The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1704 Sword given to heroes

After saying that, he stood up and pulled the thing over, but was stopped by a hand. The man was suddenly pulled and almost threw him away. He felt annoyed and glared, but he saw that he was just a young man.

"What's wrong? Nowadays, it's popular to set up stalls in ghost markets with the whole family together? Is this your grandpa?"

Several men around him laughed again, clenching their fists tightly, and stepped closer to Du Yu.

"You were the one who threw this old man out just now?"

"So what if it's me? What? Are you here to avenge your grandfather?"

Du Yu ignored the laughter around him and kicked the man in the stomach. At the same time, he pulled the man back, increasing the force on him and throwing him out.

A large mouthful of blood spurted out from the mouth of the reckless man who was thrown away, and it hit all the brothers. They were all dying after they landed on the ground.

"Boy, where are you from? Do you know who we are!"

"Whose people you are has nothing to do with me. If you offend me, you will pay the price."

"I think you're tired of living. Take him down for me."

A group of reckless men gathered around them but didn't dare to make a move. The boss who was thrown out behind became anxious and kicked the nearest person in the butt and roared: "Fuck me!"


"Take him and take him to the island owner's mansion. Let's see how the island owner deals with him!"

The group of people were still trembling in fear at first, but after hearing the boss's words, they immediately gathered their courage and rushed forward with all their strength, with the momentum that they were bound to take down Du Yu.

"Who are you island owners?"

"You are tired of living, boy."

The big man at the back was not seriously injured. When he heard that Du Yu dared to be disrespectful to the island owner, he immediately became happy. This time he didn't need to complain himself, which was enough for this kid to drink. He actually dared to speak ill of the island owner like this!

The old man had already fallen to the ground, but now he squeezed in and winked at Du Yu. Upon seeing this, a big man mocked: "Old guy, don't bother, you can't even tell when you will run out of breath, so why not?" Take care of others."

"Yes, you also heard it. Now this boy has said bad things about the island owner. This is not because we want to embarrass him."

A group of people had already recovered from the shock, and surrounded Du Yu as if they were determined to win, but when they rushed forward, they howled.

what's the situation? how so. . .

The onlookers were ready to see Du Yu's tragic end, but the scene in front of them was unexpected. The Lord of God could be said to be too horrified!

A young boy could actually defeat all the minions of the island master's mansion.

You know, the lackeys of the main house of this archipelago often help the island owner to commit evil. The island owner is not a thing, and these people are no worse than him!

Normally, no one dares to mess with these people. It can be said that they have been bullied enough. Even the old man next to him thought that he was doomed this time. He did not expect to be saved by Du Yu.

Everyone's surprise passed, followed by a burst of excitement, and then even deeper fear.

"Young man, please leave quickly. Please leave quickly."

The old man got up from the ground with difficulty and came to Du Yu's side. He pushed Du Yu and walked out.

"Old man, what are you doing?"

"Young man, don't you know who you have offended? You should leave quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late."

"It's too late, boy, just wait. If you dare to mess with us like this today, I will make you determined not to see the sun tomorrow!"

"You are just a lackey of the island owner's mansion. Your island owner is Zhao Yinghao. You can go back and report the news, but..."

There was a pause, but it made a group of frightened men jump with fear.

"But what?"

Du Yu chuckled, looking at this group of people with contempt in his eyes: "But only one can go back. Who should I let go back?"


"Boy, where do you have the nerve! How dare you do this to me!"

Du Yu walked back and forth twice, then pulled out a sword from nowhere in his hand: "Then let's see God's will randomly."

The sword was swung out, and the ground was silent again. After a moment, a trembling voice sounded: "I... I'm not dead!"

"He's not dead. You go back and tell your island owner that I will be there on time for tomorrow's bet. I hope he won't be a coward!"

"What? Are you the little hero Du Yu?"

"Oh my God, it turns out he is that Du Yu. Now we don't have to be afraid. It turns out he is so powerful. It seems we are saved!"

"Keep your voice down..."

Du Yu didn't pay much attention to the crowd's voice, and turned around and walked towards the stall owner next to him: "I used this sword without permission. Now that I bought it, I dare to ask the stall owner how much this sword costs."

The stall owner is a middle-aged warrior. His vigorous aura is slightly restrained, but it is still obvious at a glance that he is not a simple person.

The square face of the middle-aged warrior showed no unnecessary emotions. When he looked at Du Yu, his eyes were full of admiration and some complicated emotions.

"The sword is given to a hero. Mr. Du liked it, so he gave it to him. Today you use it to punish traitors and eliminate evil. It is your fate with him. I hope you will not let this sword down in the future."

Du Yu couldn't refuse, so he put down something and left. The man looked at Du Yu's back with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Turning around, there was the stall of the old man who had been bullied before. Now the old man's things had been scattered all over the floor, and the man was crouching slumped in the corner. When Du Yu went over, he only saw the old man holding the old man's hand that he had been holding on to from the group of people before. A small cloth bag is not given.

Originally, Du Yu didn't care and just came over to see how the old man was doing. However, the old man just took a look at the cloth bag in his hand and slowly opened it again.

Inside the cloth bag was a piece of longevity lock, which was not big, like something on a baby. The other object was a small porcelain bottle.

Seeing that the old man was fine, Du Yu was about to leave, not wanting to inadvertently pry into someone's secret. But just as he was about to leave, he was stopped by the old man.

"Young Master, you are a good person. It is rare to be able to have such cultivation and maintain such a character."

"I'm sorry, I just taught a bunch of people who offended me."

Du Yu himself is not a person who is good at expressing himself to others, and he does not want to put pressure on others. Saving this old man by himself is not a big deal.

But I only heard the old man holding the white jade porcelain bottle in his hand and saying slowly: "These are the ashes of my parents, and the longevity lock is what I have worn since I was a child. It is not easy to practice. There are a few people who can reach the top, and how many of these people can climb to the top?" Who remembers the original purpose of his practice..."

Du Yu looked at the old man, and for some reason he was suddenly touched by the old man's words. He had a feeling for a moment, but he couldn't understand it.

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