I went back and looked at the situation of Master Liuli, and there was no change. At this time, no change was already good news, and what Du Yu had to do was to seriously prepare for the Qijuelin challenge tomorrow!

Qijuelin is a mysterious area on this island that was established by Zhao Yinghao alone. Except for the people allowed by Zhao Yinghao, no one who enters this place has ever come out, and no one has come out.

There were countless people who had gone in before now, and there were also many young and arrogant people who heard about this place and came here to test it unconvinced. In the end, none of them survived.

There are many big guys who have been swallowed by this forest, and many of them are near-top beings. However, no one knows what Zhao Yinghao has done here. In the end, these people only saw those who went in, but there was no one there. One came out.

After Pangu came in and out of Liuli Zhenren's room, he stood at the door of Du Yu's room and walked around and around.

"Come in, there's no baby at the door."

Pangu stopped outside the door, but stood there motionless.

Du Yu opened the door and looked at Pangu's worried face, and let him into the room easily.

"What are you doing with that scowl?"

Pangu opened his mouth and fell silent again.

The atmosphere was extremely heavy for a moment. After all, two people's lives depended on it. No matter how generous you were, you should relax.

Du Yu took care of him along the way and worked together through life and death. This kind of loyalty could not help but make even a nervous man feel heavy.

"Are you sure?"

Du Yu's face, which was pretending to be relaxed, gradually stiffened and turned into a wry smile.

"So what if I'm not sure? I can't take you with me to fight him to the death. In this way, we can still count as making a profit."

"Otherwise, I will go to this gambling game for you, and you can find a way to leave with Master Liuli, go far away, and find the eldest lady of the Dugu family to see if she has any other options."

"Are you sure I can still leave with him? If you can't get out and I can't leave, it's just three lives. Our entire army will be annihilated."

"Then what do you say? I can't watch you die."

Du Yu smiled slightly and looked at Pangu with a mysterious face: "Who said I was going to die? Maybe I can come out?"

Pangu looked confused, almost thinking that Du Yu was crazy, but he couldn't bear to say, after all, even if he was crazy, this was his brother.

"Why do you think he let go of such a good opportunity and didn't kill us, but instead made a unnecessary bet with me?"


Du Yu took out the jade pendant that Dugu Yabing left behind before leaving: "That's why!"

"At that time, I was already prepared to fight to the death. In the situation at that time, he had the overwhelming advantage, but he was distracted at the most critical moment. This gave me the opportunity to defeat his island owner. Mansion."

"How could this happen? He has such good intentions. Could it be that he suddenly discovered that you are his long-lost biological son?"

Seeing that Du Yu's face was wrong, Pangu covered it up in embarrassment: "Ahem, a person like him can't even give birth to an outstanding son like you."

After saying that, Du Yu returned to normal, but Pangu thought about this guess seriously. Although the island owner did not look middle-aged, he was actually not young. He was much older. Du Yu didn't know how many rounds, even if It's not impossible that there really was some love affair many years ago and he has a son as old as Du Yu. . .

I was lost in thought when I suddenly noticed something was wrong and the air suddenly became quiet. . .

Du Yu's cold glare quickly stopped Pangu's subsequent fantasies. However, the slightly relaxed atmosphere also alleviated a lot of pressure in the two people's hearts.

After Du Yu's explanation, Pangu found out that Zhao Yinghao's little plan was actually because he was afraid that Du Yu would have some connection with the Dugu family, so he killed him for no reason and offended the Dugu family. Such an upright and underhanded trick looks much better, even if Du Yu If you die, you are asking for it.

At the same time, under such circumstances, he did not dare to offend the Dugu family, so he would not interfere with it. On the other hand, the Qijue Forest without his excessive manipulation would not be too dangerous!

After hearing this, a smile finally appeared on Pangu's face, and he quickly agreed to go see Liuli.

Looking at Pangu's back as he walked out, Du Yu, who looked confident just a moment ago, instantly sank.

It's not too dangerous, but a place that can almost swallow up a master of decision making should be more than that simple.

"Hey sir, I heard that tomorrow the young hero Du Yu will have a three-game winning bet with the despicable island owner. Come and place your bets. A bet on Du Yu will pay you a hundred, and a bet on the island owner will pay you one hundred. Two."

"How come you still have the young hero Du Yu?" the young man asked the waiter with a chuckle.

When the waiter saw someone talking to him, he quickly started talking vividly, telling what Du Yu had done recently, from killing Zhao Yihuan in a battle at the beginning, to cleverly remembering the resurrecting pill he cheated, to the recent night sneak into the island master's mansion. At the end, he didn’t forget to mention: “Did you know that the island owner’s mansion collapsed this morning, and it is being repaired now. Maybe it was also done by the little hero.”

Du Yu looked at the waiter in a funny way. He did not say anything about the island owner, but exaggerated the recent events. Finally, Du Yu still asked in confusion: "Then since this is a little hero, why is his bet one?" Compensation of one hundred?"

The waiter's face froze: "Sir, what are you saying? We naturally hope that the little hero will win, but we really don't have that much money to support him."

A man next to him who had been listening for a while couldn't help but joked: "There's no need to ask, because Du Yu is obviously no match for the island owner."

The drinking buddies at the same table also completed their words: "That's right, if he is so powerful, why doesn't he confront the island owner head-on every time? He just can't beat him."

Du Yu had a wry smile on his face. It seemed that his hope was really low. Even a passerby understood the situation so well.

He immediately bet his general property on himself.

"Hey, Sir, you are a big player. We agreed in advance that you will not regret your bet. Once you are sure, you cannot regret it. This is a bet, not a joke."

"That's right, little brother, you know that this is a dead end, why are you holding back so many people? You can just have fun if you really want to."

Du Yu didn't know the kindness of these people, but if he really left and never came back, the money he had would be in vain. He might as well earn it for the store that praised him as a hero.

but. . . Who says he will definitely lose?

"If you don't regret it, go ahead. It's usually the unpopular ones who are easily surprised. Who says there won't be miracles?"

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