The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1851 Arrogant Broken Sword

Du Yu quickly got up from the ground and cursed loudly:

"Cao, labor and capital don't believe it. Labor and capital cannot conquer a broken sword."

Du Yu got up again and grabbed the hilt of the sword fiercely. This time, he refused to let go. The dagger made a buzzing sound. Then, for the third time, he dropped it like a dog chewing shit. Come down.

The psychic Taoist couldn't help but laugh in his sea of ​​consciousness:

"Boy, I'm calling you crazy, let's see if this broken sword can buy your way."

Du Yu took a deep breath. At this moment, with inexplicable stubbornness, he didn't care about anything. He suddenly jumped up from the ground, and then grabbed his hand on the hilt of the sword for the fourth time. This time he was no longer with this broken man. The sword was angry, but conveyed an idea:

"I want this world to never stop me. Whatever is in front of me, just kill it."

Bursts of purple light came from the dagger, and then Du Yu fell from the air for the fourth time. The difference from the previous three times was that this time, he fell together with the broken sword.

Du Yu fell to the ground, and the psychic Taoist kept calling for a long time but did not wake up.

At this moment, Du Yu was in a strange artistic conception:

"Kid, you are very good."

In the artistic conception, it was the general he had just seen. He came from the yellow sand in the sky. Du Yu looked at his hands and confirmed one thing. This time, he had a physical body, not the same as before. Just reading other people’s stories.

The impatience on Du Yu's face quickly dissipated, because there was no trace of hostility in the general's eyes, only a kind of relief. Just like a father's relief that his son has grown up, it is a kind of relief that he has a successor. Du Yu Seeing this scene, he nodded silently and took the broken sword handed over by the general's hands.

"Boy, you are very good. I hope you can shine in the future."

The general's back disappeared into the wind and sand. Du Yu took a few steps forward, hesitated for a moment, and did not continue to catch up. Instead, he looked at the sword in his hand. In his artistic conception, the sword was complete and seven feet long. There was a golden cold light on the sword's edge, as if it could be released at any time. There was a faint smell of blood at the tip of the sword, which Du Yuruo felt.

He scratched his palm with the tip of the sword, and immediately a sense of spiritual connection came from the blade.

Du Yu knew that he had met a weapon that might accompany him for the rest of his life.

"I'll fix you."

Du Yu touched the blade of the broken sword, not caring that the sharpness would cut him, and said with a smile.

Waves of joy came from the sword blade, and Du Yu knew that this was not an illusion.

Then, he came out of the artistic conception again.

Opening his eyes again, Du Yu slashed the palm of his hand with the dagger without hesitation. The blood quickly flowed in along the broken sword. It was only at this moment that Du Yu felt that the sense of telepathy reappeared before.

"I will always take you with me from now on."

Du Yu smiled, then reached out to touch the sword blade in his hand, with joy in his eyes.

The psychic Taoist nodded with satisfaction and whispered in his sea of ​​consciousness: "You can teach me."

Du Yu rolled his eyelids, too lazy to pay attention to the old man, and then looked in the direction of Ye Li'er.

Du Yu was not greedy. He was very satisfied to get this armor technique and this broken sword. He found the herbal pavilion where Ye Lier was, and couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that Ye Lier fell asleep among the herbs, surrounded by the herbs she picked.

Ye Lier's sleeping posture was beautiful, with a silent charm on her naturally dull face. Du Yu shook his head, walked back to the weapons pavilion, and started practicing with the sword in his hand.

The sword records very outstanding swordsmanship, and of course there are also the most basic three styles of cutting, splitting, and stabbing.

Du Yu practiced his sword while communicating with the sword spirit. He made rapid progress. He could feel that Ye Lier seemed to have received some inheritance, but he had no intention of disturbing her. When he was tired, he sat on the floor paved with fluorescent stones and rested for a while. When he was hungry, he took out the food from the package behind him to satisfy his hunger.

Although people who practice Taoism are not normally hungry, Du Yu did not use his spiritual power to block the feeling of hunger because he particularly likes grains.

"Wake up."

Ye Lier woke up at some point. Du Yu helped her pack the herbs and put them in her luggage. Then he carried his broken sword and walked out of the attic. He was very satisfied with this harvest, but He still hasn't forgotten in his heart that the main purpose of coming out this time is to go to the land of Xuanhai to experience.

"Pull, pull me."

Ye Li'er seemed a little numb and couldn't stand up. She turned to Du Yu for help with a red face. Du Yu waved his hand helplessly, then reached out to take her hand. Ye Li'er's beautiful eyes narrowed into a crescent moon. Du Yu He shook his head, touched her head and said:

"You girl."

"Girl, I'm going to the land of Xuanhai, where are you going?"

This time, there was an inexplicable intimacy between the two of them, and a very light affection quietly grew in them.


Seeing Ye Lier still looking so naturally dazed, Du Yu felt helpless. He smiled and touched Ye Lier's head again, and whispered:


It's so stupid that it makes people feel bad.

"If it's not removed, just follow me first."

Du Yu held Ye Lier's hand and said.

Ye Lier nodded, and Du Yu smiled lightly again.

Ye Lier took out a piece of medicinal herbs from the package and handed it to Du Yu, her face flushed and she stammered:

"Here, here you go, this is good for improving your strength."

Du Yu reached out and took it. It was a lilac plant. This kind of lilac plant with dew is very rare. It can enhance the calmness of cultivators. Du Yu smiled, touched Ye Lier's head and said:


Walking outside the secret room, Ye Lier spread her wings, picked up Du Yu and flew through the air. Du Yu squinted his eyes and lazily felt the comfortable warmth.

"You kid, don't forget about business."

Seeing Du Yu's appearance, the psychic old man couldn't help but smile and reminded.

"I know, I know."

Du Yu rolled his eyelids, feeling the warmth on Ye Lier's chest, and narrowed his eyes again. As for the psychic old man's words, he didn't know how much he listened to them.

"Do you know how to get through this miasma forest?"

Du Yu returned to Orchid Valley again. The valley was still surrounded by the almost endless miasma as before. Ye Lier shook her head. Du Yu took her hand and walked towards the valley, smiling and saying:

"Let's go and have a look."

Ye Lier's face turned red. Du Yu's big hands were very rough, but she was very greedy for the sense of security and warmth it brought. After nodding, she let Du Yu hold him.

Du Yu narrowed his eyes with a smile. Ye Lier's hands were very gentle and comfortable to touch. For Du Yu, who likes beauty and strength, it is naturally a delicious dish.

Although this delicacy is very green now, Du Yu doesn't intend to eat it now.

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