The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1706 Practice it for you

Du Yu put away his things, and just at this moment, Zhuer came back.

Taking the medicinal materials I bought earlier, I complained repeatedly: "Miss, you are too careless. How could you forget such an important thing?"

Dugu Yabing smiled and pushed the food she had just ordered in front of Zhu'er.

Zhu'er turned around and smiled. She didn't care to complain anymore. Her mouth was full of food and she couldn't speak. She suddenly thought that there was a stranger next to her and looked at Dugu Yabing. The look in her eyes was embarrassing. Face flushed.

Dugu Yabing took Zhu'er all the way back, discussing what happened to Du Yu today as they walked.

It turned out that the two of them had seen Du Yu a long time ago, and saw what Du Yu had done to help the old man on the street.

Pearl was talking happily and dancing happily: "That young man is really so handsome. Just like that, you can knock that man away with just one punch!"

Zhu'er thought for a moment and then said, "Miss, do you think he knows we are looking at him?" Dugu Yabing said nothing and shook her head silently.

The two of them had enough to eat and drink and played for another day, and went back happily.

Seeing Zhu'er never forgetting the young master's righteous deeds, Dugu Yabing silently breathed a sigh of relief.

Pearl still didn't know that he deliberately took her to see this matter.

Now Zhu'er also knows Du Yu, so she can avoid exposing any flaws when they meet again in the future, let alone worry about being discovered by the head of the family.

If you think about it this way, the arrangement should be quite thorough.

Judging by your genius, Dugu Yabing, there haven't been many things he planned that went wrong.

The meeting between Du Yu and Dugu Yabing was not hidden from anyone, especially the island owner. When Dugu Yabing and Du Yu met, the island owner had already received a letter from his servant.

"It seems that Du Yu and the Dugu family really have some connection."

Thinking of this, the island owner couldn't help but wipe away the cold sweat. Fortunately, he didn't rush to take action yesterday, otherwise he wouldn't know what he would face today.

But so what? As long as Du Yu enters Qijue Forest, there is absolutely no chance of survival.

Thinking of some things in Qijue Forest, even Zhao Yinghao himself couldn't help but feel scared.

If not ever. . .

On the island, this matter spread all the time. Almost everyone knew that Du Yu, who had teased Zhao Yinghao many times and made Zhao Yinghao suffer and embarrassed, was about to make a bet with the island owner.

The content of the bet is Du Yu's life.

There are a lot of powerful people on the island, but they usually don't show up. This time things have spread so much that there are naturally a lot of people who know about it. Even the hidden powerful people who don't usually come out and be active, almost everyone knows about it. about this.

The second day's betting had just begun, and there were already crowds of people around, and there were countless masters hiding in the dark.

After all, everyone knows what Zhao Yinghao does on a daily basis.

Although Zhao Yinghao did not take the initiative to provoke these old guys who ignored worldly affairs and concentrated on cultivation, the things he did had already affected the cultivation of these reclusive people.

Not far away, a young man with a handsome face said to an older middle-aged man next to him: "It is true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Are children today so careless about life and death?"

The middle-aged man glanced sideways at the person who was talking to her, curled his lips and twitched his eyelids: "What do you know? You are like a sissy. This is called heroism."

The young man with a handsome face glanced at the person in front of him, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth became wider and wider.

"Old guy, why don't you pretend to be young here?" He shook his folding fan, looked at a place not far ahead, and said with a proud face: "I know you are just jealous that I am younger than you. , who told you not to practice hard in the first place?"

"Who would be jealous of a sissy like you who is more beautiful than a woman? Why do you have the dignity to say that to me?"

The two people here were arguing fiercely, and footsteps could be heard faintly from behind.

The two people's expressions suddenly changed, and they said in unison, "No!"

But before the two people could leave, the footsteps from behind were already approaching from far to near.

"What are you two doing? When you heard me coming, you ran faster than anything else. Is it possible that I can still eat you?"

The voice was extremely enchanting, but there was something strange about it.

The middle-aged man at the front turned stiffly and secretly tugged at the person next to him.

The young man's face twitched and he secretly said: "If you want to die, don't drag me to die with you!"

The middle-aged man glanced at the young man: "You deserve it. If you weren't such a broom star, why would you meet him today?"

The owner of the enchanting voice spoke again: "What are you two doing? Are you mumbling something that I can't listen to?"

Of course I can't let you listen. If you listen, we will both be dead, the two men thought silently in their hearts.

"Brother Tao, I've been looking for you every day lately, why aren't you at home?" the enchanting voice spoke again.

But the more handsome one froze, and his face lost all expression for a moment.

The middle-aged man was secretly gloating about his misfortune. Lianlian echoed: "Yes, Brother Tao, why are you away from home every day recently?"

The young man finally couldn't hold himself any longer, turned around, glanced at the middle-aged man, and walked towards the man with the enchanting voice as if commanding an appointment.

It turns out that this person with a voice even more enchanting than a woman is actually a man?

"Okay, let's not talk about it for now. Aren't we all here to watch the fun? Do we have to make some fun for others to see?"

The man who came after him suddenly became much quieter.

Here, Du Yu and the island owner were already standing face to face.

People outside the field swarmed in at this moment, blocking the surrounding area. Everyone had different expressions. No one knew what they were thinking, but there was indeed a hint of sadness in Du Yu's eyes. .

"Du Yu, I didn't expect that you are quite famous. Just after you came here, so many people came to see the excitement because of you. I just don't know if your life is worth it."

"I don't know if mine is worth it, but yours definitely isn't."

Du Yu's tit-for-tat confrontation was not taken seriously by the island owner. Anyway, in his heart, Du Yu was now certain to die.

Du Yu looked at the island owner sitting in the front seat with sinister eyes, and his fighting spirit became stronger and stronger.

"Since you are so confident, then I will wait for you to come out. When you come out, come and see me. This work will definitely help you to wash away the dust."

There was a pair of familiar eyes under the stands, which turned out to be the old man from that day. At this time, the old man was being escorted by a group of people and was kneeling aside.

Seeing this scene, Du Yu felt angry and his eyes became even colder.

"Island Master, what are you doing?"

"Practice it for you!"

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