"Pangu, what level do you think Huo Du Yu's real strength will be?" On the side, Master Liuli looked at the two people in front of him and couldn't help but ask.

Listening to Master Liuli's words, Pangu also had a curious look on his face.

"From what I understand, Zhao Yihuan is in the early stage of a mid-level god. Since he can crush Zhao Yihuan, he may be in the middle stage of a mid-level god."

On the side, Master Pangu and Liuli felt very powerful at the moment, but at the same time they were a little worried.

After all, this place is Watch Island, and there is more than just Zhao Yihuan on Watch Island.

Although the other monks' cultivation levels are not as good as Zhao Yihuan's, they are still more numerous in number.

Although Pangu and the two didn't know why the monks on Watch Island hadn't discovered them yet, they began to be cautious.

In any case, at the beginning, Pangu and Liuli were sitting at the same table as Du Yu.

Now, Du Yu and Zhao Yihuan are fighting. If this continues, they may also be attacked by the monks from Watch Island.

Sure enough, as soon as this idea came up, Pangu and Liuli immediately felt a chill behind them.

Then, several monks attacked the two of them.

These monks were only in the realm of lower gods, but because of their numerical advantage, Pangu and Liuli also felt a bit of pressure for a while.

"Be careful."

During the battle, Du Yu noticed the situation of Pangu and Liuli, and thought to himself.

In fact, Zhao Yihuan was not in Du Yu's eyes at all.

And the reason why he hasn't taken action yet is because he wants to attract the big shot behind him.

This was Du Yu's decision during the battle just now.

Because Du Yu discovered that if the assassination method was followed, Pangu and Liuli would encounter a lot of trouble.

It's better to kill Slater openly like this.

It was also under this thought that Du Yu decided to occupy this Watch Island.

Maybe there are not enough monks around Du Yu for the time being, but Du Yu believes that with his unique means, maybe this can really be achieved.

This is not Du Yu's sudden enthusiasm, but the result of Du Yu's careful consideration.

In such a place, it is difficult to achieve the results you want just by relying on your own strength.

But if you have your own power, you won't have such trouble.

Although this process will cause unnecessary trouble for himself, Du Yu believes that all this needs to be experienced.

Because Du Yu's current cultivation level has reached its peak.

It can be said that in the realm of the middle god, no monk can reach Du Yu.

And if this happens, these monks will have no way to improve Du Yu's cultivation.

Naturally, Du Yu placed his plan on the superior god.

Only when he met a higher god could Du Yu have the powerful power to kill him.

After thinking about it this way, Du Yu made his next move.

When Du Yu faced Zhao Yihuan, he did not rush to take action. He wanted to completely blow away Zhao Yihuan's self-esteem. At the same time, he also wanted many monks to spread the news.

Because what Du Yu needs now is fame.

And this Zhao Yihuan happened to be the first pawn in Du Yu's plan.

During the battle, Du Yu has been hiding his identity.

He knew that during this battle, a monk with stronger cultivation than Zhao Yihuan would appear.

Until then, Du Yu will continue to hide his identity.

But after Du Yu killed every monk who thought he could kill Du Yu, he believed that this reputation could spread far away.

Yes, this is Du Yu's plan. It is very crazy, but if you think about it carefully, it will have huge benefits for Du Yu's cultivation.

Seeing that Pangu and Liuli were surrounded, Du Yu immediately shouted, "Kentaro, go and help them."

As soon as Du Yu finished speaking, Kentero flew out of Du Yu's body.

To be honest, with Kentero's current cultivation level, he has not yet seen these monks in front of him.

In Kentero's eyes, the strength of these monks was like a chicken or a dog.

However, what Du Yu told Kentero was that it was enough to protect Pangu and the other two, and he did not directly kill the other monks.

This is the special connection between the contract beast and Du Yu.

In many cases, many commands do not need to be spoken at all, and only a thought can be conveyed.

Kentero just approached Pangu and the other two, and immediately looked lazily at the monks around him.

"Hmph, a little monster can be so presumptuous, let me kill him."

The moment he saw Kentero coming, the leading monk shouted. Immediately, more than a dozen monks in the realm of lower gods rushed towards Pangu and others again.

"Master Liuli, let's talk about it. We shouldn't be afraid of these monks. If it weren't for the scales, these things can withstand a lot of power." Faced with so many monks at once, Pangu said with a smile.

During the original escape, Pangu almost developed an instinct.

But just now, Pangu suddenly thought of the scales Du Yu gave him.

These are the scales on the ancient beast. It is not very simple to resist the attacks of monks in the lower realm of gods.

As expected, after Pangu finished speaking, Master Liuli also reacted.

Immediately, the two of them stood on the same spot.

"Haha, it seems that these two losers also know that their resistance is powerless. If this is the case, take them all away and wait for the adults to deal with them."

Immediately, several lower-level divine monks laughed.

Seeing the power getting closer and closer to them, both Pangu and Liuli showed disdain on their faces.

That day, after getting the scales, the two attacked each other without causing any impact at all.

Although there are many monks in front of them, their cultivation is not enough after all.

"Boom Kaka..."

As expected, the two of them stood there like wooden stakes, with no intention of dodging at all.

When many monks were worried, everyone was surprised to find that the power dissipated directly after being bombarded by Pangu and Pangu. Looking at Pangu and Pangu, there was no reaction at all.

"Damn it, what are the origins of these two monks? Why did the attack just now have no effect?"

Many monks had confused looks on their faces.

Each of these monks looked at Pangu curiously, and at the same time they were even more puzzled.

Why do so many attacks fall on the two of them without any effect?

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