After feeling the power of these scales, Pangu and Liuli immediately felt relieved.

With such an artifact, there is nothing to be afraid of.

After just one attack, Pangu and Liuli brought their unscrupulousness to the extreme.

"What's going on? Come on."

Several monks immediately shouted after seeing that the attack had no effect.

Immediately, a large group of monks used their power to bombard Pangu and the two again.

This time, this powerful force showed no mercy, and every force was stronger than the last.

However, the final result was that there was no damage to Pangu at all.

"This, this is impossible..."

The face of the monk who led the team was already full of shock.

What else is there to do? Lao Itchy couldn't even attack the two of them.

And here, when Pangu and Liuli saw that these monks had finished attacking, they also attacked these monks with strange smiles.

This time, the way the two fought was so mindless that it exploded.

There are no moves or routines, and no matter how many attacks appear in front of him, he can't break through the defense.

But on the contrary, although Pangu and Liuli were in the realm of lower gods, when their attacks fell, the monks in front still had to be careful to avoid them.

Suddenly, the situation in front of us has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Originally, a large group of monks were attacking Pangu and the two, but the choice was that Pangu and the two chased these monks.

The simple and crude attack method made all the monks around him confused.

"Damn it, this way of fighting is so weird."

"It seems that these two monks have powerful defensive spiritual treasures. Otherwise, it will definitely be very dangerous for them to face these monks."

"Sure enough, the powerful monks behind them are different. Just two monks in the realm of lower gods have such powerful spiritual treasures. If I also have such powerful spiritual treasures, why worry about not being able to achieve the goal I want? ,Why."

"These two monks have offended the forces on Watch Island. I wonder how they will face it now?"

The monks who were watching began to speculate one after another. These monks were envious but also worried in their hearts.

After all, the monks in front of me are just two monks in the lower god realm. There are still many powerful monks in Watch Island. If there are monks in the middle god realm here, I am afraid these two monks will be in danger.

After all, in everyone's opinion, no matter how good the spiritual treasure is, a monk in the lower god realm cannot defeat a monk in the middle god realm.

Of course, the monk who fought Zhao Yihuan was somewhat different.

Although the monk seemed to be a monk in the realm of lower gods, everyone speculated that this was probably because Du Yu was hiding his strength.

At this moment, Zhao Yihuan's face was very ugly. He found that he had no way to do anything to the monk in front of him.

"Remember, you provoked someone you shouldn't have provoked today."

Du Yu's face was extremely cold. Immediately, Du Yu was not polite. With a thought in his heart, the power in his body suddenly started to work.

The powerful force enveloped Zhao Yihuan in an instant.

"You will completely regret today, because you have lost your life." After Du Yu finished speaking, the power surrounding Zhao Yihuan also gradually shrank.

The powerful force had no hold at all. As Du Yu's power shrank, Zhao Yihuan felt the pressure getting stronger and stronger.

At first, Zhao Yihuan tried to resist, but when he realized the strength gap between himself and Du Yu, Zhao Yihuan became more and more frightened.

During this period of time on Watch Island, Zhao Yihuan has always been the proud one of heaven.

In particular, Slater's direct disciple Kamikaze made him realize how powerful his rights were.

In addition, due to the accumulation of countless resources, Zhao Yihuan is much stronger than anyone in the same realm.

So over the years, Zhao Yihuan seems to be very strong.

But today, after facing Du Yu, Zhao Yihuan realized his fragility. At this moment, Zhao Yihuan realized that he was also afraid of death.

Zhao Yihuan had killed countless monks before.

In the past, when killing these monks, Zhao Yihuan showed no mercy at all.

After all, in Zhao Yihuan's eyes, these monks were just ordinary chickens and dogs, and they would not be impressed by him at all.

And what is there to care about if an ant dies?

But today, Zhao Yihuan knew that he was so close to death.

This time, Zhao Yihuan gave up. He no longer had the courage to fight Du Yu.

"Senior, senior, I offended you blindly, please forgive me. My master is the manager of Watch Island. As long as you bypass me today, I will agree to whatever conditions you want."

Zhao Yihuan's voice came directly.

For a moment, the monks below were all stunned.

"Damn it, who is the monk in front of me? He directly forced Zhao Yihuan into a desperate situation."

"Let me see, this mysterious monk X in front of me will not bypass him. After all, the conflict between the two parties has been forged."

After hearing Zhao Yihuan's begging for mercy, the monks below started shouting one after another.

The faces of these monks were full of shock, and everyone looked quietly into the air, wanting to see what the mysterious monk planned.

After all, Zhao Yihuan's identity still needs to be considered a little bit. If Zhao Yihuan is killed, it can be said that Watch Island has been truly offended.

If this happens, this monk will definitely cause huge trouble.

Many monks were speculating, but no one dared to speak. Even the monks who were chasing Pangu and the two were carefully paying attention to the situation above.

Today, if Zhao Yihuan is killed, their end will be very miserable.

At this moment, these monks no longer even paid attention to Pangu and Liuli.

Fighting against these two people is a very frustrating thing. Your own attacks cannot break through the opponent's defense, but you have to dodge the opponent's attacks.

Hearing Zhao Yihuan's words, the power in Du Yu's hand suddenly paused.

This gave Zhao Yihuan some hope in despair.

"Senior, senior, please let me go. I will definitely give you what you want. I am blind today..."

Faced with this slight chance of survival, Zhao Yihuan shouted repeatedly, not paying attention to the pointing fingers of the monks around him.

Are you kidding? Can face and life be on the same level?

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