The three of them were silent, all silent.

"Miss Shen, please take me to prepare some more needed things. Then I will bring you to pick them up. Anyway, this meteor grass can't escape."

Li Bo took the lead to break the dull atmosphere.

"Excuse me, Uncle Li. I'll take Du Yu to have a rest first. Is there anywhere I can rest here?"

After calming down, Shen Yunxi's whole temperament also changed.

Uncle Li waved his hand and saw a burst of white smoke coming out. After it dissipated, it turned out to be a simple small shabby thatched cottage.

A trace of surprise flashed in Shen Yunxi's eyes, but he didn't show it.

"Wow, Uncle Li is so awesome!!"

Du Yu had the IQ of a child at this time, so when he saw the small thatched cottage appearing out of thin air, he naturally felt very novel and clapped his hands and jumped around Li Bo.

Li Bo looked at Du Yu jumping around beside him, his eyes became kind.

Shen Yunxi looked at the emotion in Uncle Li's eyes and felt something strange in her heart. She couldn't explain the strangeness, so she just frowned and said nothing.

"Okay, you guys should have a good rest." Uncle Li said while touching Du Yu's head.

After speaking, Uncle Li turned around and took a few steps forward before disappearing into a burst of white smoke.

Seeing such a novel scene again, Du Yu quickly turned his head and looked at Shen Yunxi, with stars shining in his eyes.

Shen Yunxi felt a little funny looking at Du Yu's appearance, touched Du Yu's head, and took Du Yu into the small thatched cottage to rest.

"Okay, let's go and rest."

"Sister Shen, I also want to be like Uncle Li!" Du Yu tugged at the corner of Shen Yunxi's clothes.

Seeing Du Yu's appearance at this time, Shen Yunxi felt very helpless.

She really couldn't bear to refuse Du Yu like this.

Shen Yunxi gritted his teeth.

"Be good, you are sick now. I will teach you when you get better."

Shen Yunxi coaxed Du Yu into a small thatched house to rest.

There was never darkness in this place, so Shen Yunxi didn't know how long they rested. He just waited until Uncle Li came and knocked on the door to wake them up.

"Miss Shen, everything is ready, you can get up."

Li Bo was dressed in a green shirt, and he had the feeling of an outsider, and his whole aura was still so charitable.

Shen Yunxi and Du Yu slept separately, so after getting up, he cleaned up and woke up Du Yu together.

"What's wrong with Sister Shen?"

Du Yu was still in a daze of sleep at this time. When he was suddenly woken up, his whole head was like paste. He rubbed his eyes with his hands and looked at Shen Yunxi with a pure face.

"Get up quickly. Uncle Li is going to treat you. When you are cured, I will give you whatever you want and teach you whatever you want to learn."

After hearing what Shen Yunxi said, Du Yu jumped up from the bed and ran to wash up.

"Miss Shen..."

Uncle Li looked at Shen Yunxi with some hesitation in his eyes.

Shen Yunxi naturally understood what Uncle Li meant, but just shook his head and said nothing.

After everything was ready, Uncle Li took Shen Yunxi and Du Yu to the pool.

If the previous pool was like a holy place where sacred objects were placed, then the current pool is like an altar for sacrifices.

"What are you doing?"

Shen Yunxi raised his eyebrows and looked at Uncle Li.

Du Yu played with this and that with a curious look on his face.

Uncle Li stopped Du Yu with one hand and answered Shen Yunxi.

"I'm afraid I'll have to ask Fellow Daoist Du to go up there in person. Don't worry, the vine grass won't hurt Fellow Daoist Du."

After hearing what Uncle Li said, Shen Yunxi just frowned, but then he thought of something and relaxed.

Uncle Li's face still had the same smile that had remained unchanged for thousands of years, but for some reason he had more wrinkles than before.

Looking at Uncle Li's face, Shen Yunxi opened his mouth, wanting to ask something, but felt bad.

"Miss Shen, you want to talk about my face. It's not a big problem, because I will leave here soon, and I will naturally grow old."

This sentence was said by Uncle Li in a calm manner, as if it would not cause anything to him.

Shen Yunxi turned his head away.

Yes, after thousands of years of "imprisonment", if you just trade your appearance to grow older in exchange for freedom, then who wouldn't want to?

"By the way, you haven't told me your identity yet."

Shen Yunxi suddenly remembered this and raised it.

"My real body is actually those vine grasses, but the difference is that I was the first to open up my spiritual wisdom, so I also transformed into a human being. However, the owner of this place knew about this, and he wanted me to protect the meteor grass. , so I set up that barrier outside to keep me here forever. Only when that barrier disappears can I leave here."

After hearing this description, Shen Yunxi just pursed her lips. She didn't know how to comfort the man in front of her who had an old man's heart. She hasn't experienced this.

"Okay Miss Shen, let's not waste time on these things anymore. The most important thing is to make Du Dao friendly first."

Shen Yunxi nodded, keeping his eyes on Du Yu.

After Du Yu noticed Shen Yunxi's gaze, he turned to look at Shen Yunxi.

"Fellow Daoist Du, come here first."

Li Bo waved to Du Yu, and it was the affinity in him that made Li Bo run over after hearing the words.

"Fellow Daoist Du, now follow the vine grass step by step to the center, and then gently grab the grass in the middle."

Uncle Li ordered slowly, and Du Yu nodded while listening.

Seeing Du Yu's progress, Li Bo felt relieved.

Uncle Li nodded, and a few vines slowly stretched out from the water.

The vines and grasses intertwine and extend, forming a ladder leading to the center.

Du Yu was also very curious when he saw this and stepped onto the vine grass bridge without hesitation.

In this way, Du Yu walked towards the center step by step.

Du Yu also obeyed Uncle Li's words very much. After walking to the middle, he reached out and grabbed the meteor grass.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened. Du Yu grabbed the meteor grass and stuffed it into his mouth.

When Shen Yunxi saw this scene, he couldn't help but fly to the center.

Li Bo immediately stopped Shen Yunxi, "Don't be impulsive. These canes only recognize fellow Taoists from the province. If you rush over rashly, you may still pay the price!"

If it were in the past, Shen Yunxi might have stopped, but at this moment it was a matter of speed and life safety.

Uncle Li also noticed this and stopped Shen Yunxi.

Shen Yunxi also noticed that he could not move at all under Uncle Li's pressure.

After Du Yu ate the meteor grass, his face suddenly turned pale and his orifices began to bleed.


The severe pain finally made Du Yu couldn't help but cry out.

"Sister Shen, it hurts so much."

Du Yu fell to the ground, rolling around, holding his head tightly with his hands, blue veins protruding.

When Shen Yunxi saw this scene, she wanted to throw away Uncle Li and fly up, but Uncle Li's pressure was too strong and she couldn't break free.

At the same time, Li Bo looked nervously at Du Yu above.

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