The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 176 Special Military Class Transfer Card

Huang Zhong stared at Du Yu closely, as if he wanted to see through Du Yu. Du Yu also looked back at him calmly, with sincerity in his eyes.

After a while, Huang Zhong's old face finally showed a smile.

"Little friend, you surprise me so much."

Huang Zhong said: "I can't see through you, but you have indeed used my unique archery skills. This skill does not require long-term immersion or extraordinary understanding of archery, and ordinary people cannot master it. I have been looking for someone. Apprentice, it’s a pity that I have never met the right one. Now that I see you, I am very happy, at least my archery skills will not be lost after my death."

"I will definitely carry forward this archery skill." Du Yu also smiled. He will not give up the archery skills taught by Huang Zhong. In the future, he will also analyze the rules of archery and integrate it into himself, using this power as his main battle. One of the forces.

After all, the art of archery is also a great road, which can be passed through many worlds without any hindrance and can be used freely.

It's just that since his rebirth, he has the Zhuxian Sword, an extremely domineering main battle weapon, and he hasn't gotten a very powerful bow and arrow, so he hasn't used it much.

Du Yu only learned the art of archery in his previous life, but did not have a deep understanding of archery.

Now that I have met Huang Zhong, I can ask him for advice.

With the cooperation of the Enlightenment Stone, I believe that I will soon be able to touch the threshold of the rules of archery and make the progress of Immortal Bone's practice even further.

Of course, these are all things for later.

There are more important things to do now.

After all, Huang Zhong was summoned by Zhaoxian Pavilion. At this moment, his interpersonal relationships in the world of the Three Kingdoms have basically been whitewashed by Tiandao Zhimao. He will soon be instilled with a lot of information from Tiandao Zhimao, allowing him to understand his situation. .

Du Yu looked towards Huang Zhong, only to see that Huang Zhong's face, who was still staring at Du Yu, suddenly changed, and his old face became solemn.

He even closed his eyes later, seeming to be receiving a huge amount of information.

After a while, Huang Zhong opened his eyes. When he looked at Du Yu again, all the doubts and confusion in his eyes had disappeared.

Huang Zhong's face straightened, he saluted Du Yu and said: "It turns out that your Excellency is the hussar general of the Han Empire. Huang Zhong is too blind to recognize Mount Tai, so he just called the general his little friend without authorization, and he bumped into the general. I hope the general will respect him."

"What's the collision? My archery skills are all inherited from you, Mr. Han Sheng. It's my honor for you to call me little friend."

Du Yu smiled slightly and said with a nonchalant expression: "I have heard about the bravery of the old gentleman for a long time. I heard that you particularly hate the Yellow Turban Army. Now, His Majesty canonizes me as a hussar general and orders me to lead the army to wipe out the enemy." In this world of yellow scarves, I want to bring peace to the world! I intend to ask the old gentleman to help me, but I wonder if the old gentleman can become my general as I wish?"

"Where is the general?"

Huang Zhong was very happy when he heard Du Yu praising him. Du Yu's identity was a hussar general of the Han Empire. He was a second-rank military attache, and his status was even as high as the first rank!

People of such status praised him, which made Huang Zhong feel happy that a thousand-mile horse met Bole.

Looking at Du Yu's sincere eyes, Huang Zhong also said: "Huang Zhong has just accepted God's will. This old man is here to assist the general, help the general to bring peace to the world and kill those yellow scarf bandits. If the general does not If you don't like it, Huang Zhong will be the general who will dispatch you at will from now on."

As soon as Huang Zhong finished speaking, the deafening system prompts of Tiandao Zhinao sounded in Du Yu's ears.

"Ding! Player Du Yu, Huang Zhong, the top military general of the Three Kingdoms, wants to recognize you as the master. Do you accept it?"


Faced with this choice, Du Yu naturally accepted it happily.

On the one hand, Huang Zhong is indeed very powerful and belongs to the most powerful group of super generals in the history of the Three Kingdoms.

On the other hand, this was his benefactor in his previous life who had taught him powerful archery skills, and Du Yu would not refuse due to his emotions and reasons.

After Du Yu accepted Huang Zhong's confession, he also said: "Han Sheng, since you have defected to me, I will not treat you badly from today on. I know that you are extremely brave and can lead troops to fight. Now I will appoint you as the leading general of the Qilin Legion, and you can lead 200,000 Qilin Legion soldiers to fight!"

After Du Yu finished speaking, Huang Zhong was shocked in his heart.

He immediately looked at Du Yu with shock on his face. He didn't expect that he would be so reused by Du Yu just after joining him.

Immediately, Huang Zhong was greatly grateful and said: "The last general Huang Zhong paid homage to the lord and won his trust. From now on, I am willing to bow to my lord until I die!"

After Huang Zhong finished speaking, Du Yu also heard the reminder from the system that Huang Zhong had been promoted to die loyal and would be loyal to him forever.

At the same time, a huge system prompt sound for the whole world also appeared directly.

"World Announcement! Player Du Yu is the first to conquer the most famous general in the history of the Three Kingdoms, Huang Zhong! The reward is 50 million reputation and 50 million gold coins. Because the conqueror has a special identity, he will also be rewarded with a special unit transfer card! This announcement is hereby made!"

"World Announcement..."

"World Announcement..."

After three consecutive world announcements, the players in the world channel exploded.

There was also discussion over the Kirin Legion's recent killing of the 500,000 elite Yellow Turban Legion. Now Du Yu is causing trouble again and directly accepts a famous historical general like Huang Zhong.

This made the players completely uneasy.

The World Channel instantly went crazy, with all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred, all kinds of 66666, and all kinds of gods asking for help. At this moment, there was an endless stream of shouts from players.

Du Yu was stunned.

After listening to the world announcement, he stared blankly in front of him.

At this moment, there was a card flying from the sky floating in front of him. The surface of the card was also shining with golden light. On the front of the card was a picture of a soldier wearing armor all over his body and a heavy longbow on his back.

"Special arms transfer card?"

"What is this??"

Du Yu blinked and looked at the card.

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