The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1705 Goodbye Dugu Yabing

"Do you remember?" Du Yu asked the old man.

The old man looked at Du Yu, his eyes filled with vicissitudes of life, as if in those cloudy eyes, Du Yu had seen all the joys, sorrows, joys, ups and downs of life.

I saw the joy of a child since childhood, the naughtiness of a teenager, the inspiration of youth, the hard work and helplessness of middle age, and the despair and desolation of old age. . .

"I didn't remember it either, but when I thought about it, I realized it was too late."

If people could never forget their original intention, how could they have such desolate helplessness? If, from the beginning to the end, how many people would choose this road that seems to have a great future but is actually bloody. .

The bully on the street had already gone back to deliver the message, and the corpse of his companion was left unattended. The nearby wild dog came to eat and got everyone's acquiescence, but Du Yu sat down on the spot, closing his eyes and slowly comprehending some of the thoughts just now.

The old man slowly bent down and picked up the things scattered on the ground. The cloth bag in his hand was once again collected and hidden on his body. The people in the market were doing their own thing, but everyone was protecting Du Yu invisibly. around him and not allowing him to be disturbed by anyone.

For a long time, Du Yu realized his own changes, and his mind gradually became clearer. There was an epiphany in his heart, as if he had enlightened himself, and his realm also improved a lot.

Turning around and looking at the crowd around him, Du Yu was not stupid. He bowed to everyone around him and turned to leave.


It was the old man who followed from behind, holding in his hand a pile of things that had been robbed and scattered on the ground.

"Old man, I advise you to find a place to hide. Zhao Yinghao won't do anything to me, but if he thinks of you, he may not let you go. By then, no one will be able to save you."

"I'm not in the way. I'm old. Seeing that there is no hope for cultivation, I will die sooner or later..."

It seemed something was wrong when he said this, so he stopped talking and bowed to Du Yu sincerely: "You saved this old man's life now, and I can't repay you. I'm useless at my age, so I'll just follow you instead." It’s a drag, but please accept these things.”

"I also want to thank you for this epiphany. We are even."

Du Yu didn't want to put too much burden on him. For him, this was just a piece of cake. But with the old man's firm eyes, he finally decided to grab something casually so that the old man would no longer be so burdened. These things must be the old man's. All his belongings were gone, so he took an inconspicuous book and gave it up.

After bidding farewell to the old man, Du Yu suddenly acted strangely while walking. He always felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at him all the time, but there seemed to be no malice.

I have to go to an appointment tomorrow, so I'd better take a walk today, otherwise I don't know if I'll see her again.

"Catch the thief, stop, stop! Catch the thief!"

There was a moment of confusion in the crowd in front of him, and then a person came straight up and bumped into him. Du Yu subconsciously held the person down.

Did he go out today without reading the almanac? How could he encounter so many things? Du Yu couldn't help complaining in his heart, but he still didn't sit idly by when he should reach out.

Dugu Yabing and Zhu'er caught up with them, and Zhu'er panted and grabbed the thing in the little thief's hand. She rolled her eyes and was about to curse, but Dugu Yabing touched her lightly.

"Ah, thank you for your help, sir."

Du Yu looked at Dugu Yabing's performance, but he didn't expose it and pretended to respond with courtesy.

"Well then, I happen to be here at Cha Xiang Residence, so how about I invite you to try the food here in return?"

After the suggestion, several people sat down and talked while eating.

Dugu Yabing suddenly remembered something and said to Zhu'er: "Zhu'er, is the herb I bought today there? I suddenly remembered that I forgot to bring it.

"Oh my god, no way, that herb is so expensive!"

He rummaged through the bag anxiously and found nothing. "Okay, miss, you can eat with Mr. Du here first. I'll go back and see if the vendor has left. I'll go look for it and come back quickly."

"Ah, Zhu'er has really worked hard for you. When you come back, can I make it up to you with some of your favorite food?"

"I'm going, miss, wait for me."

Zhu Er ran out in a panic. Du Yu looked at Dugu Yabing with a smile on his face and said, "Being your maid is really tiring. Just get away. How long will it take to run?"

"She doesn't like to move at all. She has slacked off in her cultivation."

The two of them had met twice, and now they didn't feel awkward sitting face to face for dinner. Instead, they felt like old friends reunited after a long separation.

"You must have been secretly following me today."

"Pfft~cough cough...cough cough cough..."

Dugu Yabing was so excited that she choked on the sip of tea she just drank, and her face turned red.

Du Yu was also a little embarrassed. Shouldn't he say this? . .

But there's no point thinking about it, he's already said it, what else can he do?

Dugu Yabing quickly adjusted herself, and she was once again the dignified and aloof beauty. Looking at Du Yu, she explained with a hint of embarrassment: "The head of the family doesn't know that I saved you. If I don't have a legitimate reason to get to know you, , I’m afraid it will be very inconvenient in the future.”

As soon as he clicked on it, Du Yu also understood what Dugu Yabing meant. He still had to be half-truth and half-false to be credible. In this case, he wouldn't make any mistakes if he met her in the future.

"It's really troublesome for Miss Dugu, but my friend may have to go to you alone to help detoxify him later."

"Since you are not sure, why do you still go?"

"So you already knew."

"I respect Mr. Du's righteousness, but sometimes you have to use certain methods against certain people. Since he is unkind, why should you insist on your loyalty and risk your life?"

"Miss Dugu accepts her kindness, but this time she is not insisting on loyalty..."

He had to go this time. He always wanted to buy Pangu time to escape, as well as those who were willing to protect him from being disturbed when he had an epiphany.

"In this case, I can't persuade you, so I'll give you something. I hope it can help you this time."

What Dugu Yabing sent was a pill.

"Fake Death Pill, if you take this Suspended Death Pill at a critical moment, your body will maintain its current state, but it will look the same as a dead person. The duration is three days, and you will wake up naturally after three days, which is when you take it. The way this elixir looks like at the time, as long as it is a fake death disguised by this elixir, it is essentially the same as death. No matter how powerful the master is, it will not be noticed. However, if you still have no chance to save yourself after these three days, Then we have to leave it to fate.”

"Dumou is grateful to Miss Dugu for her generosity. If she survives this time, Du will definitely find a way to repay Miss Dugu's kindness."

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