Time passed bit by bit. Shen Yunxi remembered his purpose and stepped forward to pull Du Yu down.

"Du Yu, stop playing."

Shen Yunxi put his hand on Du Yu's shoulder as he spoke.

Du Yu didn't listen to Shen Yunxi's words at all, and just kept playing with the vine grass.

Shen Yunxi frowned, and Uncle Li on the side saw it and spoke to comfort him.

"Miss Shen, don't panic. Since the other party has no intention of harming your friend, why should you?"

Shen Yunxi turned to look at Uncle Li, pursed her lips and said nothing.

If Uncle Li's kindness could be seen as kindness at first, then for her now, Uncle Li's kindness became weird.

Uncle Li seemed to understand Shen Yunxi's inner thoughts and laughed.

"I have been here for so many years, and my heart has long been as dull as water. Besides, I am not a normal person, so naturally I don't have that many ideas."

Hearing this, Shen Yunxi felt a little ridiculous.

"You don't have so many ideas, so you still want to go out?"

Uncle Li walked forward and stood beside Shen Yunxi, slightly raising his head and looking towards the sky.

"Miss Shen, if you were trapped in one place for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, you would be like me. Time will make you settle, but it will also make you yearn for the outside world."

The vicissitudes in his tone seemed like a thousand-year-old antique.

But all this is so insignificant in Shen Yunxi's eyes.

Shen Yunxi looked at the other party mockingly and turned his head to the side.

This Uncle Li was very weird no matter how you looked at him, it was hard for her to trust him.

"Stop saying so many emotional words, tell me quickly how to cure Du Yu. Don't you also want to get out?"

Shen Yunxi walked aside impatiently.

She doesn't have much time to spend with Uncle Li here. They have a mission here.

Suddenly, Shen Yunxi seemed to have thought of something and glanced at Du Yu with a trace of nostalgia.

Although this stupid Du Yu is very clinging to her, but...

"Haha, Miss Shen, don't panic. Anyway, your spiritual power has not recovered yet. It's better to recover a little wisdom here and then discuss how to take down the Meteor Grass."

"After I get the meteor grass, it won't be too late for me to regain my spiritual power."

Shen Yunxi curled her lips, but there was no difference in her eyes anyway.

Seeing this childish side of Shen Yunxi, Uncle Li couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing laughing?!"

Shen Yunxi blushed in anger.

There is no difference at all.

"It's okay, Miss Shen can pretend that I don't exist."

Shen Yunxi snorted and turned his head to the side, but he happened to see Du Yu who had fainted.

Du Yu, who was playing with Vine Grass, suddenly became weak and fell down. Fortunately, Vine Grass held him back.

"Du Yu!"

Shen Yunxi shouted in surprise, ran over quickly, and took over Du Yu from Teng Cao.

"Du Yu, wake up, what's wrong with you!" Shen Yunxi shook Du Yu hurriedly and turned his head to Uncle Li, "Why did he faint suddenly? Is it your fault?"

Seeing Shen Yunxi's excited expression, Uncle Li took a breath, walked into Shen Yunxi, and put his hand on Du Yu's pulse.

"Your friend's health is fine. It's probably because of excessive consumption of spiritual energy and the fact that the injuries he suffered in the past few days have not been fully dealt with, so he is a little exhausted, right?"

Li Bo put his hands down and came to a conclusion.

"That's good, that's good."

Shen Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief and murmured to himself.

Uncle Li on the side looked at Shen Yunxi with squinted eyes and said in a low voice, "Miss Shen must like her, otherwise he wouldn't be so nervous."

When the middle-aged man in front of him revealed what he was thinking, Shen Yunxi blushed again.

His face, which was originally pale because of being frightened by Uncle Li, turned rosy again.

"What are you talking about? He and I are just friends. No matter what happens, we are still friends. Isn't it right for friends to care about their friends?!"

Shen Yunxi couldn't control his voice well because he was a little out of control.

After Shen Yunxi came to his senses, he blushed and buried his head and stopped talking, but still held Du Yu in his arms.

Uncle Li had no intention of staying any longer, so he stroked his clothes and left.

"Miss Shen, please take good care of your friend. The water in the pool has miraculous effects. If the girl doesn't mind, you can give it to your friend to drink. He will get better quickly."

When Uncle Li finished saying this, he disappeared.

Looking at Uncle Li who disappeared like a puff of smoke, Shen Yunxi opened his mouth slightly with a look of surprise on his face.

It seems that the identity of this Uncle Li must be discovered later, otherwise it would be too scary to keep such a dangerous person.

The Congtengcao on the side seemed to understand what Uncle Li said, so he filled some water with a leaf and handed it to Shen Yunxi.

Shen Yunxi took the water knowingly and fed it into Du Yu's mouth.

After Du Yu drank the water, his eyelashes trembled slightly and then he slowly opened his eyes.


Du Yu's eyes were still as clear and innocent as before.

Shen Yunxi frowned. She didn't want Du Yu to remain so innocent. If they went out in the future, Du Yu would still be so innocent. What would happen if she was gone?

Chen Yunxi remembered what Uncle Li said before and looked at Tengcao.

"Can you bring me the meteor grass in the middle of the pool?"

Shen Yunxi said with a hint of request.

After hearing this, Vine Grass immediately reached out to the Meteor Grass in the middle.

The vine grass stretched towards the middle bit by bit, but before the vine grass could reach over, another vine grass suddenly sprang out and suppressed this vine grass.

The two vines were fighting equally.

When Shen Yunxi saw this scene, he felt like laughing a little bit in his heart for some reason, just like seeing his own family beating his own family.

I don't know if it was because of the struggle between the two vines that the surrounding vines rushed out of the water and became entangled.

When Shen Yunxi saw this scene, he knew that it was the right time, so he flew to the Meteor Grass.

"Miss Shen, please don't touch me!"

A vicissitudes of voice suddenly sounded, and the speaker was clearly Uncle Li.

"Why did you stop me!" Shen Yunxi turned to look at Uncle Li fiercely.

I saw a few vines entangled in Shen Yunxi's hands and feet, making Shen Yunxi unable to move.

"Did Miss Shen forget what I said? I told you that this meteor grass is poisonous and cannot be taken off casually. You can only get it through the vine grass."

After listening to Uncle Li's words, Shen Yunxi had no choice but to retract her hand, but the anger in her eyes did not diminish at all.

Shen Yunxi returned to his original position, and Du Yu quickly ran up and hugged Shen Yunxi.

"Sister Shen!"

Shen Yunxi was hugged suddenly, almost losing her balance and falling backward.

And Li Bo also walked up to them.

"Miss Shen, don't blame me. This is for your sake. If you touch it rashly, you might be poisoned and die. Don't look at it. This meteor grass looks harmless. In fact, if there is no special treatment, it will be poisoned if you touch it. fatal."

Li Bo said as he walked.

After hearing this, Shen Yunxi knew that he was too hasty.

"I'll pay attention next time."

Du Yu was the only one looking at the two talking with confusion on his face.

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