The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1700 Another visit to the island master’s mansion

"Then I'll accept it for now. However, I can only suppress your friend's poison for seven days. If you still don't get Zhao Qianhao's blood after seven days, then even I can't do anything."

Dugu Yabing did not refuse, but calmly accepted the offer.

Thinking that she came out temporarily, if she couldn't go back immediately and was discovered, Zhu'er might have to lose some skin. Thinking of this, Dugu Yabing said goodbye like the two of them.

"You remember, if you get Zhao Yinghao's blood in seven days, come to Shililin to find me. As long as you go, I will know."

Dugu Yabing went back as quickly as possible, but it was still too late. Zhuer stood in the yard and looked at her with aggrieved face, and the current head of the family, Dugu Yabing's father, stood at the head of the main hall.

Seeing that Dugu Yabing was finally back, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"What did you do?"

Hearing his father's tone, Dugu Yabing knew that he was not very angry. It could be seen that he was still gentle this time, so he quickly replied: "When I meet someone who is seriously poisoned on the road, if the matter is not serious, I will take it upon myself to help him." Yes, my father has taught me that doctors are benevolent, and my daughter has observed that there is no danger, so she dealt with it alone. I will come back only after taking care of it now."

The head of the Dugu family didn't doubt it after hearing this. Dugu Yabing's words were accurate, and he also conveyed his own teachings. It would not be good if he interfered too much.

However, after a while, I couldn't help but sigh: "There are no women in college!"

Dugu Yabing didn't understand what her father meant, but as long as she knew he wasn't blaming Zhuer, the head of the Dugu family finally gave him a few lessons and stopped pursuing it.

After taking Zhu'er back, Zhu'er's eyes wandered in circles and asked: "Miss, did you go to that upstairs to mind your own business?"

Dugu Yabing and Zhu'er grew up and had a close relationship. They told her many little secrets from childhood to adulthood, and this time was no exception. She was immediately coaxed with a few words and told her everything in detail.

Looking at the elixir in Dugu Yabing's hand, Zhu'er pouted at Lao Gao and muttered with great reluctance and dissatisfaction: "It's just this kind of elixir... I even have the nerve to give it out as a thank you gift. It’s not rare!”

Dugu Yabing was not dissatisfied. She snatched it back like a treasure and lectured: "You don't take it seriously. You have been with me since you were a child, not to mention other things, just the elixirs. How could the Dugu family treat you badly! But! To others, this is already his best.”

Dugu Yabing still has a few days here, and these days will determine whether Master Liuli can be saved.

If Du Yu and Pangu can get Zhao Yinghao's blood in the past few days, they will be saved, and vice versa. . .

Thinking of this, Du Yu and Pangu couldn't sit still.

"Let's go to the island owner's mansion again tonight."

Pangu said nothing and looked at Du Yu. Du Yu understood and explained: "On the first day of today, I will go unexpectedly. Even if I can't get his blood, I will turn the world upside down!"

But sometimes things don't always go as people want.

It's already late at night, but the island owner's mansion is still blocked by guards. Even a blue wing can't fly out, let alone want to go in and do something.

Knowing that something bad was going on, the two people immediately retreated, only to find that they were surrounded.

After trying to break out of the siege everywhere, a person slowly walked out from the most conspicuous place.

"Du Yu, is my elixir delicious?"


Zhao Yinghao's expression changed inexplicably, and finally he paused with a strange expression: "Am I shameless? Are you a real hero? A hero who steals things?"

Pangu had always been honest, and he was originally very eloquent, but now he was speechless by the simplest sentence.

Du Yu snorted coldly: "Thieves have their ways. Your life has been stolen. What can you complain about if your things are stolen?"

Seeing Zhao Yinghao getting even weirder and covered with a bit of hidden anger, he ignored it and continued to look for opportunities to break out of the encirclement.

"Don't waste your energy, Du Yu. Today I will crush you to ashes. Let's see whether you are arrogant or I have the last laugh!"

With a gesture, swords rained down from the sky, and there were already densely packed swords in every square inch, making it impossible to hide.

"Zhao Yinghao is a dog thief. Everyone can kill him. How about it? Did the sword formation the past few days feel good? Do you want to try it again today?"

Du Yu blocked the sword while speaking unforgivingly.

These few words finally angered Zhao Yinghao, and the strange expression on his face finally became vivid and turned into anger.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Du Yu and Pangu turned around and attacked with all their strength in his direction, summoning their contracted beasts at the same time. The sword rain formation was instantly hindered, and Zhao Yinghao was also shaken back a few steps by this airflow before he stopped.

"Okay, let's see how brave you are!"

After breaking through the sword formation and defeating Zhao Yinghao, he was still defeated by his strength.

Du Yu and Pangu broke through the first floor, and then the people on the second floor rushed up with swords. When they finally broke through on the second floor, the people who had just broken through regrouped. This kind of wheel battle is useless except for consuming physical strength.

And this is the most proud thing for Zhao Yinghao.

Watching the ants die for him one after another, watching his enemies unable to move forward or retreat in front of him, and seeing everything under his control, this kind of pride was enough to give him a perverted sense of satisfaction.

"Hahaha, Du Yu, if you kneel down and beg for mercy from me now, I might consider letting you two die a quick death."

Du Yu said nothing and continued to fight desperately in his direction, while groups of fallen soldiers kept piling up towards them as if their lives were worthless.

How could such a accumulation affect Du Yu and the others?

Pangu lamented: "I'm offended."

Turning around and splitting with his palm, a path opened in front of him, and everyone who stood in front of him turned into ashes.

This is the first time Zhao Yinghao has witnessed their strength with his own eyes. In his eyes, these people have been opportunistic to get where they are today, and they have been hiding for so long so that he can easily find them.

And Pangu's palm wasn't enough to surprise him. Du Yu on the other side had already walked in front of him unknowingly.

"Zhao Yinghao, today is the day you die!"

With a sword raised, the situation seemed to be decided before him, but unexpectedly, Zhao Yinghao's originally shocked and inexplicable face blurred in front of his eyes and appeared further away.

"I didn't expect it, Du Yu. You and your companions are destined to die here today, so don't even think about fighting back!"

"Hmph!" Du Yu looked at Zhao Yinghao like a dead object, his hands kept moving, and a formation formed in his hands instantly.

At the same time, Zhao Yinghao said: "Don't waste your efforts. If you could kill me, you wouldn't wait until today!"

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