As time passed, Li Bo also noticed something was wrong with Du Yu, so he walked over alone.

All this seemed to Shen Yunxi that Uncle Li wanted to hurt Du Yu, and he was so anxious that he almost got angry.

"What are you going to do? If you dare to hurt him, I will definitely make you regret it for the rest of your life!"

Shen Yunxi's roar was mixed with a hint of trembling.

Uncle Li ignored Shen Yunxi and continued walking towards Du Yu.

"Miss Shen, I think Fellow Daoist Du will be fine."

As Li Bo spoke, he put his fingers outside Du Yu's nose and breathed.

Shen Yunxi didn't verify it himself, so how could he believe what Uncle Li said, so he started to earn money.

At this time, Uncle Li did not put much pressure on Shen Yunxi, and Shen Yunxi broke away immediately.

"Du Yu Du Yu!!" After Shen Yunxi struggled to get away, he staggered towards Du Yu.

I almost fell down because I tripped on a pebble along the way.

During this short journey, Shen Yunxi didn't know how many times he called Du Yu's name.

"Miss Shen, don't worry. I checked on Fellow Daoist Du. He is probably exhausted and resting. The spiritual power in his body has also increased significantly. It seems that he has absorbed the spiritual power of Meteor Grass."

Uncle Li automatically pushed aside and spoke to Shen Yunxi in a calm tone, while his expression returned to its original kindness.

It was as if it wasn't him who looked ferocious before, and it wasn't him who was filled with gloom and resentment in his heart.

When Shen Yunxi saw Uncle Li like this, he felt sick in his heart.

"Stop that look of yours."

Although she said that, after Shen Yunxi's pulse check, she was able to tell that Uncle Li didn't lie to her.

"You guys should have a good rest."

Uncle Li glanced at Shen Yunxi with a meaningful look in his eyes, and then turned around and left.

Shen Yunxi stopped looking at Uncle Li and turned to look at Du Yu in his arms.

Helpless, Shen Yunxi had no choice but to drag Du Yu into the hut.

And after that, he kept taking care of Du Yu, without any room for rest, and paid attention to Du Yu's situation all the time.

The spiritual power in the body is also slowly nourishing Du Yu's body.

After Du Yu woke up, he didn't open his eyes immediately. He only felt a gaze staring directly at him.

And there are already a lot of speculations in my mind.


Du Yu murmured softly.

After hearing this, Shen Yunxi quickly turned around and poured a glass of water for Du Yu, then held up Du Yu's head and slowly fed Du Yu water.

Du Yu drank water one mouthful at a time. Although it was a bit difficult, he was very nourished.

"Du Yu, do you feel any discomfort in your body? If you feel uncomfortable, tell me immediately?"

Shen Yunxi looked at Du Yu nervously, and Du Yu's eyes gradually opened.

Seeing the green color under Shen Yunxi's eyes, Du Yu felt a little distressed in his heart.

In his eyes, Shen Yunxi was originally one of those high-collared flowers, a fairy, but now she was busy everywhere for herself, even groveling, and her original charm was gradually erased.

This rare occasion made Du Yu feel a little sore in his eyes.

"Yunxi thank you for your hard work..."

Du Yu wanted to push himself up, but found that he couldn't move, so he had to give up.

Shen Yunxi seemed to have noticed Du Yu's movements and wanted to help Du Yu up.

"Come Du Yu, let me help you up. I'm afraid it will take a few days for your body to recover."

Du Yu nodded and opened his mouth to say something, but his throat was so dry that it hurt.

"I'll drink some more water..."

Shen Yunxi didn't have time to help Du Yu up, so he quickly turned around and poured a glass of water for Du Yu to drink.

Shen Yunxi's thoughtfulness made Du Yu a little greedy for a moment, but this was not the time for him to be greedy.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Shen has recovered well."

A sudden voice broke in.

As soon as he heard this voice, Shen Yunxi's hostile eyes shot towards him.

"You still have the nerve to come?"

As Shen Yunxi said that, he wanted to stand up and rush over to fight with the opponent.

Du Yu naturally noticed Shen Yunxi's movements and quickly grabbed Shen Yunxi's clothes and stopped Shen Yunxi.

"I wonder what brings you here." Du Yu responded with difficulty.

Li Bo slowly walked towards Du Yu, with the kindness on his face that he had when they first met.

"I wonder if Fellow Daoist Du still remembers what happened before."

Du Yu's ears turned slightly red when he mentioned this matter. Of course he knew about this matter, but...

Shen Yunxi didn't notice this, but Li Bo noticed that the corners of his mouth were slightly raised and his eyes were dim.

"What are you talking about..."

Du Yu spoke a little slowly, and the confusion in his eyes showed that he really didn't know about this matter.

Shen Yunxi also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Li Bo looked at the two people's every move and the principles brought some benefits, but he did not expose Du Yu's simple lies.

"That's good. Now I'd like to thank Fellow Daoist Du for breaking the barrier. Originally, once the barrier was broken, this place would be destroyed, but I considered Fellow Daoist Du's body and the kindness that Fellow Daoist Du has shown me, so I used my own The spiritual power held up the barrier until Du Dao was friendly."

Seeing Uncle Li's respectful look, Du Yu didn't say anything and lowered his head slightly, making it unclear what he was thinking.

Before Du Yu could say anything, Shen Yunxi on the side had already started to make a sound.

"This is what you should do, look what you did to Du Yu!"

Du Yu was moved by Shen Yunxi's excited look, but he still tugged at the corner of Shen Yunxi's clothes to calm down Shen Yunxi.

Shen Yunxi noticed Du Yu's actions and closed her mouth in dissatisfaction.

"Uncle Li, I think you have never been out of this place."

Since Du Yu wanted to play the amnesia game with him, he had no choice but to cooperate.

"Fellow Daoist Du's guess is correct."

"I believe you don't have a destination after you go out. To be honest, you just want to go out and travel around. You can go with us and we will take care of you on the way. Besides, I don't think you have any general coins on you. "

Du Yu's strength also recovered somewhat, and his speech naturally became smoother.

Li Bo was slightly shocked when he heard Du Yu's words. He thought the other party would blame him or something else, but he didn't expect that the other party actually thought about him.

It was slightly funny to notice Li Bo's emotions. It seemed that the other person was also a little naive because he had been locked up in this place for a long time, but his obsession with freedom was a little too deep.

"Don't think it's that easy. I need you to protect us. In exchange, of course we will take you around. Let's take the money as reward."

At first, Li Bo felt a little embarrassed in his heart, but after hearing what Du Yu said, he nodded and agreed.

The reason why Du Yu asked Uncle Li to accompany them was because his body was not very adaptable now, and because Li Bo's spiritual power was stronger than theirs.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

The next journey is for three people, what will happen to them?

This made Du Yu look forward to it.

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