One is to hide his identity, while the other has some purpose of his own.

Under this situation, Zhao Yihuan became even more curious about Du Yu.

He believed that even if Du Yu hid his cultivation, he would not be stronger than himself.

We also know that Zhao Yihuan is a rare genius. Coupled with the accumulation of so many resources on Watch Island, Zhao Yihuan's cultivation is much stronger than those of the same street.

It was with this confidence that he kept provoking Du Yu.

Looking up at Zhao Yihuan, Du Yu saw no power fluctuation in his eyes.

In his eyes, Zhao Yihuan was like a clown.

At this moment, Du Yu had already made murderous intentions.

Since this guy is chasing Pangu and the other two, why not just kill one of them first?

As soon as this idea came up, Du Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Smiling, Du Yu immediately said, "You two go to the side first, Mr. Zhao and I will spar."

After hearing Du Yu's words, Pangu and Liuli immediately walked towards the back.

Suddenly, all the eyes in the restaurant fell on Du Yu and Zhao Yihuan.

Originally, Pangu and his wife were a little worried about Du Yu, but they felt relieved when they saw that Du Yu didn't take Zhao Yihuan seriously at all.

Over the years, Pangu was also very familiar with Du Yu.

Du Yu would not act haphazardly without being completely sure.

At this moment, Pangu felt a little pity for Zhao Yihuan.

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