The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1696 A clever trick to get the Resurrection Pill

"You said there was news about Du Yu?"

A majestic voice came from the main seat in the hall, and a strong pressure followed.

However, Du Yu could still handle this pressure, but he still pretended to be frightened and fell down tremblingly.

"Island Master...Island Master, spare your life..."

Seeing the appearance of the young man below, the man in the front seat showed a look of satisfaction and stopped putting pressure on him.

"Is this what you said about Du Yu's news?"

The tone of the question this time was obviously better, no more fighting, and Du Yu was secretly making a small calculation in his heart.

I was thinking in my heart that my attitude on the face must be good, otherwise this impromptu plan will be ruined. Thinking of this, I immediately said with a cautious voice: "It's me. I also got the news a few days ago. I don't know now." People are still there or not.”

The atmosphere suddenly became tense. Du Yu tensed his nerves and didn't know if he could deceive the guy. However, he still maintained a cautious expression and explained: "Although it was a few days ago, it seems that the place is where he often moves. If The Lord of the City doesn’t believe that I can take you there.”

"Okay, then you can lead the way."

Originally, the island owner didn't believe it. There were countless people who came to cheat on the Resurrection Pills recently. Although he had a lot of Resurrection Pills, in terms of their preciousness, he couldn't just squander them at will.

He was already very angry to find his enemies, but the presence of these flies made him even more anxious.

Now since this young man is willing to take him there in person, it must be reliable news.

Half truths and half lies are always the easiest to believe. Du Yu has undoubtedly grasped the essence, and now the island owner has completely believed his words.

The island owner was not polite. He stood up and made a gesture of invitation to Du Yu. It was obvious that he couldn't wait a moment and wanted to find someone immediately.

Du Yu felt enlightened and smiled awkwardly at the island owner who walked in front of him: "Island owner, this resurrecting pill..."

Needless to say, the island owner also understood what Du Yu meant.

"Are you afraid that I will default on your debt and refuse to pay you?"

"That's not true. The island owner has always been aboveboard. How could he do such a disgraceful thing?"

After Du Yu finished speaking, he felt disgusted in his heart. No one knew what this island owner was like, and he had a new understanding of the fact that he was getting thicker and thicker.

"Hahaha, you know me very well, so I'll give it to you first, but you have to know the consequences of lying to me!"

The island owner had paid special attention to the voice, and every word contained infinite inner power that was deafening. Even Du Yu's ears were buzzing.

"No, no, island owner, don't worry, I am also afraid that the devil Du Yu will harm my life. Now that I have told the island owner, I will definitely take him down, not to mention such a generous reward, I think Du Yu's boy It won’t take much longer.”

With the flattery one after another, the island owner has long lost himself.

After getting the Resurrection Pill, Du Yu checked it.

He thought to himself, it is indeed a good thing. This old guy has been here for so long and he has collected so many good things. Now, asking him to spit out some of them is a way of doing justice to God.

"Okay, the island owner is really happy." After saying that, he walked ahead and led the way.

The group of people was led away by Du Yu for nearly two hours. It was getting late, but they still had no intention of stopping.

At the same time, there are countless people following him secretly. Anyone with some strength and fame wants to see who Du Yu, who has become so popular just after coming here, is. Since he can invite the island owner to come out in person, then We must really meet this person.

The people who followed him secretly were just watching the fun, but these island owners didn't care, and even coincided with his intention. Come on, come and see what the consequences will be for those who offended you. .

However, this road is too long. Even if there is someone who has been walking for so long, they will probably get the message and run away!

The patience in my heart reached its limit, and I even wanted to catch Du Yu and ask him if the news was accurate.

One person realized something was wrong, frowned his eyebrows, and secretly stepped back.

"Island owner, this person is wrong. We have reached the edge of the island, but we still haven't seen anyone."

A burst of murderous intent came from behind, pointing directly at the back of the heart.

Du Yu paused for a moment, then turned back and walked towards the island owner. The person standing in front of the island owner had not left yet, so he was stunned when he saw this.


The island owner had long felt that something was wrong. If he hadn't been so irrational with the anger of revenge, how could he have been brought here by Du Yu with a trace of belief in the end!

"Island owner, here we are."


Although doubts have arisen, this is the most credible one so far.

Du Yu was not far ahead, guiding the island owner all the way to the place where he stopped before, but stopped when he was close.

"This is..."

Before the island owner could say a word, he was stunned by a powerful explosion.

Following this, there were various subtle noises in different places, but they immediately became quiet again.

"This kid can't be that Du Yu..." a female voice whispered to the people around her.

"Didn't run away."

Another person who had obviously seen Du Yu finally spoke: "I didn't expect it was really him. The dress was too cautious. If it wasn't so suspicious, I wouldn't have recognized him."

There were countless similar discussions in secret, but no one came forward.

After all, it’s really nice to see the island owner looking like him now!

Du Yu clasped his hands behind his back, with a sneer on his lips. He was no longer what he was before. Now he was domineering and inviolable.

After taking a look at the place where the explosion occurred, I felt proud.

"How about it, Lord Island Master!"

"You are Du Yu!"

"Yes, I didn't lie to you, I do have news about Du Yu!"

A cold sound came from the place where the explosion occurred, mixed with the wails of different voices.

Du Yu had just drawn a formation in this place, and the last step was just to invite you to enter the urn.

The island owner's eyes were red with anger, and he swore that Du Yu would not be able to live or die. He had offended his majesty and was an unpardonable sin.

The people who were peeping in the dark, and the inaudible but never-ending discussion voices reinforced his thoughts. At this time, Du Yu was already a dead person in his eyes!

The fire in my heart was burning, and I approached Du Yu step by step, but I found that for some reason, I couldn't get close to him.

After calming down for a while, I realized that I had been walking back and forth in the same place for a long time.

This formation is weird!

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