The formation suddenly failed, and the sky was already dimly lit. The night passed like this, but they did nothing, and they still ended up in this situation!

Zhao Yinghao's voice came from far to near, and appeared in his ears again: "But I can give you a chance!"

"Leave the opportunity to yourself!"

Du Yu reached his limit and slapped out his palm, causing the entire island owner's mansion to shake.

"Du Yu! Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, but I'm afraid this mansion that you've been dominating for so long will have to be rebuilt! Haha!"

Du Yu took the summoned beast with him, and Pangu stood back to back behind him. He showed an attitude of not being afraid even if a knife was placed on his neck, which completely stunned the people passing by to watch the excitement.

"I didn't expect that he would be so powerful at such a young age."

"Young master, please go back first. The matters assigned by the master of the family are important."

The young man in the distance led an old servant, walking like the wind. No one noticed when he came, and no one knew that anyone had been here before he left.

Zhao Yinghao here had also stopped. His men followed the instructions and surrounded Du Yu but made no further moves.

"Du Yu, you can't beat me."

"Ha!" Du Yu stared at Zhao Yinghao coldly without answering. He and Pangu were always alert to Zhao Yinghao's movements. As long as he made any movement, he would never escape the gaze of several pairs of eyes.

He was right, but that didn't mean that he would give in. If he really had to fight to the death, he wouldn't necessarily win.

but. . . If there was a better solution, it would naturally put Master Liuli's life first.

"Your friend must have run out of energy now, so you came here to fight me, but it's not like..."

Zhao Yinghao paused and thought for a moment, then said: "But it shouldn't be right. Maybe you found some way to stabilize his poisonous hair, but the antidote is not that easy to find."

"If you have something to say, say it quickly, no one will listen to your farts!"

Pangu was anxious and angry.

"Hmph! If you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with a drink!"

Zhao Yinghao waved his hand to signal his men to continue fighting, but he glanced at Du Yu, raised his hand in the air and hesitated for a moment, but still did not wave it down.

"I can exchange the Resurrection Pill for your antidote."

Zhao Yinghao's face darkened, he really didn't want to pick up any of the pots! However, at least things have turned around.

"I don't want to get into a fight with you. Since you just want the antidote, how about we make a gentleman's agreement?"

"An agreement is an agreement, and you deserve to be a gentleman!"

The two people in front of me didn't know who despised Zhao Yinghao, but those who dared to say so were the only ones blind.

"Tell me what kind of agreement it is. If it can be made, of course it can be done. If it can't be done, then it will be a life-or-death affair. We who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. I just don't know if you have enjoyed enough of this glory and wealth."

Zhao Yinghao naturally didn't accept the words, and glanced in Du Yu's direction again, not knowing what he was planning.

"Will he really agree to us?"

Pangu asked silently, standing behind Du Yu.

Du Yu subconsciously stretched his hand into his arms and stopped halfway to look in the direction of Zhao Yinghao, wary: "Whether you can agree or not, you should immerse yourself and recover quickly, otherwise it will be too late if there is another accident with his treachery."

How could Zhao Yinghao easily let go of this person who made himself look ugly? . . Thinking of the inconspicuous jade pendant I just saw on Du Yu, I couldn't help but hesitate.

That jade pendant happened to be the token that Dugu Yabing left for Du Yu to meet in a few days, and it was also the symbol of the Dugu family.

The status of the Dugu family is well-known throughout the continent. Although this is not the sphere of influence of the Dugu family, a medical family with broad connections and strong strength is not something that a small island owner like him can match.

What if Du Yu really has something to do with the Dugu family? If he killed him without any reason, then his life would not be so easy in the future.

But he didn't say whether the Dugu family would be willing to meet with him. He just said that those who wanted to seek favors from the Dugu family or show their good will would be enough for him to drink. . .

In this case, why not just kill him plainly! Then no one will be suspicious.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yinghao finally made a decision.

"Du Yu, you want your friend's life, and I want your life. Since it's worse than this, how about we make a bet?"

"What bet?"

"I'm betting on whether you can come out of the Qijue Forest. I have passed three levels in this Qijue Forest. If you pass them one by one, then as long as you come out, I will give you the antidote of your friend. But if you can't come out, Come..."

"If I can't get out, that'll be just what you want."

Zhao Yinghao laughed wildly and stared at Du Yu with evil eyes: "You will be smart then."

Du Yu rolled his eyes and said: "There are only two results in total. You are probably the more stupid one."

This is not a normal conversation!

Du Yu's unconventional retort left Zhao Yinghao speechless for a while.

"I will accept your bet, but I have a condition!"

Pangu pulled Du Yu to no avail. It was obvious that Du Yu had already made up his mind about something that others could not persuade him to come back to.

"What conditions?" Zhao Yinghao was feeling proud of the attention he had thought of. He looked at Du Yu as if victory was in sight and he was already being squeezed by him.

At this time, Du Yu's conditions seemed to him to be just a desperate struggle. Even if he raised them, it would not help!

Seeing Zhao Yinghao's determination to win, Du Yu's lips curled up secretly: "My condition is that I will publicize this gambling game and let everyone in the city know about it, and no one will be allowed to watch the game!"

"Since your decision is an aboveboard bet, I naturally want everyone to watch. Otherwise, what kind of tricks did you do? Wouldn't I be wronged to death? I don't need to say anything about your Island Master Zhao's credibility."

"You're just struggling to your death, so what can you do with your mouth now?"

Zhao Yinghao had already decided on the outcome, so naturally he didn't care about Du Yu's words.

"Okay, I'll do what you said, but when the time comes, you have to declare that your death is the result of your own choice. Don't incite a group of people to avenge you. The owner of this island is not in the mood to give your flies trouble."

"As long as the island owner is magnanimous, why worry about that!"

One night passed, and the bet was set at Qi Jue Lin one day later.

Du Yu hardly had to worry about publicizing the gambling. A notice was posted at the city gate the next day, and the news had already spread throughout the city early in the morning.

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