The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1709 Changes in the Illusion

At this time, Du Yu only felt that this maid was extremely tender, and he wanted to get close to her uncontrollably, but he had a vague and very bad feeling in his heart. When he turned over, something burned him. one time.

Before the hot burning sensation on his skin dissipated, a sword was pulled out from under him.

"Is this my sword?"

This sword is very familiar, but I can't remember where I saw it. After holding the sword in my hand, the burning heat of the sword dissipated instantly.

The maid remained stiff and silent. Du Yu looked at her and said stiffly: "This is what you took from Du Yu after you defeated him."

The maid avoided the topic and carefully served Du Yu, but she didn't know that the changes had already begun to happen.

Looking at the huge mansion in front of me, it is as lively as fire cooking oil, and the wealth is endless. However, this is not real, and it is not what I really want.

Du Yu gradually regained his consciousness, but there was another voice in his mind asking: "Then what do you want? Now that you have power, wealth, status, fame and fortune, are all in your hands, do you still want to leave? ?"

"No, this is not what I want, at least what I want is not obtained in this way."

"This is what you want, no matter how he comes or does it."

Du Yu was confused again, but at this moment of confusion, the servants in the attached middle school were still busy as before. Even if a person came from the gate, it did not affect their nerves in the slightest.

Tao Su was holding the natal sword in his hand, and he had already raised it and pointed it at Du Yu's chest. The servants were still out of sight and were busy doing their own business, as if none of this had happened yet. Only the natal sword in Du Yu's hand was there. Once it became hot, Du Yu woke up instantly.

The maid shouted loudly: "Island Master, get away quickly, Du Yu is looking for you desperately!"

"Du Yu?"

If the person in front of me is called Du Yu, then what should I call him?

Du Yu smiled mockingly, swayed away, and glanced at the maid from the corner of his eye.

After shouting this, the maid ran away like oil on her feet, but Tao Su here failed to hit him with one sword, and the second sword had already hit her.

"Zhao Yinghao, accept your fate!"

"Mom, the one who sells batches, is really putting on a show and setting up a trap. At this time, you still give me a shit basin."

He blocked the sword and was about to fight back, but found that the man who called himself Du Yu was actually injured, quite seriously.

"How could this happen? It's just an illusion. Is it necessary to be so realistic?" Du Yu hesitated in his heart. Tao Su's attack did not weaken at all, so he had no choice but to resist and stop fighting.

After leaving, Du Yu chased directly in the direction of the maid.

As I walked all the way, I found that the structure of the mansion was different. The scenery in the garden kept changing. For a few breaths, I couldn't even find the direction I had just come from.

"Who is he? Can you come out and see him?"

There was no reply for a long time. It seemed that there was no need to shout anymore. The other party didn't take me seriously at all.

It seems that I can only get out through my own efforts.

At this time, Du Yu has long since regained consciousness. Everything before was just an illusion. However, I don’t know who can arrange such a large illusion array. No wonder Zhao Yinghaoru is so arrogant and rampant. There is such an expert. backing.

What a sin!

He has woken up, but he can't get out before the illusion array in front of him is solved. If he can't get out, he won't be considered a winner against Zhao Yinghao. There are still five days left, and Liuli Zhenren can't hold on for that long at all, and besides, Wan Zhao Yinghao refused to let them go and looked for trouble while he was away. . .

The more I thought about it, the more anxious I became. However, the phantom formation in front of me had changed into several forms in just a short while, and it was no longer urgent.

In the dark, Qingmei tore up a piece of roast chicken with one hand and ate it. While picking her teeth, she saw that the person in the illusion in front of her sat down cross-legged. She tore off the other side of the chicken leg and took a few bites: "Whose unlucky child?" I came in again, and I’m really calm.”

Du Yuan quietly meditated to recover his physical strength and vitality. Although it seemed like a few days had passed, he knew from the first illusion that it was just a dream and only lasted a few quarters of an hour. However, he consumed more than Just a few quarters of hours of mental strength.

"In that case, let me keep you entertained."

Qingmei threw away the bones and turned around to leave. However, the scenery in the garden where Du Yu was in the fantasy world changed again. From a place on the right front, a path gradually appeared.

And at the end of the path came a man.

Du Yu was meditating, but inexplicably felt prying eyes. When he opened his eyes, he saw someone walking over.

"It's him?"

Tao Su held his injured chest. When he woke up, he had accidentally stumbled into this illusion. He didn't know where he was lying. His body was covered with bluestone. He looked around but couldn't find a way out. Finally, he stopped. Only when I came down did I realize that I had probably entered Qijue Forest by accident.

After all, the only place he didn't know about here was the Qijue Forest, and this place was weird and dangerous. With his strength, how could he not see that it was an illusion? It was a pity that he couldn't recover and forcefully broke through the illusion to get out.

While Tao Su was hesitating about how to find the entrance to the fantasy world and go out, he saw a small road next to him. He hadn't seen it when he just walked here. Now that the road has been paved for him, whether he enters or not, there are already people behind the scenes. It's planned.

The other party has such strength. If he wants to plot against him, it will be useless even if he hides. It is better to change from passive to active.

Tao Su was surrounded by white mist all the way, and this white mist made him feel like he had been plotted by a lich before. Now he didn't know what else was under this white mist.

The people on the path had already entered the garden, but Du Yu did not get up.

I don’t know what is going on with this person. If he is a human, why is he here? If he was sent by Zhao Yinghao, then he might as well save his energy for a while.

There was still white mist in front of Tao Su's eyes, but the path had disappeared.

"What is this place?"

Tao Su asked something unclear, but Du Yu was the only one nearby, so Du Yu looked around.

Who are you talking to? After looking at Tao Su's eyes, he didn't seem to have any energy, but he was looking around blankly without landing anywhere. Could he be a blind man?

Zhao Yinghao sent a blind man to assassinate him? Are you looking down on people too much or do you want to make love drama with me?

However, since everyone has spoken, it would not be good to answer the question, as if someone is afraid.

"Since you asked sincerely, I will tell you with great compassion that this is Qijue Forest, and it should be in an illusion now."

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