Damn it, what kind of magic are you doing?

Du Yu was shocked when he saw the thin pangolin falling to the ground easily drained of blood.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that this thing is the technique of those demon sects, right? How did you enter the Qingyun Sect?

However, although he was surprised, compared to the situation at this time, Feng Xuan's surprise to Du Yu instantly outweighed these surprises.

And Feng Xuan didn't just have the power of one blow. After taking care of one pangolin, he stabbed the next pangolin without hesitation.

Although these pangolins do not have high IQs, they are naturally frightened when they see their companions. Therefore, after seeing Feng Xuan pointing the finger at him, the pangolin rolled to the side without hesitation, causing his sword to fail.

Feng Xuan was a little embarrassed, but he quickly put the embarrassment aside and quickly swiped the next pangolin. This time he learned a lesson, his sword became impatient, and the pangolin was stabbed before it could run away. He lost his body and turned into a mummy.

After going back and forth like this for a few moments, Du Yu felt that his pressure was greatly reduced, and the Wuxin Divine Seat, which was already about to be broken, gradually recovered.

In the end, none of the six pangolins escaped Feng Xuan's fierce swordsmanship, and turned into six mummies scattered around the stone pier.

After doing all this, Feng Xuan also felt that his physical strength was exhausted, and the secret technique consumed a lot. He slumped down on the ground helplessly, breathing heavily.

"I...have no strength anymore..." Feng Xuan breathed out the air and said one sentence after another.

Seeing that all six pangolins were killed, Du Yu seemed to be relieved, and his expression could not hide the fatigue, as if he was relaxed.

"It seems that the old pangolin has left." Du Du took a breath and said slowly.

At this moment, there was a tremor in the mountain rocks, and a lightning-like figure suddenly appeared and hit Du Yu.

This figure was none other than the old pangolin. After seeing his sons and grandchildren killed, he was naturally furious and felt the urge to kill Du Yu.

But the old pangolin also cherished his life, so he only tried his best to kill Du Yu with one blow when he was sure that both of them were unable to fight anymore.

However, this seemingly fatal blow suddenly stopped three meters away from Du Yu. The next moment, the shield like a transparent film suddenly shattered.

But this has bought enough time for Du Yu. They are both at the third level of Chengtian. Although the opponent is a monster and has a huge advantage in physical fitness, it has not reached the point of exaggeration in the end.

So in this short moment, he was fully prepared, or he had always been prepared.

From the beginning, he planned to greatly weaken the old pangolin's vigilance, so he deliberately pretended that I was already very weak and that I was about to die.

But in fact, you can still kill a young lady with one punch when you jump up!

The old pangolin looked shocked when Du Yu suddenly jumped up from the ground and burst out with murderous intent. No one even wanted to turn around and run away without any intention of fighting.

But how could Du Yu give him a chance? He threw out a set of thunder fists, and the power of the stars turned the sky, turning into chess pieces and hitting the old pangolin.

Because he had the defense of the invisible throne as his first move, Du Yu arrived in front of the old pangolin in one step and punched out, directly hitting the opponent's head.

Hearing a muffled sound, the old pangolin felt that his head suddenly turned into a ball of paste.

The next moment, the old pangolin was smashed to the ground. He struggled to raise his limbs and tried to escape, but Du Yu grabbed the back of his neck and did not give him a chance to escape.

Although the old pangolin has a huge body, it also makes it easier to hit him, so there is no fear of missing a hit with all its strength.

But the old pangolin was still a body after all. Even if Du Yu attacked fiercely for a while, he could only see a little blood spilling out. At most, it was considered a minor injury, not a serious injury.

However, the old pangolin was no longer interested in fighting at this time, and kept moving its limbs. It did not appear to fight back, but wanted to escape.

At this moment, Du Yu suddenly turned around and shouted: "Go get that treasure quickly!"

Feng Xuan looked at Du Yu with a confused expression, "How do you want me to move when I'm like this?" Also, I don’t know where the warranty is, how do you want me to get there?

But before he could think about it, he saw the old pangolin stiffen and suddenly raise his head and look in one direction.

When the old pangolin saw that Feng Xuan had not moved, he immediately knew that he had been fooled. He turned around angrily and shouted at the top of his lungs: "The shameless little thief actually deceived me. I will give you a ride today even if I die."

Du Yu chuckled, not taking his words to heart at all.

He just said this just to deceive the old pangolin. Unexpectedly, with such a simple words, the technique actually succeeded in blowing up the old pangolin.

What he has to do now is to solve the trouble in front of him, and then look for the treasure in the direction of the other person's eyes just now.

Fortunately, the old pangolin was really irritated by him now. He looked like he was risking his life and showed no signs of running away, so Du Yu was even less panicked.

What about monsters? It's just that you are physically stronger. If you ask Minmin, you may not be half as strong as me!

I saw Du Yu swaying from side to side, throwing out his left and right fists from time to time, measuring the weak points of the pangolin. After the pangolin activated, he would often attack with more violence. These attacks were powerful, and he could easily kill the old stone pier. Beat it to pieces.

But Du Yu's body is more agile, and these attacks can't hit him at all. In this case, no matter how powerful he is, it will be useless.

And in some critical situations where there is no way to hide, Du Yu will cause the invisible throne to resist.

It can be said that now the rhythm of the battle has completely fallen into his rhythm, and the old pangolin is just following his rhythm.

Feng Xuan silently watched this exquisite battle from the side, and suddenly seemed to recall the master of his family who was knowledgeable in combat.

He didn't know who was stronger between that grandmaster and Du Yu...but he was sure that Du Yu was definitely not far away from that grandmaster!

At this moment, Feng Xuan felt that his arrogant and incomprehensible mentality in the worldly world had completely changed, and he had a clearer understanding of these cultivators.

Real cultivators are not necessarily good at cultivation... knowledge and combat experience have always been with them, and the invisible knowledge is the most powerful power.

Within a few moments, Du Yu slowly rubbed the brained pangolin until it died.

He stood in front of the old pangolin's beaten head, and the corner of his mouth curled up silently: "I said I wanted you to cut off your descendants, you said I wanted your life... I always mean what I say..."

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