The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 175 The most famous general in history, Huang Zhong!


As Du Yu gave the order, he saw only the Zhaoxian Pavilion in front of him, which was emitting bright golden light. The illusory clouds and mist on the surface of the entire building shook, and the shadows of many historical military commanders and civil servants disappeared, temporarily returning to nothingness.

The entire Zhaoxian Pavilion started to operate directly under the influence of inexplicable power.


In an instant, the building door of Zhaoxian Pavilion opened. After the door opened, a twisted and unknown passage was revealed, and it was unknown where it led.

In the unknown passage, there was also turbulent power surging at this time.

Du Yu squinted his eyes and stared straight at the passage. For about three or four seconds, he only saw a shadowy figure gradually appearing inside the passage.


As soon as the figure appeared, it quickly transformed from illusion to reality.

In an instant, a veteran with an old face, gray hair, wearing gold silk armor, a sharp sword at his waist, and a huge bow and arrow on his back appeared in front of Du Yu.


Du Yu's eyes widened. The moment he saw the old man, he immediately recognized the identity of the old man in front of him.

Huang Zhong!

One of the five tiger generals of Shu in history!

Huang Zhong, whose courtesy name was Hansheng, was the best archer in the history of the Three Kingdoms!

Although he is old, he is still extremely brave. He once fought against the martial sage Guan Yu head-on and was undefeated. When using a bow and arrow, he showed superb archery skills. He could pierce Yang with a hundred steps and hit the target with every shot, and he could even easily take Guan Yu's life with an arrow!

However, these are not important in Du Yu's eyes at this moment.

Because this Huang Zhong is Du Yu's old friend!

The reason why Du Yu knew Huang Zhong was that, firstly, his image was too distinct, and secondly, he had met Huang Zhong in his previous life.

He even received great favor from Huang Zhong!

In his previous life, Du Yu was also chased by the Yellow Turban Army. At that time, he did not have the strength now, and he did not have brave soldiers like the Qilin Army under his command. He was once chased by the Yellow Turban Army and had no way out. There is no way to enter the ground.

During that tragic history, Du Yu was killed countless times by the Yellow Turban Army, and his level dropped again and again. Later, in a battle, Huang Zhong appeared at a critical moment and saved Du Yu's life. He even expressed his appreciation for Du Yu and asked Du Yu to learn archery with him for a period of time.

Huang Zhong's teaching made Du Yu extremely powerful in archery. Even when he first entered the Three Kingdoms in this life, he used the black gold crossbow to use that kind of archery with perfect accuracy. Du Yu benefited endlessly and allowed Du Yu to kill bugs. The journey to kill the stone giant became much easier.

It was precisely because of the powerful archery skills taught by Huang Zhong that Du Yu was able to raise an army of his own, and he stood out from countless low-level players along the way, and finally gained some power of his own.

Although in the end it failed to withstand the tide of the times and was lost in history.

But without this experience, and many of the things that happened later, it is open to question whether Du Yu could have persisted until he was killed by the tiger demon twenty years later, and finally traveled back to twenty years ago.

Although players in the Three Kingdoms can continue to be resurrected, without Huang Zhong's rescue and teaching of powerful archery, Du Yu would be constantly killed and demoted by the Yellow Turban rebels, and the real world would become increasingly unsustainable. In the end, they will die early because they cannot resist the monster attacks again and again.

If that were the case, maybe everything would be different, and Du Yu wouldn't happen to be reborn at that time.

Du Yu looked at Huang Zhong.

The old-looking Huang Zhong also looked at Du Yu, and time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

For a moment, Du Yu's heart was throbbing.

Huang Zhong was his mentor in his previous life. In ancient times, teachers were as kind as fathers! Du Yu was an orphan. No matter in his past life or in this life, the best person in his memory was Huang Zhong in front of him.

Thinking of that memory, Du Yu's nose felt a little sore at the moment, as if he had seen his old father after so many years.

"Master Han Sheng..." Du Yu spoke softly.


Huang Zhong looked at Du Yu and said in an old and tough voice: "Who are you, little friend? Why do you know my name? And why do you call me your mentor?"

An era later, although Du Yu still remembers him, time is ruthless. It is impossible for Huang Zhong to know Du Yu at this moment, let alone the memory of saving Du Yu and teaching Du Yu archery.

"No, it's nothing."

Du Yu realized that he was losing his composure and said: "I know that Mr. Han Sheng is a master of archery. I have been friends with him for a long time. I also studied archery with him in my dream for a period of time. Now, by chance, it is... When I met the gentleman in person, I shouted those words out of composure, which made the gentleman laugh."


"Is there such a magical thing?"

Huang Zhong had a strange look on his face, and his dark eyes were staring straight at Du Yu. The more he looked at him, the more frightened he became. He could see the sincerity in Du Yu's eyes at this moment. He had seen everyone in his life, and even more so. Having been on the battlefield for many years, he has a pair of piercing eyes. He thinks he can see through anyone and no one can deceive him.

Huang Zhong took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Is it true that the little friend has been friends with me for a long time in his dream and learned all the archery skills from me?"

"This can still be false."

Du Yu laughed, and some of the melancholy emotions about his past life that had just arisen in his heart were also diluted.

Then Du Yu directly took out a divine long bow from the backpack space. The next moment Du Yu pulled the long bow in his hand, stirred his arm several times, and drew the arrow to the bowstring. He let go and released the arrow in less than a breath. !


The arrow tore through the air and hit a bell the size of a copper coin hundreds of meters away directly in front of Huang Zhong's face.

"Mr. Han Sheng, do you recognize this archery technique?" Du Yu said with a big smile.


Huang Zhong was shocked, and his old and energetic eyes were staring at Du Yu's arm that pulled the bow. The movements of Du Yu's arm that were curled up and twisted just now were his signature movements when shooting arrows, and they were also his arrows. The essence of spiritual communication!

Those few movements look simple, but in fact they are not simple at all. They are unique starting positions that allow the blood in the body to be infused into the arrows through a special method. This can make the arrows more powerful, and even It can make certain fine adjustments through the blood in the arrow after the arrow is released, greatly improving the accuracy.

This is his secret!

He has not taught any apprentices so far, and he is the only one in the world who knows this method of controlling arrows.


What's going on with the young man in front of me?

Could it be that he really learned archery from himself in a dream?

Huang Zhong looked shocked and looked at Du Yu in disbelief.

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