"Lich! You dead demon! What are your intentions? You want to harm me here."

In Tao Su's ears, what he heard was the treacherous and charming voice of the Lich Yao.

Why is Lich Yao here, and why is he okay here?

"What kind of lich? You are the dead demon. Please speak politely. If you want to fight, tell the truth. Don't be guilty of pretending."

Du Yu was also confused. Could it be that he just let a madman in? Then you should pay more attention. Normal people are fine, but you can't guess what people with mental problems will do next.

As expected, Du Yu thought he was going to have a big fight, but this man just walked towards the rockery in front of him blankly, as if he was meeting enemies.

After watching Tao Su's behavior for a while, Du Yu guessed that the scenery in front of him was different from his, right?

Thinking of this, I went to try it.

Du Yu stood diagonally behind the man and called softly: "Hey! I'm here."

The man in front of him really gave up the fight against the rockery and gradually turned around without necessarily taking action. He must have realized something was wrong.

Tao Su was originally a high-level monk, but this time he was seriously injured, and his body's senses were restricted by Yu Xiu's special smoke bomb, so the impact of the phantom array was even greater.

"Who are you."

After reacting for a while, the man finally regained his senses.

"Du Yu, you are making a bet with the island owner Zhao Yinghao. What are you doing in Qijue Forest?"

It turned out to be him? Tao Su remembered in his mind that this was the protagonist he came out to watch this time. However, he knew him, but he didn't know him.

"My disciple Tao Su is in the Perak Valley. Our sect has been concentrating on cultivation and not paying attention to external affairs. However, this time, the news about my little brother has really spread far and wide. I can't help but come over to watch... Just..."

"You just brought yourself in?"

Tao Su smiled awkwardly, but couldn't say anything else. Isn't that what happened?

After the two got to know each other, Du Yu gave Tao Su a bottle of elixir to heal his injuries, while he still walked around to look at the surrounding situation.

"Brother Yu, have you thought of a way to get out?"

Du Yu stopped and didn't know what he was thinking. After a while, he said, "Brother Su and other disciples of the hidden sect can't find a way out. How can I expect you to find it so easily? Let's look for it first."

The time in the illusion array passed extremely long, and Du Yu gradually lost patience, and Tao Su became weaker and weaker.

"Brother Yu, my disciples in Perak Valley are all good at developing magic weapons. I got a thunderbolt from a senior brother the day before yesterday. I don't know if it will be useful now, so I'll give it a try."

"If I really can't get out this time, maybe you can still get out. Please give me a message. Just tell our Valley Master, don't trust anyone, especially the lich and demon. He enters my sect. He must have some evil intentions, and he was the one responsible for my disciple’s death this time.”

Seeing that Tao Su was getting weaker and weaker as he spoke, Du Yu finally couldn't bear it: "Okay, let's not talk about the ones that are there and those that are missing. I don't know where your sect's gate opens, so I don't even know where to look for it, let alone bring it to you. If you want to tell me, you were defeated by that dead demon, let alone me. If you want to tell me, I’d better take you back and tell it yourself, I don’t want to mess with the fox because I can’t fight it.”

"Brother Yu, I know this is a bit difficult, but once this is possible..."


Before Tao Su finished speaking, Du Yu covered his mouth and the two of them were silent for a moment, but the other inconspicuous voice became louder.

"Click, click, click..."

The voice became clearer and crisper, and it sounded like it was coming towards them.

"This is the sound of a giant rat!"

Tao Su hugged Du Yu with a look of horror on his face, and muttered to himself: "It's over, I don't expect you to give me any messages now. We are destined to die together."

"What a giant rat, why die together? If you want to die, you will die, but I will not die. Stop saying such depressing words to me."

"You don't know about the giant rat? It's a strange beast. Its body features and habits are the same as those of a rat, but it's extremely aggressive. It has a bad temper and will grind its teeth whenever it doesn't go your way."

"What a wasteland, how come there is no good stuff in this place!"

He still felt annoyed after complaining, but he couldn't think of a solution for a while, but the Kentero in Du Yu's body suddenly started to move.

You know, since the last time this guy came out to fight, there has been no movement, and he refused to answer his call. Now that he suddenly feels something, it must be something big.

After the communication failed, Du Yu had no choice but to let it go.

"Centero, did you discover something?"

Kentero paced back and forth near Du Yu, looking for him, but he didn't know what he was looking for, and he didn't dare to go too far away from Du Yu. In the end, he had no choice but to squat next to Du Yu, but he refused to go back.

"Brother Yu, is this your monster?"

"His name is Kentero, and he's not very unreasonable."

"Oh oh oh..."

Tao Su didn't dare to speak or ask.

After all, when this monster came out, it gave him an unusual feeling. The Perak Valley family has a great business, but such a monster is rare, so it cannot be easily provoked. And this Du Yu, he did not expect that he would have such strength. I had just heard that he had a monster that was extremely ferocious, but I didn't expect it to be an existence that I couldn't figure out.

"If you and I split up to look for the existence of the Shengmen, we can't keep wasting our time."

At the same time, the moment Kentero came out, the clicking sounds that were getting closer and closer suddenly stopped, but there was no movement.

This is what Du Yu is looking for.

There is no one who dares to threaten him, let alone a monster! Find him out today and give his Kentero a snack.

After taking Kentero around for a while, at an archway, the rotating tiles on the wall were all broken, as if they had been bitten by some animal.

Du Yu gave Kentero a look and surrounded him in two directions.

There are shadows of trees behind the arch, but there is a trembling shadow of a huge figure, but it does not dare to move.

After passing the arch, Du Yu saw a huge rat, several times bigger than himself. At this time, it was huddled behind the wall and trying to pretend it didn't exist. It made people laugh. Of course, if If you don't look at its huge rat-shaped appearance. . .

The giant rat noticed that someone was coming, and when it saw that it was Du Yu, it immediately showed its fierce look, grinned at Du Yu, and moved slowly to eat Du Yu, and Tao Su also found this way.

"Brother Yu, be careful!"

It's okay if he didn't say it. As soon as he opened his mouth, the giant rat went berserk and its eyes turned blood red. This was a sign that it was going crazy!

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