The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1697 Losing his wife and losing his troops

He raised his head and glared at Du Yu in front of him in shock. Wherever there was Du Yu, there was no one there for a long time.

Du Yu returned to the inn lightly with the Resurrection Pill in his hand. Presumably the island owner would have to check him even more closely after today.

But what can he do? He has even captured the noble minister who is looking for him, so he is no longer afraid of what he will do. Soldiers will come to block the water and the earth will cover him up. The more he wants to make a big splash, the more it will help him achieve his goal.

What's more, he wasn't lying. Didn't the island owner just want his information? He gave it to him, but he just left one step ahead of schedule.

This reward is well worth it!

Du Yu didn't know how many people the island would lose after he left.

Originally, the island owner had a reputation for being punished by everyone. If it weren't for his cruel temperament and strong strength, no one would want to touch this bad luck, otherwise he would have been ganged up and strangled long ago.

"I never thought that the famous Island Master Zhao would be here today! Hahahahaha!"

As soon as Du Yu left, such a sentence suddenly rang out from all around, followed by laughter. It was unclear where he was or where the sound came from.

Chief Zhao was furious to death, but there was nothing he could do. He was trapped inside and tried several times but couldn't get out. When he heard the laughter of the group of people, he finally got angry.

I have never been ridiculed like this since I became the owner of this island. I have lost my master today. Du Yu, this island owner will definitely crush you to ashes!

While Island Master Zhao was thinking this, he didn't know what mechanism was triggered, and his clothes were cut directly by the sword energy flying randomly in the formation. He looked as embarrassed as he could.

However, Island Master Zhao’s strength is not something to be seen for a while. Although he doesn’t understand the battle method, Island Master Zhao is able to sit down to where he is today after defeating ten levels at once. His strength should not be underestimated. However, after a moment, Island Master Zhao directly used Forcefully broke out of this ghost formation.

Although he came out, his clothes were torn and torn, and he was already in a miserable state. Not to mention looking for Du Yu, some of the powerful people who were watching the excitement had already dispersed.

"Du Yu!!!"

That night, almost everyone on the island heard the roar of hatred in this life. Pangu and Liuli, who were lying on the bed, shrank their necks and turned over to sleep in gloating.

As expected, the security at the gate of the city increased more than ten times the next day, and everyone entering and exiting had to be checked at all levels. Women were better off, but all men had to wear their clothes inside and out. , for a time there were even fewer people leaving the city, and even less people entering the city.

"What should I do?" Pangu asked Du Yu while pretending to chat casually while eating the pancake, and Liuli's ears had already stood up.

Originally they were just looking for information about Du Yu, but this time it seemed that they wanted to kill him directly.

"no way."

"No way?" Before Pangu could speak, Master Liuli couldn't help but said it directly.

Du Yu was playing with the Resurrection Pill in his hand while looking around intentionally or unintentionally: "You think the island owner doesn't have much of this thing, right?"

Master Liuli has always been proficient in this aspect, and immediately said: "The Resurrection Pill is a heaven-defying thing. As long as a person is not completely dead, he only needs one pill to return to his peak period. Such a thing is rare in the world. , let alone the island owner, what are you going to do?"

Du Yu smiled mysteriously: "As long as it's precious! What I want is that he feels sorry for me!"

Then he pulled Pangu and Liuli to murmur mysteriously. Even if they wanted to listen, they couldn't hear the sound. They didn't know what they were plotting.

From this day on, the story spread like wildfire that the island owner was deceived by his enemies into taking a resurrecting pill instead of seeking revenge.

Similarly, on this day, the various deeds in the Island Lord's Mansion became increasingly weird!

On a dark and windy night, Du Yu took Pangu and Liuli masters all the way to the back door of the island owner's mansion in secret. Several people spread out and sneaked into the island owner's mansion silently.

The island owner's mansion occupies a large area, so only a few patrols pass by. Perhaps the island owner did not realize that Du Yu would be so bold, so the patrols were not very vigilant. The actions of Du Yu and the others did not cause any harm. trouble.

A new batch of patrols in the corridor had just come over. A gust of wind blew over, and the doors made a sound as they clashed back and forth. The patrols passed by without any notice, without making any movement.

Until all the patrols walked over, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and a drop of water dripped on the corridor for no reason, the color was weird!

The next day, Du Yu, Pangu and Liuli did not go out to have breakfast. Instead, they practiced in the room uncharacteristically. The waiter delivered the meal to the door and left voluntarily.

A few people here are quiet, but the island owner's mansion on the other side is lively. The entire mansion is like a blazing fire, there are no outsiders, and the servants and servants are running back and forth non-stop.

The island owner's mansion was wailing. In a courtyard, the servants and soldiers were paralyzed in groups. Their faces were ashen, their bodies were bruised, and their veins were bulging indescribably.

"Isn't this my Five Poison Jade Liquid? How could it be like this!" Island Master Zhao looked at the young soldiers in the yard with blue veins on their foreheads with a livid face. He grabbed a young boy and said, "Tell me! Is it you?" , did you touch my Five Poison Jade Liquid!"

The boy rolled his eyes and stood up straight. He was so shocked that he fainted.

Island Master Zhao's anger was still lingering, his expression suddenly changed, he turned around and strode towards his alchemy room.

For a moment, the entire island owner's mansion roared again: "Du Yu!!!"

Yes, it was Du Yu again. Du Yu, whom Island Master Zhao wanted to find, not only did not escape from the city, but instead sneaked into his mansion that night and turned over all his treasures!

Seeing the mess on the ground, the servants all held their breath, fearing that if they stood out a little bit, they would become the scapegoat and punching bag.

However, Island Master Zhao calmed down and no longer yelled. Instead, he smiled sinisterly, expelled the servants, and carefully rummaged for something while looking at the mess on the ground.

Seeing that the island owner had no intention of punishing them, even though they felt even more furious, they still ran away one by one. No one was seen at the door again, and the door of the bar was closed to the last person who left, who was still sensible.

"Is the island owner crazy?"

Hearing this, the butler's expression changed and he quickly pulled his ignorant son away: "What nonsense are you talking about! If you let me hear you say this again, I'll beat you to death without taking action!"

The housekeeper's son who spoke first immediately stopped talking, closed his mouth tightly, and the two hurriedly left.

After some searching, Island Master Zhao finally had a sinister smile on his lips, with a hint of weirdness in his eyes!

"Du Yu! Is my medicine easy to use?"

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